Checking in daily to maintain focus #46

Thank you!!

Taking it easy…step by step.


Hi Kat here checking in on Day 80

Things are good on a couple days off work. Took it easy yesterday but did go over and do NA stepwork with my sponsor have finished Step 1 and on to Step 2 next time I pick it up (later today!).

I’m enjoying the little things in life, getting chores done and making dinner for my ex and 14-year-old who is still living with me. Taking the dog to the dog park too is fun. Tonight is my homegroup meeting so looking forward to that!

Hope you all have a good clean and sober 24



Thanks girl. And yes I do have amethyst just didn’t take a pic with it lol but here is my little piece


Just staying focused today! Taking one minute at a time!!


Good to hear you’re doing so well!!

Join us on this thread!!!
The Metaphysical Properties of Crystals and Recovery :crystal_ball:


I’ve heard of amethyst’s healing properties; in fact, I was “prescribed” amethyst once by someone who works with crystals. I haven’t done that sort of thing in several years. May be time to return to the Old Ways. :smirk:


No way! That’s cool! Maybe going back to ur “old” ways in this healthy sense is a good thing! :+1:


Day 1,431

I had a drinking dream last night. In my dream, I was with a old friends and thought, why not.

But shortly after, I realized what I’ve done, and it was too late. I felt disappointed. I then thought, well, no one needs to know, it’ll be our little secret. I could carry on like I’ve still got a long streak of sobriety, after all, it wouldn’t be the first time… (I always choose to hide it in my drinking dreams)

But it was the way drinking made me feel. It made me feel withdrawn from reality. It made me feel trapped in my own, distorted mind. I did not like it!

I dont believe dreams have any deeper meanings other than your subconscious having fun with recent experiences, I went to someone’s house the other day and they kept offering me drinks, I was telling my wife about it yesterday, the topic was fresh on my mind.

But I do see value in the experience, I certainly don’t want to drinknand those yucky feelings I had cements that decision.

But hey, woke up sober, so that’s good.


:high_brightness: Morning Check In :high_brightness:
Day 190
Feeling pretty good overall! Woke up, got my son ready for school and on the bus, and then did a decent cardio/ab workout, showered and had breakfast. Really determined to get myself feeling healthy and strong. I actuallt planned my entire days meals to make sure they line up with my goals for the day. It’s been 3 days since I’ve increased my meds. Mentally I do feel better honestly. I’m pleased with where that’s going :slight_smile: the only thing on my mind right now is my mom. Basically her mental health is not great. She’s going thru a huge change right now… Basically my brother is moving back home. I’m not sure why he is… he had his own place but his relationship didnt work out. I guess that’s why? Idk. Anyway he has soo much stuff and he’s moving back and my mom n dad’s house is packed full of stuff etc. She is overwhelmed. My brother can be kind of controlling (he’s not as bad as he used to be but still)… that affects my moms mental health also. I asked her if she wanted to chat today over the phone and she said probably not bcuz she is going to be bawling all day :frowning: my mom is still waiting for the DBT program to call her for when she can start. I’ve been praying about that so she can get the help she needs and get on proper medication. I said if she changes her mind, just to call me. I text her everyday but theres only so much I can do being like 1300 km away. Just hurts me to see her hurting. Going to do a meditation now I think and enjoy my day :slight_smile:
Hope everyone has an addiction free day!


@Butterflymoonwoman sounds like a great start to your day I am so glad you’re feeling better and got a med change, way to stick with sobriety duing the down days which is what I need to learn to do. I need to do like you do and come here and post and get it all out, describe and explore my feelings, sit with them, in fact anything but use!

I am having a great day I am just filled with joy to be clean and cooking for my son and ex #1. Should go to gym though but it’s that time of month… just a stupid excuse


Sorry to read about your son Dana hitting his head, is he doing fine so far? I like your “problem - solution” attitude; no helmets at school, we get the helmet!


:clap:t2::clap:t2: I use drawing mandalas as some kind of therapy too! :blush:


Congratulations on your 800 days!! That’s an amazing achievement! :clap:t2::tada::partying_face:


He really is doing well and despite the 2 head injuries he’s had since school started, he’s made huge improvements in his strength and communication already. He really enjoys school and he’s always loved learning so im grateful for that :slight_smile:


Thank u for the nice compliments. I sometimes feel like I’m too emotional when I do check ins tho. I’m either super grateful and happy and upbeat one sec and then frustrated and overwhelmed and sad the next haha. Ive actually wondered what people think on here when they read my check ins lol I try for 2 check ins a day and sometimes it’s literally “verbal diarrhea” lol I just spew it all out :face_vomiting: lol but today is good and I’m also so happy you see ur days increasing too!! Uv learned soo much and have really grown in ur redovery since u came back I feel.


@HeyImKris I know it is so hard to do - but try and move forward without shame and with love for yourself. Even actions we see in a negative light have a space to be held with compassion and forgiveness inside of ourselves. Part of moving forward and finding our true selves again means accepting our past actions and using them as stepping stones as we move forward. You are not alone.


Hey Eric, how did today go? Maybe you’ve already checked in somewhere else on the forum, haven’t read too much today. I hope your feeling better today! :pray:t2:


Checking in on day 24
I had a messy day at work today, I came back from my weekend, and there was a lot of stuff on my desk, and the effin phone didn’t stop ringing! Tomorrow morning I have to give a hand at reception (not a fan of first line face to face with customer work… :roll_eyes:), but otherwise my colleague would be alone. Just the check-in of a tournament, after that I’ll be at my desk again. And after that, I’ll be one week on holidays! :palm_tree::sunny:


:partying_face: Congratulations ! 800 days is amazing !