Checking in daily to maintain focus #51

Day 896 :four_leaf_clover:

Have a nice weekend everybody :blue_heart:


Congratulations :four_leaf_clover::blue_heart::nazar_amulet:


That is awful scary!:confounded:

But also really, really cool! I love the idea of a secret room.:astonished:



Day 900

Getting closer to triple figures! Today was a regular day of hanging around a shopping centre, homework, baking, etc. Holy crap, I didnā€™t think brownies were diet food, but literally just sugar, chocolate and butter held together with the minimal amount of flour to bind it together. Makes cake looks light.


Huge congrats Flo! Such a fine example of moving forward ODAAT. Good days and less good ones. Big hugs friend.


Cool numbers :nine::zero::zero: days! :tada::tada::tada:


Not stupid at all. I love that. I have little snips of my kittyā€™s hair that I keep. I find it comforting.


Hey all, checking in on day 958. I hope everybody has a good one!


Congratulations :tada::tada::tada::four_leaf_clover::two_hearts:


Im adulting on a early saturday morning. Hangover free. My tire is flat and hoping they can repair it so i dont have to buy new


Wow, 900 days! Congratulation to this accomplishment!:confetti_ball::tada::confetti_ball:


Congrats on your huge 900 Days :fireworks:

1 Like

@Juli1 @KevinesKay @Misokatsu @SassyRocks
@Twizzlers @Scorpn @Dazercat @SoberWalker @anon74766472 @Sunny11

Thank you all for the congrats and supportive replies, they mean a lot and really helped :blush::blue_heart:

901 days no alcohol.
366 days no cocaine.

I was up early, walked to the shop to buy lunch when they opened at 7am, thought Iā€™d have less chance of encountering any abuse and needed to do it before my defenses kicked in and prevented me from being able to keep going there, all was well.

Got my walk in just before midday, and just as I got to the final corner before joining the road leading home, another 2 youngish boys were approaching, and as they were going past, one of them shouted something that ended in ā€˜girlā€™, I didnā€™t catch the rest and I donā€™t care for it.

Iā€™ve had it most of my life, since I cut all my hair off for the first time when I was 10. So itā€™s more of an ā€˜eye-rollā€™ thing at this point, I just thought it was behind me now, being so far along in my transition. Iā€™m not going to let insignificant comments stop me from leaving my home.

Itā€™s that time of the week again already! My favourite TV show starts in under an hour. Iā€™ve already caught up on all of my meditations today, so will read around on here until then.

I hope youā€™re all having wonderful sober weekends :blush:



Checking in day 76 sober today, Saturday mornings are so much better hangover freeā€¦ especially considering i would start drinking when i woke up to continue the buzz my head still felt from the night before.

Ive been craving chocolate a lot lately :joy: something i didnt really experience in the earlier days of sobriety, anyone else relate to that?


Day 5

  • free from alcohol
  • being aware of toxic relationships
  • regular eating without drama

Checking in.
Had good breakfast and lunch and a long afternoon nap. Mediationā€¦ Now just strech a bit before hitting the pool. :woman_in_lotus_position:t2::swimming_woman:t2:

Love :blue_heart::panda_face:


Itā€™s very normal :grin:


I went to a new meeting today. I was shocked a tiny little bit at first when I entered the room and felt like being in a meeting with my grandmothers. I was the youngest by far. The next one was 20 years older and some looked like my grandmother when she dies at 95 2 years ago. I kept on smiling and looking for a way to find an excuse why I couldnā€™t come back. In the end it was quite interesting to be honest. There is so much experience, most were there as relatives of addicts and stayed in this connection just because the like the connection. Might be going back, finding motivation to change what I can now and not waiting until I am 80 years+.

Also I thought, wow, what a good training it is to go to meetings, getting in contact with complete strangers, not hiding and not having to hold onto the effects of alcohol to start a conversation.


Checking in day 146! Went to the gym and then on a hike with a friend. Now relaxing a bit, on call for work tonight. Been a good day so far. Hope youā€™re all enjoying your sober Saturday!


Checking in
Day 349 substance free
Ive been cranky like ALL day :confused: lol like not even kidding. It certainly has required me to work on patience with others. I just dont feel myself honestly. But im going to be making supper soonā€¦ meatball subs with melted cheese on top, so that will give me something to do and focus on. I think ill have a shower first to relax. Finish up the 3 loads of laundry i have going. Do a gratitude list & pray. Thats about it for my day so far. Hope everyone is having an addiction free day!