Checking in daily to maintain focus #51

Congrats on 300!!!


Day 19. Restless broken sleep but at least no nightmares. Yesterday evening was better because I spent time with my boyfriend. That gets me out of my head. Woke up with another bad headache but thatā€™s getting a bit better now that Iā€™ve been up and had a hot shower and some coffee. Iā€™m just exhausted still.


So proud of you for working through your stressful and uncomfortable condition. I see you putting in the work! Hows IOP going?


Thanks! The IOP is super helpful because itā€™s addressing both the substance abuse and the mental health issues. Iā€™m in a fairly small group of really great people. And Iā€™m glad I took a few weeks off of work to focus on my health without that added stress.


Congrats on 9 months!! :raised_hands:


@KellyKelly congrats on 300! :raised_hands:

Checking in day 27

I have my dr appt scheduled on my one day off next week. They finished putting down the subfloors in the 2nd bedroom. Now I have plenty of work mudding, sanding, caulking and painting. The previous worker didnā€™t level the floors correctly in my living room, so I am going to have to have that fixed. Iā€™m going to wait until I find out about my surgery and those costs. The only positive thing is at least taxes are almost back. So that will help with my worries of being out of work for awhile.
I have actually been doing better than I thought I would be. No major cravings lately. Sleep is still off a bit, but that could just be from rotating day shift and closing shifts at work. I hope you all have a blessed day.


Wishing u absolutely all the best with this new therapist. Love the picture of the ducks :slight_smile: you live in such a beautiful place!


Checking in day 41. Have great day kids.


Glad to see that things are slowly beginning to get better for u. Hope u have a great day :heartpulse:


@KellyKelly huge congratulations on 300 days!!! Way to go :slight_smile:
@onthewagon31 congratulations to you on 9 months!!! Really proud of you for getting here! :star_struck:


Day 108

I feel myself crawling back into a self isolating hole. Not sure of my emotions and just feeling kind of numb. I am not going to relapse, but I think Iā€™m feeling overexposed in a wayā€¦ Maybe sharing too much. I donā€™t really know how to articulate this feeling really. But figured this is the best place to try to explain. I hope yā€™all are having a good day :two_hearts:




Checking in on day 25. Had counselling today and coffee and cake with my sister. I had a new friend reach out today who iv been putting off seeing because alcohol made me believe I wasnā€™t good enough and I couldnt maintain a friendship. Weā€™re going for a hike and coffee Sunday. :heart: Up yours alcohol.


So excited for your 9 months!!!


Really proud of myself for not having anything last night. The Alcohol cravings are pretty much gone- Iā€™m not chasing that feeling anymore itā€™s been 148 days and Iā€™m so excited, however, the replacement of the THC drink that I started using after going without anything for a while has been spiraling and the longest I made it in the last few months was 5 days without any substance at all, (and that was just a few days ago)ā€¦ But Iā€™m determined to cut it out completely and today is day 2 no THC.
I wrote a little something:
Sit with it. The anxiety, the restlessness the emptiness, the darkness the worry the anger and the wonder of what do with it all. What if we just sit with all of it, and let those emotions rise and fall. Because they will. They will settle and they will pass and you will be ok. The substances just fuck with it all. For a glimpse of a moment, a drink or a pill or a toke might take it all away, but then the wave comes crashing down ten fold.
All the excuses in the world, the rationization, the glorification, of what and why we useā€¦ Itā€™s all the addict voice taking over. Close your ears and open your heart. Let yourself hurt, because thatā€™s the only way to heal.


Day 65 :muscle: chilling almost at the end of season 2 on game of thrones

Happy sober Thursday everyone


Day 467 AF

@SoberWalker Sorry for your loss. :disappointed:
@Lorelai Congrats on 40 months!
@onthewagon31 Congrats on 9 months, bro.
@CATMANCAM Almost 900 days and a year without a cocaine. Good work. :muscle:
@KellyKelly Congrats on 300 days :clap:

And congrats to everyone else. Hope everyoneā€™s doing well.

Been spending time with my mom and the fam. My grandpa passed away a couple of days agošŸ˜¢. We couldnā€™t make the trip to Mexico to say our last farewell. She got to see him for the holidays, but feels bad for not making it to the funeral. She has a fear of heights and doesnā€™t like taking the plane. It takes about 3 days to get there on the bus. She wouldā€™ve not made it on time.
I havenā€™t thought about drinking. Sobriety feels normal now. No matter how rough days are.Gotta keep pushing forward. Gotta be strong for the fam and the kids.

Have a great day, fam. Stay strong.


:high_brightness: Morning Check In :high_brightness:
Day 347 substance free
Morning!! Busy, busy day ahead of me. Just getting my son on the bus for school and then off right away to walmart for groceries. I normally would never leave at 9am for a huge grocery shop but i have to be home btwn 11-1 for our internet technician to get here. Weve been having probalems again with our wifi and cable. Then once they leave im going to go for a workout before i have to pick up my son from the bus. All n all today should be good!! Have a great addiction free day everyone!


Day 117
Iā€™m on my way to the dentist, 2 teeth need a new filling. The old ones got leaky. Iā€™m a grown woman but Iā€™m still afraid of this, a dentist appointment.
Only because one dentist did lie to me when I was a kid. He said ā€œIt wonā€™t hurtā€. Guess. It did hurt bad. Since that day I had panic when my parents told me we have to go to the dentist. Of course it got worse with time.
I know nothing bad will happen, if I want I get an injection that numbs everything (I always want!).
I try to accept that I have this fear, but that wonā€™t make it go away.
Luckily Iā€™m sober, drinking maximizes fear and makes it worse. Iā€™m more in control now.
I hope youā€™re having a beautiful sober day friends and stay strong :muscle::kissing_heart:


Aw, man. I hate the dentist. I got some deep cleaning done not too long ago. The dentist put a cotton swab in my mouth and I thought it was a needle. I was pretty embarrassed about it. She was like, ā€œitā€™s just a cotton swab.ā€ Hope all is well.