Checking in daily to maintain focus #43

:high_brightness: Morning Check in :high_brightness:
Day 112
Not really sure how Iā€™m feeling today. I feel like I have an abundance of energy and emption inside and it needs to come out. I think I am going to try a workout and do some cleaning today. Anything active to get me moving and releasing this energy. I donā€™t actually like how I feel and itā€™s all bcuz of that stupid resentment. I have been praying over it and it helps. But itā€™s short lived and I catch myself thinking about it and replaying the events. Whatā€™s done is done and I dealt with it in a decent way. Just annoyed with certain propel today and really needing to focus on me
Hope everyone has an addiction free day!


Take care Dana and stay aware. The frustration is valuable and itā€™s giving voice to something. The voice needs some attention to something - what it is, only you can know, with some reflection; keep doing the next right thing and youā€™ll find it :innocent:


Day 24 and be reunited with my kids today :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:ano itā€™s been a month but it goes to show u put the effort in things slowly fall into place am absolutely buzzing hope everyone good


What an exciting day for you. Enjoy your children.


A feel so happy @Its_me_Stella

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Iā€™m so excited for you Mike, I hope you get a lot out of it! Canā€™t wait to hear from you when you get back :heart:


I can imagine, I hope to see some photos of the reunion. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Hardest but most rewarding time never again a want to be without them kids are too precious


Day 724 clean and sober today. So glad todays my Saturday, work has been incredibly busy and overwhelming this last week. I hope everyone has an amazing day today, love you guys!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Day one under the belt, I went to my first AA meeting yesterday with a friend whoā€™s been sober for a year and a half. It was overwhelming but in a good way. Being in the same room with a bunch of strangers and somehow feeling connected to them, knowing we all suffer from the same thing, being able to listen to and relate to their stories no matter how long theyā€™ve been sober was eye opening. I knew I belonged there, and Iā€™m looking forward to developing a relationship with those in my area.


Hi @Twizzlers,

Congratulations on your 249 days, thatā€™s amazing. Iā€™m sorry to read that youā€™ve been feeling emotional, but, you are right, itā€™s better that you are facing these things head on and not letting them break you.

You are well liked here and I see so much positivity in your messages and replies to people I felt it was only right to offer you the same level of support and encouragement.

I hope this message finds you in a happier place, if so enjoy the happy time while itā€™s there, if youā€™re still emotional remember that you are going to face barriers like this and there are loads of us here that ae there to help you break down those barriers and move past them.

Keep smiling :grin:


Checking in on day 3!
Today is my day off, I had my yearly vehicle inspection this morning, and passed! :partying_face::partying_face: My car is 16 years old, so passing is not something I take for granted!
After that a little beach time, went for a swim.
Once Iā€™m done with my batch cooking, Iā€™ll have to catch up on the fitness challenge we have going on.
Somebody had the great idea to launch the ā€œDeath by burpeeā€ challenge (:see_no_evil::sweat_smile:), so if anybody is in to burpees or just having some fun, join us! June has just started! :muscle:t2:


Awe I am soooo excited for u! Have a wonderful time :slight_smile:

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Good afternoon everyone,

Had a proper rollercoaster of a day today, work was a nightmare but Iā€™m not going to do what I used to and drink to wind down.

Instead I am playing games with my little girl and later Iā€™m going football training.

The only memories I intend to make are positive ones, even when the world is negative the sky is grey and rain is falling the sun still shines in my daughters smile.

She warms My heart and Iā€™m going to make sure she never remembers drunk daddy!

Hope everyone has a good sober 24 hours, here if any of you need anything!


Sending you strength! All the best and c u soon! :muscle:t2::muscle:t2:

I really thank u for ur post Matt! I truly do. I have been letting these thoughts fester for 2 days basically (I have been trying to intervene but like I said they are short lived attempts). I just spent like 45 min with my HP, literally focusing on changing my thinking and turning over my thoughts and actions to my HP. Listening to worship music and just really connecting asking for guidance and help in removing these thoughts and removing this resentment. I think I needed to refresh my faith in my HP bcuz I am experiencing emoton over this. I feel like there is no closure when in fact there really is. And to be honestā€¦ I really am relieved that I donā€™t have to see her or deal with any of this any futher. It was toxic and draining for me and my hubby. After getting into my Bible and reading abit and just diving into worship and being grateful and feeling refreshed in my faith, I do feel like 95% better! I honestly wanted to lay in bed all day and try to numb out these feelings with sleep. I wonā€™t allow a situation or a person or thing to have that much power over me, to where I become a person who isnā€™t me. I am choosing to get up and get dressed and start my day, knowing that my HP and u all are on my side and with me as support! Thanks Matt! How are you? Are u doing?


Thanks so much. It does get easier butā€¦.I learned the hard wayā€¦.never let your guard down! But, I now choose to view my sobriety as something Iā€™m lucky to have. It is liberating to just say every day - ā€œI donā€™t want to drink!ā€


Hello guys. I have been missing lately. The past few days I felt really tired and also had several social gatherings. So sorry.

I am at day 10. Currently peaking in the gym. Next week will try all my maxes on the main lift. Super excited.

Have a great guys. Peace.


Thank you so much for such kind words and encouragement :hugs:

I decided to drink some calming tea and just take it easy today, make sure i dont get into my own head and thoughts.

So im feeling lazy, going to get a takeaway a bit later on and just watching some films to keep the mind occupied.

I dont have many days like these much anymore, il pull through it, thanks again it is so nice to know your all here if Iā€™m honest iv spent most the day here today and it has helped so much, reading all the positive posts and also trying to be encouraging to the ones that need it, that makes me feel good.

A good meal and an early night i think is the remedy for this.

Its so heart warming to get support here, family just dont get it and trying to explain it doesnt get me any where so i deal with the feelings and reach out here where you all understand. Its so powerful the support here. Thank you so much.
Your doing really well, i have been reading your posts when they come up, and its nice to watch you growing each day too.


I am doing well; I am moving one step at a time and trying to stay steady. My mind tends to race and try to be everything; I am trying to calm that by keeping a to-do list on my phone and any time I have a thought I put it on the list and say ā€œIā€™ll look at it again tonight when I review my tasks for tomorrowā€. One day at a time, one task at a time, and remember that taking some action on some things is more constructive than worrying about every action on every thing :innocent:

Today is feeling peaceful. Iā€™m grateful for that.