Checking in daily to maintain focus #51

Checking in day 152! Tired today from my long day yesterday. I have some time this morning, gonna try to get a workout in. Work tonight, then off this weekend. Hope you all have a fantastic sober Friday!


I vote for this one.

I didnt have time to respond to your post the other day about going back to school but wow, what a 180 your life has made. All the chats you and I have had about living heart centered, all the chats we have had about getting out of the head and into the heart. You know what? Youā€™ve done it. Youā€™re there. You have found the love inside you that I have been talking with you about for the last two years and I knew you would if you kept trying. When we start to live heart centered our lives become something we could have never imagined and that is because the souls dream is unattainable by the ego. The souls dream is so big the smallness of our mind could never reach it. Keep dreaming from your heart Mike, dream big, and dont ever doubt that you will reach your goal. If you stay on the side of unconditional love, anything is possible.

I am so proud of you. :heart:



I canā€™t say it any better than how @Dolse71 and @Its_me_Stella said it. Wow. Just wow. This is absolutely you doing the next right thing, day in and day out, living one day at a time in recovery. Iā€™m humbled and inspired by your share, Mike. Thanks for helping me stay sober today.


Checking in with 30 days sober today! Iā€™ve spent a lot of Fridays in the bar drinking way too much celebrating anything that gave me a reason to buy another round. Today I get to celebrate a whole month of making great decisions to live my life without alcohol! Stay strong everyone one day at a time it all adds up! :muscle:t2:


Congrats on 30 days!! @Jwfletcher4792


Hahaha wooow thank you Mark!
How cute he is! :heart_eyes::panda_face:

By the way, my system burned
the virus down! :muscle:t2::fire:


Thank you Stella, I was just telling myself today I am going to succeed, Iā€™m nervous for my recovery coach classes, but I know I will succeed and I know itā€™s all for reason and purpose. I geuss sometimes when your looking out you just wonder if your doing it right. I appreciate you, and @Dolse71 and @LeeHawk you guys have been a big part of my last two to three years and idk what Iā€™d do with out you all. Youā€™ve been some of the best support anyone can ask for, youā€™re all like family to me. Much love


Thank you! Itā€™s a great day so far, stopped at our regular breakfast spot for work and played the gaming machine at the bar, won some pocket money for the weekend, got most of my list done for the week and heading into a good weekend of baseball practice with my high school team I coach. Life in sobriety is good, especially thankful for this community which is the angel in my pocket on my phone!


If God sends you a fix to fix you.

And you fix the fix before it fixes you.

Then God will send you another fix to fix you.

We see this all the time. Someone replacing their DOC with another. Such is a person may be sober from their DOC, but theyā€™re not really sober.

Anyways, congratulations on taking that extra step to better yourself and break free. I respect you even more for being honest with yourself and others. And choosing to accept that you want and need more.


Have a HAPPY BIRTHDAY friend!!! Hope youre day is as wonderful as you are!!


@Jwfletcher4792 congrats on 30 days :tada:

907 days no alcohol.
372 days no cocaine.
4 days no binge-eating.

Had 2 of the worst and most upsetting nightmares Iā€™ve had in a long time. One of the many things that happened in one of them was that I had been spiked with alcohol and drugs. I actually felt the intoxication in my dream, I was dizzy, couldnā€™t walk, or talk, and hated it. Itā€™s probably because my family were all drinking while I was there last night.

When I have bad nightmares I wake up in pain all over, it didnā€™t fade away until mid afternoon. Itā€™s crazy how the mind and body work together to make such effects.

I have made it through today without buying disposable vapes, so Iā€™m pleased about that, and very grateful for the mouth spray that is helping quite a lot.



Love that :+1:thanks Kevin.

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Tonight at the parking of
an asian supermarket

Itā€™s a bit dark (energy crises) and looks like in a bad thriller! :sunglasses:


Welcome to the double digits!:heavy_check_mark:

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Happy Birthday, Claudia!:birthday::cake::birthday::cake::birthday:


Yeahaa! 2 years of sobriety!:tada::confetti_ball::tada::confetti_ball::tada:


:high_brightness: Morning Check In :high_brightness:
Day 355
Im really trying hard to be in the moment right now. I just finished a zoom mtg with my sons Grade 1 teacher and im having anxiety over a few things. Theres 1 particular behavioral concern (Saying bad words) that we have been trying to address for awhile, so will now have to work harder on this with him. Thats okay bcuz i dont want him saying these words anyway.
Then she mentions about transitioning him to another school in the near future (like grade 3). I knew this talk was coming. She mentioned it last mtg also. Basically my son isnt the best fit for this particular school. They believe he is needing maybe a more ā€œmainstreamā€ school where he fits at a more intellectual level. Hes a very bright boy but he has alot of medical stuff going on. Apparently there are other schools that may be a better fit for him but that can still provide the medical support and therapies that he needs. Im having HUGE anxiety over this all, but realize also that its a ways away.
Going to try and stay present today. Will be heading out for a walk out in nature shortly. Hopefully that will help :slight_smile:
Hope everyone has an addiction free day!


Itā€™s in London. There is a worldwide tour :heart:

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Thank you :pray:

Thank you so much :pray:

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