Checking in daily to maintain focus #50

Hey all, checking in on day 908. I hope everybody has a good one!


For me I can say that all effort I spent in therapy only worked really when I finally became sober. Before (and this I can only say retrospectively) I was in a survival mode and therapy helped me to stay with my head above water. But it never really landed.


Iā€™m glad you have appointments coming up. I hope you will keep trying sobriety and not let this slip take you down the rabbit hole - it will be better to be as clear headed as you can at those appointments. Hang in there.

I have to second what @anon74766472 said - any therapeutic efforts were like treading water, like she said, when I was still drinking. Alcohol is a depressant and it is just like fighting against the ocean.


Hey everyone just saying hi. Still doing well in my sobriety, currently quarantined for ten days because I have covid again. Otherwise wellā€¦ Had another job opportunity come up, not sure what to do again. Really kinda want to take it, part of me doesnā€™t want to take it either and keep working on myself. But at some point I need to get back on to my life and being a providing father. Idk much love


:sun_behind_rain_cloud: Checking in Day 2

Thank you for the warm welcome back.

Iā€™m just doing a lot of reading on here for now and less posting. I do plan to check in every day though, as it does make me feel a sense of accountability to myself, and a way to feel happy about even the smallest achievements. I know that I am new in my sobriety and 2 days seems so small, but at the same time I do get a feeling of joy being able to make the check in that I stayed sober. Seeing everyone elseā€™s accomplishments as well, helps fuel the fire in me that I can beat this too. Then in the back of my head Iā€™m thinking when will that be? 1 month, 6, a year? Honestly, I feel like this is something I will never beat, because I will always be tempted to fall, no matter how long I stay sober. And then that starts to feel overwhelming. I just need to get out of my head :exploding_head:
Taking yā€™allā€™s advice from here, I will just stay sober today. Today is all I need to focus on, and hopefully everything else will work itself out in due time.


Day 69
I know it getā€™s better when I have the strong desire ro deepclean my apartment.
As within so without.
I have so much stuff that I donā€™t need, had to throw some of it away and Iā€™m not yet done with that :weary:
Finally, after almost 4 hours itā€™s time to cook and relax :relaxed:
Have a beautiful sober day friends and stay strong :muscle::kissing_heart:


So happy to read this Miranda.

I donā€™t mean to make light of this. But I thought it was just me who felt this way. I feel like that all the time. I struggle when itā€™s just my wife and another couple who are our best friends. Iā€™m grateful we have moved around a lot and donā€™t have big gatherings to go to. When we do actually have gatherings I find it has gotten easier. I still donā€™t say much. But Iā€™m proud Iā€™m not boozing it up.

Congrats on your 99
Your earned 2 gifs.
Keep up the great work and enjoy your hangover free day.


Checking in on day 74.


Hey great catch!!! Love it!!


140 days free from alcohol
121 days free from toxic relationships
31 days imperfect regular eating

Finished work, starting 4 weeks holiday!


Sour muscles from yesterdayā€™s Yoga session.

Just chilling around on warm couch with hot water bottle and an Iced coffee. :coffee::ice_cube:
Will have a swim later. :swimming_woman:t2: :two_hearts:

Being aware to bring focus back to my ā€œfundamentalsā€ā€¦
Moving, eating, napping :panda_face::panda_face::panda_face:
Thatā€™s what brought me through early 30 to 60 days of sobriety and I lost focus last weeks due to overworking.


@Juli1 thank you :blush: :blue_heart: enjoy your 4 weeks holiday! :grinning::partying_face::raised_hands:t2:
@Charlie_C sorry for your loss :mending_heart: you did an unsupervised stint earlier in the year, you can do it again :pray:t2::blush:
@Liz22 good luck! :pray:t2::crossed_fingers:t2::four_leaf_clover: congrats on 3 days :tada:
@Mno I hope it was a good start to the new therapy :blue_heart:
@Cjp congrats on all the 2s :tada:
@anon53116147 great to see you checking-in, sorry about the Covid, feel better soon :blue_heart:
@Miranda I completely relate and feel exactly like you articulated in social situations. Itā€™s a huge win for staying sober, congrats on (what I imagine is) triple digits now :100: :tada:
@JDHealing congrats on 60 days :tada:

851 days no alcohol.
316 days no cocaine.

Didnā€™t manage to take myself swimming today, but I made myself go for a walk round the lakes instead, it was refreshing, but so cold I didnā€™t even break a sweat even in my new puffer jacket! The morningā€™s frost hadnā€™t even melted from the ground. The sun was shining though, which made it nice, getting that extra Vitamin D , good for the SAD.

I am feeling peaceful right now, it is nice, and I have a hot water bottle between my feet :blush:



kicked the flu, probably would have lasted days longer if I decided to try to drink it off :joy:
In all honesty I really didnā€™t see myself making it this far in the beginning. I was my own worst enemy at every turn. Relapse after relapse. But somewhere along the way I switched that mind set, and I hope this helps someone else early in their journeyā€¦
We deserve sobriety, we deserve health and we deserve peace. It sounds a little cliche, but if you keep believing you canā€™t or that youā€™re undeserving, you WILL be right.
These substances are strong and very, very tricky. But so are we.
Thanks for staying sober with me today. Iā€™m proud of us.

Taking a drive through the Redwoods to the coast today. Iā€™ll more likely than not be off this app for the weekend as Iā€™m not sure I will have cell service. Hope everyone has a beautiful weekend.
Keep kicking ass. You deserve it.


Wow well done Jamie!!! Proud of you girl :ok_hand::heart:


Thank you Kelly! Absolutely couldnā€™t have made it without this community cheering me on :heart::heart:


Day 2 is definitely something. I just hit Day 5 but itā€™s today Iā€™m focusing on. Everyone says it on here but itā€™s the simple truth.


Huge congrats on 60 days!! 2 months! Thatā€™s awesome :muscle: :trophy:


I can totally relate to the struggling with social anxiety and being someone youā€™re not. I think I got caught in the fake it part of ā€œfake it til you make itā€. Iā€™m learning itā€™s better to just admit when you feel like crap or you feel anxious or nervous or what have you as being vulnerable is really the only way to be true to yourself. Just wanted to let you know youā€™re not alone in this struggle xx


@Twizzlers @CATMANCAM Thanks for the support friends. Actually it was good. I came away from the first session not at all exhausted, like so often happened with the schema group therapy I did previously.

Pesso therapy is body-oriented therapy so logically all the participants have problems connecting between body and mind. Itā€™s a slow process, today was introduction and orientation and it already gave me one really positive insight into how I perceive myself and the stuff I feel. Itā€™s just one male, me, the others are all women but if they can handle me being there Iā€™m fine. I usually level well with women.

So Iā€™m glad with how it went. Thanks again for checking in with me. XXX

@JDHealing Huge congrats on 60 days Jamie!


Itā€™s 99 already?!
You are so powerful :muscle:t2::revolving_hearts:


Iā€™m SO PROUD OF YOU!!! 60 DAYS!! Two months we have been free from our addictions!! YAY!!!
Youā€™re doing so great! And Iā€™m glad to hear youā€™re feeling better too :blush: