Checking in daily to maintain focus #48

Hello all,

Checking in on Day 1,529.

God Bless!


Thank you. The image is an image of one of Will Maclean’s sculptures at the exhibition we went to titled Fhir a Bhata or The Boatman. It was a really lovely exhibition and I felt very inspired.


@Wakikki 9 months is amazing!! Yes that year is right around the corner :muscle:

@5.9MagA833 1,000 days thats huge !! Congratulations :slightly_smiling_face:

@Kdog This is beautifully written, i needed to read this today thank you.

@Nordique congratulations on you 840 days

@mamador wow congratulations on your 6 months :hugs: i also used to smoke many years back now but still for more than half my life now i smoked i understand that mental struggle too and your doing so well im proud of you :purple_heart:

@mno congratulations on 1212 days as always i love these seeing these big numbers along side your daily morning pick :slightly_smiling_face:

@TrustyBird i do hope you wake up feeling better :hugs: those days do pass us by and we have to just stay strong and remind ourselves that we can get through it and the feelings are temporary.

@Leveller your doing amazing, hitting on to 2 weeks AF is so good you have basically broken the cycle now and it gets that bit easier and good on you for 4 months no smoking.

@HeyImKris congratulations on your 44 days. Yes it can be very eye opening when we see others very drunk and can be gratefull its not us and we are there to help them.

@SadMemeQueen Now to come on here this afternoon (where i am) and see your 7 months has given me a great big smile I need you to know that you are one lovely, caring young lady and watching you go through your struggles hurts but im glad you know your not alone and we are here for you, i am here for you and watching you keep pushing forward through everything and watching you achieve your goals and seeing you enjoying doing it is so lovely, your so strong and im glad to see you at 7 months :purple_heart::purple_heart::muscle::hugs:


So glad to hear that your tests went okay and the results :hugs:
Congratulations on 55 days :slightly_smiling_face:

@HappyDays Those good moods will increase keep going and congratulations on 16 days AF and 15 smokeless.

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Thanks Kevin. I am doing well. It’s nice to see you here as well.

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I love Sneakers. Brilliant movie!

A good friend of mine works in IT and he said the same you said about Mr. Robot. :+1:t2:

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Congratulations on seven month without self-harming, despite you having so much to handle in the moment! :birthday:


Congratulations @Wakikki on 9 months. You are doing great!

@5.9MagA833 wow quadruple digits! Way to go!

@mamador 6 months is fantastic. Keep up the hard work, you are amazing!

@DryIn785 I absolutely love Mr. Robot! For the reasons you listed, but I also love the soundtrack by Mac Quayle. I’m glad your EKG procedure was clear. Stay strong, friend.


Just wanted to say good morning and congratulations to everyone. Cooked some breakfast pizza this morning and it turned out good. Feeling pretty good since getting back in the right meds. Much love


Day 842. Coming out the other side of a really deep wave of depression finally. I know they always pass but damn that was a deep one. Thank you for the support, love you guys :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Yay Kevin!!! Congratulations! Really proud of you!


Really happy to hear that this wave is sort of lifting abit now. Hoping for a happy positive day for you :slight_smile:


:high_brightness: Morning Check In :high_brightness:
Day 230
At work today. Feels good to get here honestly and get back to routine. Im not feeling 100% yet but it will come. Nothing lasts forever :slight_smile:
Recovery wise… im doing okay. Even tho I dont feel the best, I am grateful for my recovery and grateful for God and my supports. Grateful to be alive :pray:
Health wise… This isnt going well honestly. My eating hasnt been good the past 3 days but im changing that today. Will work on making improvements so that I can feel better.
I think im also going to do alot of self care today. Nice hot shower once I get home. A good supper. Hopefully good rest :slight_smile:
Hope everyone has an addiction free day!


Excellent plan my friend :blush: and thank you for the kind words! Proud of you :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Day 72 AF
Day 53 toxfree

Checking iiiiiiin!

Had a real nice day until now.
Yoga sequence for athlets,
5km walk by the river,
Cooking… Cultivating Peaceful relationship with food and body! Started new tracker to this topic.
Iced coffee and nap in the afternoon.
Will do another short yoga sequence and go to a swim workout later.

Fundamentals checked:
Peaceful relationship with body and food


I set up a small desk today. Worked well, unfortunately screws are missing in the end.
:joy::joy::joy: He still has a shelf on the side. Now I have to wait until Tuesday when hardware store opens. I’m doing a small makeover in my downstairs living room area. Want a mandala wallpaper on one wall… I can’t decide yet whether I should dare a black background with a gold mandala. The rest is kept in white, beige and light wood. Underneath it is space for Yoga mat, pillows and so on. Maybe I will post it for choice and opinion in the home project thread.

Tomorrow I won’t swim alone! :swimming_woman:t2::man_swimming:t2:
So, I am happy and romantic now,
wearing this stupid soft smile again :heartpulse:

Bye bye all ya honeys out there :heartpulse::yum:
Take care :v:t2:


Nice to hear that you doing better!


day 128 AF
Pray, meditated
Zoom AA
In person AA that i really shouldnt have spoke at since it was a mixed meeting.
Its my Friday and im looking forward to spending time with another member of AA tomorrow learning if i like to knit or crotchet :woman_shrugging: ive never had a hobby. Its time to find one.
This self discovery journey of what I like and enjoy as a human is weird.


Thank you @Planipennia!


Back on day 1 :pensive:
But I won’t give up.