Checking in daily to maintain focus #51

Amazing, it must be a great feeling!
Well done, keep doing what you’re doing :sparkling_heart:


@Twizzlers Thank you!

@PinkyP Thank you. It do feel amazing, and I will keep it going!

@Mephistopheles Thank you. Its been quite a journey! :see_no_evil:


Day 1 again


Huge congrats Wakikki! Awesome work!


@Wakikki Congratulations on 1 full year sober.
@meg2 Keep coming back. Don’t give up trying



Feel so lazy and jumbled mind, nothing to really complain about to be fair just making my own obstacles by being lazy !

Going to get dinner in the slow cooker, one of those days where I just can’t make up my mind what to cook but will just throw out all in and let out cook itself :sweat_smile:

Then I think I’ll take it easy for the rest of the day, next week will be busy so why not.

Have a great day everyone, lots of congratulations to you all, so many people’s too congratulate I’m going to do the @ everyone congratulations for today :blush::grinning:


@Luna2022 I am so glad you are getting advice and support from people who can relate.

@Wakikki Congratulations :clap::tada::clap:

Day 871

Went for drinks and dinner with a friend. I went af of course, and friend followed suit. I felt a bit weird about her not drinking just because I am not, (she mentioned drinking on zoom with her sisters etc so I feel like it was just because of me) but that is her business not mine. There were some drunken people in the booth opposite;: loud, stumbling, annoying. But the af drinks tasted good (not lacking something) and it was good to chat.

TW self harm

I have been getting more and more wound up about inlaws leaving me out. I tried to talk to husband and he just said my hated Japanese phrase ‘shogainai’ - that can’t be helped, what tf does that even mean in this situation? I have been sh-ing with just what was in the house, but bought and used a proper implement today. And binge eating continues and the added weight makes me disgusted with myself.


Oh Flo. I am very sad to read this. :frowning: Sad you are struggling so.

It is very understandable. The sh with food and other ways.* You’re taking your anger out against yourself.
Anybody would be hurt. You’re NOT having pity parties, you’re having normal reactions. And you got zero support from your husband who I’m beginning to long distance resent.

No clue what that phrase is supposed to mean. it sure sounds like idgaf to me.

I just wanna say I support you. I know it means nothing from so far away. But you clearly deserve better. I hope you know that deep down in yourself.


*PS you’ve mentioned recently you’re having thoughts of drinking. I urge you to pay attention to the pattern here. Things are escalating and what comes before relapse with DOC is relapse with other shit like sh and food. Saying this with love and care.


Hey all, checking in on day 929. I hope everybody has a good one!

@Wakikki Congrats on 1 year!! That is amazing!!


That sounds really good and helpful. I totally adore these moments, when the switch clicks to a new kind of recognition. :+1:t2:


Hello all,

Checking in on Day 1,617 Sober.
Four Days out of TS Jail.



We’re here, you’re not alone Flo. We’re in this together. Hang with us and try to not take it out on yourself plz. Hugs and love.


It is good to read that everything went fine!

Have fun with your Fitbit. :+1:t2: :wink:

Day 931 clean and sober. I looked up the term “existential crisis” and yep I’ve had a few and currently having another one as we speak… I will get through this like I always do except without chemicals to ease the experience. Still feeling meh but meh is better then hungover or strung out for sure. Have an amazing day today, love you guys :sunglasses::metal:t2:


You have shown a lot of strength through personal loses that emotionally ruin people who do not even struggle with addiction. I have always admired how you acknowledge and confront the things life has thrown you that are beyond your control.


I am really really sorry you’re going through this and like @Faugxh said we are here to support you even though we’re so far away. Huge hugs my friend :hugs::sunglasses::metal:t2:


Wow @SoberGuyUSA that was really really nice of you to say. Thank you so much for that it made me feel better. Thanks Chris :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Wooohooo one whole year of freedom. Good work @Wakikki


Checking in day 117! Was up early and have some laundry in. We’re getting a little warmer weather than we’ve been having so planning to hike this afternoon. Trying to get back to eating more nourishing food after being sick (was doing well before), but my body craves comfort food when sick (which is OK- not going for perfection here). Anyway, should be a good day. Have a lovely, sober Friday and kickoff to the weekend!


Hi yes that sounds good