Checking in daily to maintain focus #51

Such a powerful post, Pickles! So much rings true for me as well. Inspiring. Congrats on 2 years freedom from alcohol.


Happy Birthday! I hope you have a wonderful day :partying_face:


Congratulations on two years! Way to go!


Hey all, checking in on day 964. I hope everybody has a good one!


Great job Dan! Congratulations on 40 days. Keep moving forward and enjoy another clean weekend :pray:t3::muscle:t3:

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Happy Birthday!! You are amazing! Truly an inspiration! I hope you enjoy your day! :birthday::piƱata::bouquet::partying_face:


Day 27. Woke up with a fucking migraine. Thankfully my meds seem to be kicking in. Iā€™m just feeling a bit defeated and hopeless about the depression. So far Iā€™m feeling strong in my sobriety but worried as the hopelessness continues Iā€™ll want to turn back to alcohol. But I really know that will only make things 100x worse. Trying to see the positives, such as the anxiety and panic being better the longer Iā€™m sober. But the depression is really wearing on me and Iā€™m finding basic functioning to be a major struggle.


Day 125
Iā€™m home from work and decided to relax on the couch before I start doing my cleaning and cooking game.
I love how the book Iā€™m reading (Recovery Dharma) changes my way of thinking and how that makes me feel. On my way home I usually never really think about anything, I just want to be home as fast as possible. Today I walked very slowly and discussed some sentences of the book in my head with myself :grin: Feels very good to do that.
I wouldnā€™t say that I became a better human over night but I acknowledge false thoughts/thinking much faster. In stressful situations I only talk after calming down. I donā€™t want to cause harm. Not in me or others.
I hope youā€™re having a beautiful sober day friends, stay strong :muscle::kissing_heart:


Gambling - The invisible addiction, no one can tell Iā€™m doing it but yet like every other addiction it mentally makes us suffer. Iā€™m generally addicted to everything Iā€™ve ever done itā€™s always all or nothing, drink, drugs, gambling, food, sex. The only thing that doesnā€™t get 100% is my commitment to myself. I am grateful for the sobriety I have as far as substance abuse but there is always something else, there always feels like there is a void I have to fill with negativity.
Maybe striving for perfection makes me more at fault the harder I try.
Iā€™m actually pretty content with life but for some reason every now and again I give myself a whipping.
Back to basics then, put others before myself and stop feeling sorry for myself.


Day 248. You know this time around with my sobriety I notice I am very quiet, I use to love sharing my journey and just felt like I had great wisdom. But this time, itā€™s not that I donā€™t feel I have the wisdom, but I just donā€™t know how to speak about It. Like when weā€™re in groups Iā€™m sure quiet, when they call on me I never know what to say. My focus feels much better with my new medicine, but idk Iā€™m just quiet. Itā€™s not that it bugs me, but if Iā€™m going to be a recovery coach, or to to school for counseling Iā€™m gonna need to speak up a bit. Idk maybe Iā€™ve just been humbled and I donā€™t have much to say, I know Iā€™m recovery and thatā€™s all that matters to me. I changed my thinking and donā€™t tell myself negative things anymore, I can feel when my impulsive behaviors start to arise and I can challenge them. Iā€™m grateful for today, waking up, loving myself, my girls are safe. Life is good. Much love


Iā€™ve not really been keeping up with whatā€™s going on on here so was pleasantly surprised to see the sober days you have clocked up but just from reading that one post I can tell you just get it, itā€™s like your a different personā€¦ Isnā€™t it wonderful when the penny finally drops . Proud of you :+1:


Loved your post Pickles!!
Huge congrats on 2years :tada::birthday:


Day 11

  • free from alcohol
  • being aware of toxic relationships
  • regular eating without drama

Homeoffice nearly done, just another
meeting at 4 pm.

Donā€™t have any cravings.

I burned the cold or virus thing that wanted to attack me last days :fire::muscle:t2:

I am proud that my yoga level was upgraded yesterday :panda_face::woman_in_lotus_position:t2::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Looking forward to doing laundry and use my new very modern dryer. Will go asian grocery shopping and doing a car wash later.

Tonight i will hit the pool, last swim was Monday, I already have withdrawal! :blue_heart::swimming_woman:t2:

I am thinking about doing the ā€œlifeguard gold badgeā€ this spring / summer. That would make me feel proud and strong and I could verify my skills and learn something additional :swimming_woman:t2: :pirate_flag:

And if I am finally bored of my project and IT job, I could make lifeguard things as a side job.

I think I gained some weight but I feel juicy anyway :sweat_smile::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::sunglasses:

Much love :purple_heart::two_hearts:


@SassyBoomer you are so worth it! You have worked hard, served your country and deserve to enjoy the best quality of life possible :heart:
@SoberWalker happy birthday :partying_face:
@Pickles congratulations on 2 years :partying_face: love your post


Happy Birthday :confetti_ball::birthday:

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Happy Birthday beautiful soul.


Nice!!! You have made it past those brutal first 10 daysā€¦ dont look back Juli.



Made it to day 602. If Iā€™m being honest, I had some shaky moments yesterday. I am reminded that the work never stops. It takes effort every day. Glad to be sober this morning to enjoy -50 degree wind chill. Kids school is canceled due to temps and I am having my third cup of coffee on the sofa instead of getting ready to go to work. Hope everyone has a rad day :snowman_with_snow:


@Pickles Congrats on 2 years!!! :raised_hands::muscle:

Checking in day 35

Dunno if itā€™s the weather or just me, but my motivation level is almost obsolete at the moment. Maybe Iā€™m just feeling overwhelmed and procrastinating because I have such a heavy workload at work and I need to start painting the bedroom, so that I can lay my next round of flooring. Hopefully I can shake it off soon.


-50 degrees, Good God. Itā€™s about 15 degrees where Iā€™m at. Now I feel bad complaining. :rofl: