Checking in daily to maintain focus #49

#Day 63

Just thought I’d quickly check in prior to heading to a gym class this morning. Day 63 for me, and all I can say is: Thank goodness, because yesterday was a bit of a minefield :see_no_evil:

Mood was all over the place, and I felt very up-and-down. Depression can be a real pain in the butt, can’t it? Nevertheless, throwing myself into my job yesterday helped see me over, and I’m feeling a bit better this morning. I’m just about to head out of the door for a gym class, so I’m looking forward to channelling those emotions positively!

Also, on the bright side, I booked some tickets for the Rugby League World Cup here in England. Heading to Fiji vs. Scotland on Saturday afternoon in Newcastle, and the two Men’s Semi Finals - one is in Leeds on Friday 11th November, and the other is in London on the 12th November. The atmosphere during the opening game between England/Samoa was fantastic, so I’m looking forward to a repeat again.

It’s technically my “weekend” - Tuesday & Wednesday. So, I’m going to go and recharge the batteries, so to speak. Looking forward to a few days off!

Have a fantastic day everybody. ODAAT!


Hi Sabrina,

sometimes it’s easier in germany (just read somewhere that you are from germany too)
to join a group therapy …
Maybe you can research if there is something like that offered in your region?
Another suggestion is to try to get into a inpatient rehabilitation. I had one in spring for 6 weeks, and I am in a group therapy now that was organized as an aftercare programm.
My diagnosis is recidiv depression.
Since I stopped drinking, it’s absolutely calm most of the days! No hard episodes.
Therapy was and is helpful too.
Group is very individual, but it helps to not feel alone and get new perspectives.

Have a nice day and don’t put too much pressure on your back! :pray:t2::panda_face:


What a great day,I haven’t gone this long without alcohol since my teens and I’m 39 now. Mentally I’ve never felt better,the thought of alcohol repulses me now and I don’t get those cravings for it. Physically I’m still not 100%, have to have fluid drained out of my stomach every 6 weeks and take 8 tablets a day. I struggle with a few barriers physically even after 6 months sober but as the old D:ream song goes “Things can only get better” :joy: Have a great day everyone​:v:


Day 2

Because of rain, the roads we were planning to drive are not good to go, so all we do is chilling inside cabins. Engine turned off, movies on, drinking some tea, all good. Yesterday did little workout at my favorite gym. Packed some chicken and greens. Trying to cut down junk food. Need to get back in shape.


Big congratulations on sober 500 days! :confetti_ball: :tada: :confetti_ball:


Nice to hear. I used the same approach and do it still. We have also a thread about this topic. I can give you the link if you like?

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Checking in on day 17!

We got this. One day at a time, one moment at a time.

Don’t go for that first drink, shot, or hit. Life is better sober.


Coffee. Good thing about living in a relatively new house is how well insulated it is. Less fun is when one of the neighbours is renovating. It always seems like they are drilling in the concrete right here in my living room. And always start at 7:30 sharp. Well, for Luna it is even more unpleasant. I can leave. She can’t. I’m sober and clean. I’ll be OK. One day at a time.

Have as good a day as you all can friends. Make it clean and sober. It’s why we’re here. Love form Luna and me.

@icebear Huge congrats Drew!
@Dtizz Going places! Congrats!
@Winny Good work Winny, congrats!


Congratulations to 2 full month of sobriety! :confetti_ball: :tada: :confetti_ball:


I would recommend you to get on a waiting list. It’s better to be proactive than never getting an appointment.


170, checking in. odaat!


Congratulations to a half year of soberness! :confetti_ball: :tada: :confetti_ball:


Day 8. Up early again with yet another headache. Trying to enjoy my coffee and quiet time. Last night was the lowest I’ve felt in a while. But I didn’t drink. I did go to bed at 7pm which is probably why I’m awake so early. I really hope I start to see some improvement soon. Otherwise I’m not sure how much longer I’ll make it sober. It’s hard to stay positive feeling so awful.


Yes, it really sucks, but trust me, it’s worth it. :+1:t2:


The first 7-10 days have always been the most difficult for me. I used to go 4 or 5 days without even a minutes sleep and didn’t eat just drank water. You’re almost through the most difficult part,every day gets easier. Eventually you’ll reach a point of no return.


I’m sorry but I promise it will get better. While the alternative, going back to drinking, will only make things progressively worse and worse and worse still. Hang in there Karen.


Hey all, checking in on day 863. I hope everybody has a good one!


Congratulations to @icebear on your 500 days, and @Winny for 6 mos, and @Dtizz for 60 days!

Good morning all! Off to a rough morning. Woke up with a mild headache. No matter how hard I meditated last night I couldn’t get my jaw to unclench. So I’m already grumpy. I’m going to try to make it a great day at work anyway. I try to pass the time with mindfulness and I think it’s getting easier but I still have plenty of noise in my head. :flushed:
Have a great morning everyone! :v:


Day 95 AF

I feel dirty today.
And ashamed.

I have these feelings sometimes…
Don’t know where it comes from.
I am a very clean and neat person.
I hate this feeling.

Cleaning up my flat whole time, beside home office. Nothing helps.
Mediation and distancing helps sometimes.

Does anyone know this feeling?

Homeoffice today, I had very difficult situations with the behavior of my boss on Friday and Monday in office. He’s such an stupid idiot.
He was never a leader to me! The situation troubles me. The job search also puts a strain on me, constant comparisons and thinking about your possibilities. It’s just all too much for me.
I just want to make professional work and that’s it… That was always my point of view!
And I need time for myself.
I need time for further healing.



Hello all,

Checking in on Day 1,551.

God Bless!