Checking in daily to maintain focus #50

It’s good to hear, that the procedure is going to be like planned. :+1:t2:


Checking in for day 71


:high_brightness: Morning Check in :high_brightness:
Day 296
Currently at the hospital waiting for my son’s procedures to begin. Long wait. May not be on much today but will try to check in later. Hope everyone has a good day/night


Thank you very much!

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Hey all another quick check in for me:

Day 36 no alchy
Day 15 no weed or cigarettes

No desire to use again however I am finding it hard to keep myself focused. My mind keeps drifting to dark places. I guess that’s probably why I was an addict in the first place. To not have to deal with all those negative thoughts and feelings. Trying to have a more positive outlook and accept the things I can’t control. Wishing everyone the best.

@Mephistopheles absolutely love what you wrote!! Gonna try to harness this type of mindset.

@KarenKW congrats on Day 12. Can totally relate to how you’re feeling. I keep trying to tell myself that this too shall pass.

@Nordique congrats on the big 905. Funny enough that’s actually the area code of where I grew up lol

@Intothesun congrats on 11 days! Keep at it!!

@Butterflymoonwoman thinking of you today! Hope it goes as smooth as possible. We here if you need to talk or vent :two_hearts:


@EFountains congrats on 90 days :tada:
@KarenKW I share your predicament. I’m supposed to be finding a private therapist, but it’s unlikely I’ll be able to afford it :pensive: I hope something works out for you :crossed_fingers:t2: sending strength :blue_heart:
@Kiks2 congrats on 2 weeks :tada:
@Minatasha congrats on 9 months :tada: you’re doing awesome :blush:
@JP123 congrats on 2 weeks smoke-free :tada:
@Twizzlers thank you so much :blush::blue_heart: I needed a separate counter from the bingeing, so I decided to work on takeaways, since my ED therapist said I’m likely to need much longer term therapy before the bingeing will stop. So I re-allowed crisps, which were always my preference anyway but I got addicted to Fiveguys BLTs and had them most days at one point, I just need to stop spending the money I’m ‘saving’! :man_facepalming:t2: I did get my delivery, a nice lady bought it to me at 7pm last night, it was at the place I’d knocked twice but didn’t get an answer. 4 more to come! :smile:

848 days no alcohol.
313 days no cocaine.

Today was nice. I went out for a carvery lunch with my Auntie and Uncle and a family friend, the food was delicious and will be the closest thing I’ll be having to an Xmas dinner this year, so I loved it.

I napped when I got home bcuz I was tired out, socialising does that to me.

Then I came here and I always enjoy that :blush:



Checking in today not feeling it didnt sleep well last night. Watching people i work with and ask myself way am i here. They ask me questions about my personal life. And i try to give them a open answer. I dont trust any of them but to get to my next step in life i have to put a fake as mask on


I’m really struggling to get through the work day. Just not feeling very functional. So glad I work from home so no one knows if I start crying randomly. My anxiety causes major chest pressure so it feels hard to breathe. And I’ve had this headache all day. Trying to just survive each day. This is no way to live.


I don’t know if you’ve tried some breathing techniques. I have the breathe app where the goal is to breathe along a line. But @Mno has some GIFs at hand I think.


I do try to practice deep breathing exercises. It helps some. Thanks!

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Checking in day 93! Doing well with the healthier eating so far. Went to the gym earlier, and have two clients today. Then taking it easy because I have a couple long days in a row. Feeling pretty good overall!


This is pretty basic so I don’t know if it’s any use to you. It’s a good one anyway.


Day 70 AF. I’m doing pretty good without booze, but the sweets are killing me. I’m going to spend the next 30 days working to cut down on them.


Great job keep up the good work

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137 days free from alcohol
118 days free from toxic relationships
28 days of imperfect regular eating

Checking in after a very long day.

  • Struggling if it’s okay to still eat something today, having trouble with food and eating.

    Having thoughts…

  • if it was okay to break the relationships with the guys not treating me good.

  • if regular drinking is possible.

  • that I am not good enough

Don’t feel that okay today.
Maybe tomorrow will be better!

Sometimes I really would like my brain to stop thinking. Just found articles about my myers-briggs index again. I am an INTJ. So it will be hard.


My own counter thoughts:

  • if there is hunger that is located physically in my stomach, it’s still okay to eat a little to have a goodnight sleep!
  • it was absolutely right to quit with people that really, really didn’t treat me well! It was an act of selflove! And it still is.
  • regular drinking is unfortunately (!) not possible to me as I am an addict
  • i am absolutely good enough with all my imperfectness. Don’t have to work for being good enough.

Checking in with 252 days :sparkles:
I haven’t been on here much, I’ve been reading but not checking in. Still sober. My new job has started this week. Lots of travelling and training which is hurting my brain a bit. It’s going to be tough for a little bit but i feel like I’m where I’m meant to be. After I’ve trained in this position for a few months my hours become flexible and I can work home a few days a week.
Christmas is approaching, I’m still feeling strong in my sobriety. I can already start to hear the happy hour talk amongst my co workers, working in the city I knew there would be a bit of a culture around it. But I’m know I’m not missing out. There’s no way I’d be capable of this role if I was actively drinking and hungover all the time.
Stay sober friends :heart:


If you’re at all interested in a Meyer-Briggs thread we had one on here a while back that I found really interesting. I found the link! And I’m also an INTJ and can relate to what you said about thought processes :upside_down_face: I have found learning about it helpful. There were a surprising number of INTJs and INFJs participating on the thread!


Wow thanks that’s cool as I just dived back into that topic! :smiley:
The detains really helped me accepting and understanding parts of my personality.
A reminder is appreciated these days :grin: