Checking in daily to maintain focus #46

Happy 6 sober months Dana! You’re a true inspiration on here. I’m always so glad I get to read your posts. :slight_smile:

Lots of love! :heart::heart::raised_hands::raised_hands::fireworks::fireworks:


42 days free of gambling, my brain chemistry has started to reset and repair and urges are almost gone. When I get one I am strong enough to resist.

Feel fantastic and absolutely flying!


Congratulations to your 2nd anniversary! :tada: :confetti_ball: :confetti_ball: :tada:


Starting day 7… yesterday was the worst so far and it started off so good. ;(


Day 107 here.
A lot of mulling things over going on here. An alcoholic former friend keeps emailing (I blocked him on every other channel) to ask if I’d like to meet for coffee and a chat. I made it clear that I want nothing to do with him unless he’s in recovery, but still he asks.
I’m also feeling frustrated about my parents’ drinking and again ruminating a lot.
I got the Insight Timer app after it was mentioned here several times. So far I really like it.
The kids are back at school on Wednesday so the next couple of days are just about getting ready for that. I’ll give my son a haircut and my daughter has been parading about in her new uniform. Lovely to see!


Hi everyone,

3 weeks today. I had some busy week and didn’t have time to be here as much as I like to.
Now today I have some rest and the urge to get some drink is immense. Oh man a hard one today but we must stay strong.

Everyone have a great day


Hello and thank you all for your good wishes.
@Piglet86 well done on 51. :full_moon_with_face: @Sunny11 2 years is great mate :+1:
@KatoBaggels 27 days :clap:
@Juli1 well done on day 24 your food diary looks brilliant.:clap:
@Nordique 792 :+1:
@Claire_Quit congratulations on double figures :clap:
@SassyBoomer sorry to hear about your fish. Nobody ever suffered worse health because of quitting smoking. Dont give up giving up. You can and will find a way. You are always here to offer good advice and listen to others problems. :full_moon_with_face:
@Deelzebub well into your fourth month great going :+1:


Day 6 :hibiscus:
Have a wonderful day :relaxed::cherry_blossom:


I will send some pictures, no worries :sweat_smile::nazar_amulet:


Day 794 clean and sober. Best part of the show last night was a band called Static X. Wow… super tight band, they were my favorite by far. I hope everyone has an amazing day today, I love you guys so much!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


@michaeljlogan74 how are you doing ? Hope all is well my friend. Hows the new job going ?



Morning check in . Not to much as far as obligations today . Going to stay busy but also take time to relax with positive escape. One thing I been doing lately when I get stuck in my head or if the negative self talk starts … I immediately get up and do push-ups And squats . It seems to help . My excuse for not working out was that I might get hurt and that is hilarious considering what I used to do to my body with alcohol and drugs . I think joining a gym and going a couple days a week is my next step . Another way to help deal with the anxiety and ups and downs of recovering. For now the home workouts will do and i always feel better afterwards and feels like a new day when I’m done .

Going to make sure to hydrate and eat real food today . Call some alcoholics. Try to get through another day with action. Another day staying on this path . There’s no other way

Ps: a lot of the ideas for bettering my recovery come from this community… Be that exercise, organized workout or sports , meditation, eating better … I learn from you guys . Grateful for the motivation


Good to hear from you, amiga! :heartpulse:

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Thank you Rosa :blue_heart::blue_heart::blue_heart:

I was at a concert a while ago and a guy was wearing a Static X t shirt…every time I walked past him someone was complementing his shirt choice :rofl: (they weren’t playing at the show)

I didn’t even realize they were still together! Such a classic band.


Yeah bro they were RAD!!! I never knew lmao :rofl::rofl::rofl: Have a great day man we’re coming up on our 800 fuck yeah!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Almost there!! You have a great one too!


Day 6 morning check in
I’m filled with anxiety this morning. Just trying to go for a calming walk. I’m driving myself crazy over picking new countertops for my kitchen, which in the end really is such an insignificant thing I know, but it’s my indecisiveness and slight OCD that is taking its toll on me and I really just need to pick one for crying in the wind. I don’t know why I do this to myself and overthink every single little thing :exploding_head:


Exercise always helps me with my anxiety too! That’s why I do what I do for a living. I’m glad it’s helping you!
I also think that’s why I’m feeling more anxious lately because I haven’t been able to do same intensity of exercise as I’m just recovering from a small procedure that is interfering slightly with my workouts… This too shall pass.
I hope you have an amazing day🙂


Thank you❤️
The problem is though is that my husband is actually an alcoholic but he’s probably one of the most functional alcoholics around. When I first met him I didn’t realize this and of course over the years I think it’s probably gotton slightly worse. He cannot go a day without drinking. Somebody else might not really even notice that much though because he seems to be able to drink slowly and spread it out over quite a long stretch. I’d say probably anywhere from 4 to 6 beer every evening from about 5pm-12 am.(honestly it could be more because I’m always in bed before him)
It’s just irritating because I do see how it affects him and he did quit drinking a long time ago -before I ever even started drinking! (Our daughter was very young and I started to notice and asked him if he could quit… It wasn’t easy and I almost left him then because he was actually sneaking it and hiding it, but he put in a lot of effort and eventually quit for almost a year! I even remember him telling me that he felt more connected but it was so long ago now I think he’s forgotten how much better he felt. I realized now he can’t quit for me. Anyways I’m just going to keep going on my journey because that’s all I can do :heart: