Checking in daily to maintain focus #49

I am rooting for you! You can do it! You’re almost at that 30 day marker! I remember you telling me “you’ll be at 30 days before you know it” and now it’s my turn to return the favor.

How is the new job search going?


It feels like the days drag on forever.

Depression is getting to me.

I’ve been applying to jobs like crazy, but nothing really happening.

I did have a job offer for a nice job, but i had to decline due to transportation reasons.

Sitting at this desk, confiscating lighters and staring at the floor isn’t helping my mood.

Feels like I’m 20 years late to the race and I’ll never catch up.


It’ll happen for you! I know it! You just haven’t found the right fit.
If i knew anyone in your area I’d recommend you for a job! You helped me when I was down, and I’ll forever be grateful for you. I’m sure a bunch of other people feel the same way.
I’m sorry you’re in a depressive state, I hope things get better for you sooner rather than later.
Sending you a big hug :people_hugging:


Thanks Scorpn, you and the rest of the folks here really help me keep it somewhat together.


I’m celebrating day 45 of this beautiful wonderful New Life


Whats going on @Pallbearer ? Can you distract yourself long enough for the intrusive using thoughts to shut the fuck up?


Eh not really.

Being stuck at my boring job doesnt help.

Im sure ill be fine, just gotta realize its just gonna hurt me in the long run if i do relapse.



Wow what a positive day! Im sooo happy about ur partner not using! Hope he continues to rack up more days! Things are improving day by day!


Everything is temporary. Even this job. Keep trying at it.


It turned out so good! I was really surprised. I was waiting on the other foot to drop for a while, but decided to stop worrying and just enjoy the good. :heartpulse: How did your afternoon go? Your pictures from your walk were amazing. Looked like y’all had a great time

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Checking in in day 67. TRIGGER WARNING re suicide. Had a very long day at work. One of those no time to pee or eat kind of days. But it felt good. Before this there were some days where I was either so hungover or just flattened by anxiety and depression I would lay in bed or on the couch and “work” from home. I’m feeling down today. There was a shooting in a community close to mine where I have quite a few friends and colleagues. A murder suicide but the suicide wasn’t completed. I don’t know them but it breaks my heart that someone thought that that was their only option. It also hits close to home. My sister attempted suicide a year ago. She had been struggling with untreated PTSD. She’s in recovery now and doing well but it still hits me. Time for some unwinding and self care tonight :slightly_smiling_face:


Overall my day was really good too! Got my exercise in and spent quality time with my son :slight_smile: it was a beautiful day out too. Glad he motivates me to get out in nature sometimes :slight_smile:


Day 261
Still sober

Very tired and dont want to clean.

But that is literally how you change patterns in your behavior is by being consistent with what is hard. Not drinking when it would be easy and I want to. Cleaning when I dont want to but I need to. And being present and responsive to my environment.

Setting timer now. Reminding myself just bc the timer is set doesnt mean its a speed clean. It can be the bare minimum but i need to Start.

Edit: i cleaned. I got some important things done and kept the room from deteriorating into horrible mess.


Day 42. Sending lots of love and support to all you badasses. :heart:


Keep up the great work girl! Love seeing ur time increase!

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Day 833

A few challenges in home life, and feeling very worn thin. A friend is trying to organise an end of year dinner, but I am not sure if a meeting with a big (ger than usual) group of people would be a nice stress release, or just make me feel worse about myself and my life. And these worries are so minor compared to what is going on in the world. Am grateful at least for my family members physical health, and my sobriety. I cannot even imagine the shitshow it would be if I was drinking now.


Hello friends. Checking in on day 528. Kids are in bed and the house isn’t a complete mess. Relatively speaking. Haven’t seen much of my partner lately as our work schedules seem to be perfectly out of phase with each other. Would be nice to catch up. I seem to have developed a nasty cough. Other than that things are actually pretty great. I really love the consistency that sobriety and recovery can provide. Hope everyone is doing well wherever you are. :heart:


Day 401 AF
Day 8 no soda

Slow day at work. Pretty chill. Can’t wait for the Thanksgiving. Time to pig out, lol.

Stayin busy with the kiddos. Goin for walks. Watching sports. Life is good.

Have a great night everyone!


Hope ur having a great night too! Love ur post! Love that life is good!

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tonight will be day 265 of no self harm

not doing great. about once a week or so I have random paranoid nights. my bed is positioned so my feet are right by my window, and unless I’m balled up in the corner of my bed, you could see me anywhere in my room if you were looking through my window. once a week or so I convince myself someone is watching me through my window and it doesn’t matter how many times I check and see no one out there, I still believe it. I know how irrational it is. my backyard is fenced in and my window is on the side of the house so if someone were to look, I doubt the fenced in area is the first place they’d go. I make myself nauseous I get so scared all while being aware it’s irrational