Checking in daily to maintain focus #43

:hugs::hugs: i hope you are okay, and glad you have people around you that can support you and talk with you. And give you real hugs. Hugs from me :hugs::hugs:



A massive congratulations to you for reaching your 100 days. :slightly_smiling_face:
You are a big part of this community and i always get something to help me through some of the tough times just from reading your posts.
Thank you and big hugs and congratulations to you Dana. I knew you could do this, your strength is so strong and you pour it onto us all giving hope and strength to those in need.
You did it yayyyy :hugs:


Insted of blowing a 20bag up in smoke, I had the houner of buying my girlfriend a 18$ ring at the jewelry store

I donā€™t mean to brag but it feels good to buy this insted of a substance

Its a hand made promise ring that sparkles in the light
Im very happy with it
Im on day 50 sober alsooooo : )))))


@michaeljlogan74 hi how have you been ? I havent caught up with everyone here properly yet thought id see how your doing. Iv been doing some inner self healing but back here now.

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Triple digits!!! Worth a celebration!! :partying_face::partying_face::tada::tada:


Hi @Twizzlers!
Iā€™m doing my best and working on trusting my HP. It is very hard as Iā€™m really anxious about securing employment. My immediate economic concerns are being take care of, it is just me worrying like I usually doā€¦ugh.

Iā€™m so grateful to be sober and actively working on my sobriety. My family deserves to have an engaged dad and husband. So far, daily devotional and a few AA meetings are assisting me with maintaining sobriety.

That being saidā€¦.Iā€™m going for long walks, listening to music, reading inspirational books and taking naps. I never thought I would be taking this many naps, LOL :joy:

THANK YOU SO MUCH @Twizzlers for reaching out.
Take care,


The naps im doing the same, your putting in alot of effort, it will be worth it. The walks also are great im trying to encourage myself to get out more.
Iv been listening to audio books as to help teach myself to quiten my mind to assit with successful meditation and i must say its working.
Not sure how you feel about meditation but id say if you havent give it a try, it really helps bring my feet back to the ground when im not feeling good.
I hope everything works itself out for you and your doing all the right stuff, its nice to hear from you.


Day 2 much love


Likewise to you mr @anon53116147
Much love

I love your determination


Day 221 AF

My morning started a little rocky. Had to deal with a nasty phone call. I almost lost my shit at work. All is good tho, still sober.

@Butterflymoonwoman congrats on 100 days!! Hell yeah!

@LabLover222 Congrats on 5 months. Definitely gets better after time.

@Rockstar24777 some cool numbers, bro

@RosaCanDo the world is pretty fucked up. Dropped off my 9 year old at school this am and had this weird feeling. Like is the last time I am gonna see him? Donā€™t know what I would do without my kiddos.

Take care everyone! And stay safe!


What can I say, itā€™s so sad :disappointed_relieved:
It is big news overhere too in the Netherlands. I canā€™t imagine to live in a country where it is allowed (en even a right) to wear a gun. I would scare me the shit out of me if I saw someone here with one on his hip.
I know I canā€™t discuss politics here and I do not want to either. Itā€™s just a side of another country I do not understand. It makes me sad. All those kids.


Thank you @GOKU2019 :sunglasses::metal:t2:

@Butterflymoonwoman A huge congratulations! Iā€™m so happy for you!
@Charlie_C Okay, Iā€™m impressed by the installing a new toilet thing. :laughing: Iā€™ve occasionally eyed mine and wondered how hard it would be, but really I donā€™t have the guts to do it.
@Mno the art is awersome, and that church backgroundā€¦ Just wow on the architecture .
@Noshame No reason not to brag! Itā€™s a cool ring and you had the money because you didnā€™t blow it on an addiction. :slight_smile:
@anon53116147 Day 2 is better than day 0. Keep pushing forward. Youā€™ll get there.


Good on you for getting to day2, itā€™s not easy and we all know that.
You know you can get through this, bumps along the road i see you getting over them.
Itā€™s hard to not let the viscous circle repeat over and over especially if your feeling low, i know its easier said than done but dont let those low feelings and thoughts keep you in a dark place.

Your power is you get back up and start again thatā€™s a huge strength all in itself.
Your here and your will power will kick in, Iā€™m glad your still here fighting it, when I relapsed I didnt come back for 2 years, so notice your strength and notice the good your doing too.
We beat ourselves up and forget to notice where we do well and it is a battle.
Iā€™m glad you havenā€™t given up, you came back and 2 days is huge I want you to know that 2 days is huge and Iā€™m proud your here still and fighting it.


Hey guys. I have been missing lately.

So I had a relapse on 2 consecutive days. After the first relapse, I really felt shameful and I wanted to cry so badly. On tuesday, I was still feeling that way, so I relapsed again. I felt really hopeless.

I wanted to reach you guys but felt really shameful.

So I am back at day 1.

Starting journaling as from today, will be watching 1 videos on nofap everyday and will also read about it.

I said it before but was not actually doing it. I realised that I need to do the work consistently to see changes.

Thank you guys for being here.
Have a great day. Peace.


Wow massive congratulations! What an amazing achievement :clap: :raised_hands: :tada::hugs::partying_face:

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Itā€™s all about being back and having the strength to give it another chance. So that only shows insight, strength and choosing for yourself. Very well done. We only look at one day at a time so good job with your 1st day. Welcome back


Daily check in
Hit 30,000 minutes (or 3 weeks :rofl:) sober today.
Pretty chilledā€¦ worked a bit, played games for a bit, took dog for a walk, had therapy session, joined my first online AA meeting, took the kids to football training, had a couple of AF ciders at the pub. Made some plans for the weekend.
Managed to find more joy in the little things rather than always chasing the next ā€œhighā€. Simply feeling contentment is my main aim and I think Iā€™m slowly getting there :grin:


Day 26.
An evening rain shower looking North at 9.06pm. I love when the sun starts to set so far to the North, although Iā€™m glad for blackout curtains so that we can get to sleep at a reasonable hour at this time of the year.


Checking in
Day 100
I just want to thank everyone for the likes and the congratulations on triple digits!! Thanks so much for the posts!!!.. @Chiron @goku2019 @Mbwoman @Twizzlers @Its_me_Stella @SoberWalker @kat261 @LaDyLooNtje @rosacando @Miranda
Today has been busy but good. Went to get some groceries and get out my hubbys 2 rings from pawn! What a relief not to be paying the interest anymore on those every month. 1 step closer to get things taken care of :slight_smile: Just ate lunch and now going to do some cleaning and wait for hubby :slight_smile: so far a pretty good day. I need to decrease my caffeine consumption tho. I have seen others on here quit caffeine and I never understand how caffeine can he an issue. I have such a high tolerance for caffeine at this point that Iā€™m struggle to gain energy naturally. And to be honest I canā€™t consume enough caffeine to give me the energy I need thruout the day. I take 1 scoop of my pre-workout every morning for exercise and I rarely feel anything from it. Then cold brew coffee, water, and then coffee in the afternoon, and sometimes a starbucks triple espresso shot energy drink. I drink it like water. So I think I might try to decrease my caffeine and maybe get rid of it all together. I need to reset my energy levels badly. This is awful :confounded: But other than that, I am doing well :slight_smile: I hope u all are having an amazing day!