First of all, thank you everyone so much for the kind-hearted congratulations on this semi-milestone.
Dana, to answer your question, a lot has changed.
For most of my years, much of my attention was focused on my outer behaviors. It’s something that I’ve learned from others around me. I guess there was this idea that changing my thoughts in my lust we’re so difficult that it was just best to place my attention on the outer acting out behaviors. So I was hoping that by changing the outer man, by cleaning the outside of me, that some of that outer cleanliness would rub off on my inside.
But that didn’t work. Instead, I simply suffered major cravings for months at a time. Avoiding P and MB, I was still guilty of heating up my brain with lust and fantasy. I may have stopped my outer behaviors, but I was still losing battle after battle after battle after battle with inward lust and fantasy. And then my mind would heat up so hot that it would eventually lead me back to PMO.
So I went on a quest to determine how I was going to maintain a zero tolerance policy with custody of my eyes and mind. Not only was I paying attention to the false paradigm that was playing in my head, but also God was revealing to me the toxic shame that I was carrying manifested through Nice Guy Syndrome. And then the EasyWay method showed me the high amount of value that I was placing on my DOC. So I’ve learned a lot of great tools along this process. I now feel like I have enough intrinsic motivation to put all of this behind me.
But here’s the kicker. None of that actually worked. Because there’s still something in my subconscious, in my addicted self, in my flesh, that is still determined to pretty much do whatever the flesh determines to do. And I’ve come to the broken realization that nothing, no amount of knowledge, no amount of therapy, no amount of postings, no amount of meetings, or no amount of whatever…
It’s going to train this messed up mind of mine to stop being so messed up
I’m pretty broken about this. But it’s true that my flesh simply cannot be trusted. So I stopped trusting in it.
For years, I thought I could get away with making a bunch of sacrifices by going to some meetings, going to church, praying some, reading a the Bible, making some boundaries, stop acting out…
With the hope that making such sacrifices would be considered obedience to God. But that’s not the kind of relationship that God wanted to have with me. His desire was not to clean up my flesh. That’s not what he wanted to fix in me. What he wanted me to do was stop walking in my flesh altogether. To stop trusting in it. To stop trying to fix it. He certainly wasn’t going to fix my flesh. He wanted me to do what step 3 says all along.
To turn my will and my life over to Him
And not just some of my life and will,
To LET GO of the steering wheel of my life, AND LET GOD do the driving.
To walk in the spirit and not in the flesh. Because my flesh is demonstrated over the decades, that it cannot be trusted, not for one stupid second. How does that look like? Well, for me, I’ve been praying a lot. I mean a lot. Like me and Jesus are like best buddies a lot. I’ve never prayed so much in my life. And as I’m committing all of my thoughts and all of my attention towards God and his will, it’s pushing all thoughts of lust and fantasy aside. Because of this changing process of making the Lord my master, instead of just my savior. Lust and fantasy are being removed from my heart. This is all still a work in process for me. I’ve had times during this month where I’ve been guilty of entertaining lust and fantasy. But I’m definitely winning way more battles than I’m losing.
I am not missing out on anything by doing this. For if I don’t make God my master, then I go back to my old masters; sin, the devil, lust, porn; which are cruel, horrible, vicious, treacherous, merciless masters. And I know the consequence of returning back to my old ways. It’s a life that I know has no value. No benefit. And leads to death. But God is a good master. He cares for me more than I care for myself. He has a plan for me. But to follow His plan I have to let go of my plan.
I’m discovering, through God’s help,
that it is easier to simply clean up my outside by cleaning up my inside. Than it is to clean up my inside by cleaning up my outside.
I am extremely confident that I’m going to win this war.
I will be victorious.
I will conquer.
With God’s help, I am finally free indeed.