Checking in daily to maintain focus #43

5 months! 151 days. Beyond happy and thankful!

One thing I can say about this journey is that the beginning was definitely the hardest for me… getting past that first week especially; I had so many restarts over the years. Days 4 or 5 would be the challenging ones. But once the days started building and the momentum was there, it was such a great feeling and supported my perseverance. I’m certainly not saying its ever been or will be ‘easy’, but I know for damn sure its worth it!!!

Stay strong everyone!! :muscle:


Yes it will be hard. But you can do this. Check in here before you use. Read around here a lot.
Remember the craving will pass and days add up quickly. I never thought I’d be 56 days sober and here I am. I really had to learn my triggers and learn to sit with uncomfortable feelings instead of just trying to escape or numb myself. Meditate, breathe, walk, eat, call a friend, reach out here. It is possible to beat each craving one by one. Day by day. Minute by minute. Don’t think too far ahead. We are here for you♥️


Wow, congratulations @Lorelai on 32 months! Amazing!

Way to go @emi on 70 days and happy anniversary!

Congratulations @Luckyredz on one year!

Awesome work @LabLover222 on 5 months. The beginning really can be challenging, but it’s absolutely worth it, like you said!


5 months!!! Congratulations!!! So proud of you!


Not a milestone just like the numbers. I hope everyone has a great day today, love you guys :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Love it! Nice catch! Congrats, you’re doing awesome!

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Thanks @Miranda you are too! :sunglasses::metal:t2:

Those are great numbers! And every day sober is a milestone :slight_smile: :partying_face:

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Thanks Drew and you’re right! :sunglasses::metal:t2:

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:high_brightness: Morning Check in :high_brightness:
Day 100

Omg I have been waiting for this!!! Feeling proud and grateful today! Going to order out food tonight once hubby gets home and take a care of a few things today. Feeling blessed :pray:
Hope everyone has an addiction free day!


Checking in day 567.

Feeling good today! Cautiously optimistic- I’m coming out of a recent slump of anxiety & panic…

So for today- I’m going to try & enjoy the peace in my heart, & try to not be constantly bracing for the other shoe to drop. :heart: :pray:

Hope everyone has a great day!


Congratulations to you Dana. I’m so happy for you.
You’ve worked so hard and shown a lot of us. No, all of us, how it can be done. Never give up.


Congratulations! So proud of you! Hope your food is super yummy!

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Yay! Congratulations, Dana. So proud of you!! :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:

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I was scrolling this morning looking for this. CONGRATULATIONS!


Congratulations to the mind blowing 100 days! :100:


It’s both a church and an contemporary art gallery. Museumkaart gives you free entrance. I try to come there once a month. Maybe a little bit less in reality. Such an awesome impressive meditative place. Love it so much.


HUGE MILESTONE!!! Awesome awesomeness Dana. Enormous congrats lady. Much love.


…1523. Today at work has been a complete shit burger. This whole week has been one.

If you are newly sober, sobriety doesnt promise you easy days. It gives you the skills, additude, and emotional courage to deal with a shit burger with a smile, with peace, with calm…and the ability to move on from it.

Stay sober friends!


A full year! Huge congrats Ritch! That’s a huge achievement friend. Celebrate!