Checking in daily to maintain focus #46

Day 6 ½
@Axsis Serious numbers, bro. Keep it up!
@SoberWalker Have fun in Turkey, send us a postcard!
@TrustyBird I’m glad your day worked out well in the end. Congratulations on 6 months!
@Mno I’m seriously going to start posting pictures of Topeka. :rofl:

Something weird happened last night when I was meditating. I was almost asleep then “Bang!” my right ear felt like someone jammed a red hot nail into my eardrum. Even after coming to full consciousness it hurt for a second or two. Has this happened to anyone else?
Went back to sleep and rested well. Too well. I woke up at 4:30 wide awake. Don’t have to be at my appointment until 9:30 so I just tossed and turned and gave up. Figured I’d start with breakfast, so I mixed up some pancake. One great big 7" pancake, because in 'Murica nothing’s done until it’s overdone. :laughing:
Nothing left to do now except the dishes I should’ve done last night and wait. I’ll get back if anything interesting happens. Peace, fam! :v:


DAY 730 :four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover:

Yes, today is the 2nd anniversary of my sobriety. Its an incredible journey … :raised_hands:

I am blessed and grateful to be here at 730 days… :pray:

I joined this community in December 2019, relapsed many times until August 2020. I’ve never stopped trying. Every day I read and listened to the journeys of different people. I did #dailycheckin here.
Most importantly, I accepted my own reality, accepted that it was a disease and that alcohol was not good for me and I couldn’t drink like normal people. I used all the Sober toolbox that felt good to me to heal.
This is now my way of life :blue_heart:

Never give up trying. Do what works for you, believe it’s worth it…:raised_hands:

Proud instead of feel embarrassment, :four_leaf_clover:

calm breathing instead of heart :revolving_hearts:palpitations,

beautiful moments that I remember every moment of instead of unforgettable moments.:dizzy:

Love you TS fam , thanks for all your support :pray::kiss:


Huge congrats Sunny!!! Celebrate!!!


Day 27
We’ll day 27 had some urges yesterday with all the stress of the baby mama wanting to move 200 miles away while 4 months pregnant with my baby… says she needs space and wants to re evaluate when it gets closer to the baby being born. But we all know how that’s gonna go… we’ll here’s to day 27


80 days AF
8061 days Mefh free

Good morning. Checking in on my day off. I have a few appointments to run my daughter to and being at the tail end of a cold I still have the ( I dont wannas) lol I will but I’d rather stay in bed lol
Hope everyone has a wonderful AF day out there


Day 24 :muscle:t2:
I need a lot of food and resting today :yum:
Had a shake with banana, blueberries, oats, riceprotein and linseed oil for breakfast.
For lunch a huuuge salad with tomatoes, cucumber, avocado, mango, chick peas, roasted chicken beast, olive oil, lemon juice and chili.
For dessert a Alpro Skyr Joghurt natural with Stevia and chopped dark chocolate (straciatella style, very delicious! :joy:).
And believe it or not… It is 2 pm and I am like "Okay… WHAT’S NEXT?" :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I will stay sober and maybe go to swimming in the outdoor pool in the later evening.

Sending love :revolving_hearts:
Take care :v:t2:


Hey all, checking in on day 792. I hope everybody has a good one!


Congratulations Dana. This is the happiest thing to wake up to this morning.
I’m so proud of and happy for you.



Congratulations on your 2 years of freedom Sunny.
I’m glad you never gave up trying. That’s what it’s all about.
I’m so happy and proud of ya.


Thank you Eric , :four_leaf_clover::pray::dizzy::blue_heart:


Thank you Mno :raised_hands::dizzy::revolving_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Major congratulations! So glad to have been with you on this journey since the beginning! Ups and downs for us both. You’ve done an amazing job. So happy for you and I hope you are proud! :heartpulse::heartpulse::heartpulse:


Brilliant! Congratulations! Wonderful changes are happening and I am so happy for you :purple_heart:.


Day 10082

Well, I woke up this morning to find all my poor angelfish deceased except one and she isn’t likely to make it either. I’m really sad about it. They gave me serenity during hard times. I’m going to miss my babies.

I decided to get really real with you today. As I told you before I’m in process of finding out if I have lung cancer. I’m going through pretty violent swings of emotions and such. But here is my biggest issue. I’m still a smoker. I gave up booze, meth and weed. That was a cakewalk compared to nicotine. Talk about an emotional crutch. I’d like to quit but I run from why bother now all the way to well it’s your fault, what did you expect. Honestly, I never relapsed on quitting my drug addiction but have relapsed so many times on cigs that I completely understand how folk feel when they reset here. It’s so hard. But I’m thinking of NOT going to the store today and buying a new pack and starting an accountability timer on here. Perhaps using that and having you all at my back I can do it this time.

Sitting out back in the Florida room watching nature. I saw two squirrels arguing with a woodpecker a bit ago. The squirrels won :joy:

Got my one eyed cat curled up in my lap and the chihuahuas are chasing each other around our 3/4 acre backyard. Grandson’s dog is at my feet with his head on them. It’s funny how animals are so in tune with us. They are giving me so much love lately and following me from room to room.

I found this app a few months ago and the miracle of recovery has given me so many people here that I cherish and memories to hold tight to. I find strength here when I have none. Thank you for being here for me. :heart:


Oh no. I am so sorry to hear about your babies. I always loved how angelfish looked, they were one of my favorites growing up. Be kind to yourself as you grieve. And sending strength to you in kicking the cigs! I know there’s a thread on here for people quitting nicotine, if that is something that might help support you in that effort.

Quitting cigarettes


Congratulations on you ten ODAATs Claire.
I’m glad you’re here.


Thank you!! I didn’t know about that one :heart:


Love u girl!!! Thank u for the post!! I’m so grateful that u have always been so supportive to me. The times ud talk to me when I was soo down or feeling just awful. I remember those times well and I’m really thankful for u… I truly am :tulip: I always learn soo much from u and ur posts and I appreciate that and am sooo proud of u also!

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Thank you Eric!!! I really appreciate the post and gif!!! That means alot :slight_smile:


Thank you so much Jenny!!! I really appreciate the support and congratulations :confetti_ball: