Checking in daily to maintain focus #52

My day begins and yours coms to an end.
Funny those timezones. Glad you had a good day!


You’re right; I should have said Good night and/or good morning.
Enjoy your day!

Edit: just saw the kitty picture, absolutely adorable. Everybody tells me I should get a cat…

#Day 1634 :walking_woman:
Bad wet weather overhere. But I cannot change it :sunglasses:
Not much to say beside: I’m good.
Enjoying my time off from work. The new old cat is blending in easy. She lived 3 days hiding behind the couch and now her domain is on the couch.

Cats are in my life for many years. My previous cat gave me the last push to stop drinking (read the story about it in my profile). Sober since.
Taking care of an animal makes me happy.
Yesterday she sat almost on my lap…almost!
Babysteps, but still forward!
Just like our recovery!!


First time in a while ive woken up to a good few inches! (sorry, couldnt resist the pun)


4 full days AF.

Happy Friday all. Danger day for those like me early in sobriety (again).

Stay vigilant and have great days.


Have as good a day as you all can friends. Sober and clean. Love.

It’s been raining for 24 hours straight now. With some sleet mixed in. It will stop at some time right. Right?
@ASpray Congrats on 4 days. Today is just another day Adam. You know the deal. This is black and white. We use or we don’t. And when it gets hard come here. Have a look in the Friday Thread for example. Friday Thread #2


Close, very close……

But Nope.


It was between 3:30 and 4am, and I was resting my eyes…


Ow noooooooooooo. Still a nice pretty sequence Cate. And great numbers. Congrats :people_hugging:


I think you need a hug and an E for effort and a WD Well Done for all those days, congrats!!


Day 20 no weed
Day 126 no alcohol

Off to work

Have a good day everyone


Day 314
I’m really struggling with feelings of regret for the past at the moment. It has been triggered by the death of a friend, which highlighted that I’ve been unfriended on FB by someone I thought of as a family friend. I contacted her about the death and there has been no reply. I’ve found myself looking through old messages to see if I can find an explanation but that has just brought up multiple unrelated memories that I’m finding extremely uncomfortable. I decided to clear out my old messages, right back 15 years or so.
My appetite is always the first thing to be affected when I’m upset but I’m glad to say that I still made a lovely meal for my daughter and me last night and still managed to eat it. It took a bit of effort to start cooking but I got there in the end.
I’m also able to see that where in the past I would have been utterly floored by this type of thing, I am actually managing a lot better. Yes, I’m still upset but I’m not crippled by it and it hasn’t made me lose any sleep. Just before I fell asleep last night I made a meditation where I had a shallow wicker bowl that was full of pebbles and rocks and I emptied them out and then selected several items and carefully arranged them back into the bowl. It was like a mini zen garden. I found that very soothing.
I’m thinking about looking into getting some type of therapy again. I have quite a clear idea of what I want to work on and I think I’m ready to do a bit of emotional digging. I’m going to start putting feelers out for that.
My daughter is going on an adventure weekend today so I need to go and pack her bag now. And then it’s just me and my teen son for a couple of nights.
Have a good day everyone :two_hearts:


Day 9

Good morning sober community. How are you all doing? I’m doing good but dealing with unhelpful customer service will drain the joy of out of you. While dealing with this, it dawned on me that I would HATE to be on the receiving end of my anger. Now I’m realizing why people don’t really mess with me because I operate from a very simple maxim: be nice and I’ll be nice, cross me and I’ll take you for a ride. Anyways gonna go for a run to let off some steam.


BUGGERRR! Seriously, props for trying to staying awake!


May I check in myself, and express my concern because it’s Friday (not like any other days of the week presented a problem before lol). Last night I slept like a log, and I ran 7km after work. Today I’ll run 4 and do some deadlifts, then eat and sleep. Tomorrow morning I have aerobic class where I’m an instructor and I need to stay sober today in order to drive 30km to the place and then jump like crazy for two hours. There’s nothing worse that doing that trip and activity while hangover. I can do it, I know it, and I will therefore check in here tomorrow as well.


Hey all, checking in on day 999. I hope everybody has a good one!


Checking in day 187! Having a low key morning so far. Going to get to the gym and the grocery store, and work tonight. Hope you all have a fantastic sober Friday :v:t3::peace_symbol:


Happy Friday my friends! Have sn awesome day.


Day 283. Another successful day of class. Part of me does have a hard time remembering what I learned, like I can’t resight everything I’ve learned which kind of bugs me. I still think with experience I will become an amazing coach. After these classes I plan on applying at one of the recovery clinics. Still waiting on a apartment, but moving into a new room here at the house and it has a little more privacy. Just trying to reflect on everything and make the right choices. Much love.


Congrats on your 1000 th day my friend. Imagine hey??? This was a big shocker for me when i hit it, I felt its impact more than 2 years. 1000 fucking back to back days without dope and booze. That felt like insanity for me, after a literal lifetime of using. I am so proud of you, you are such a strong human with such a beautiful soul. This life we have been given doesnt always make sense I know, and most days I have given up trying to figure it out. The best I can do is live the last of my days in love; in love with the ocean, the sky, the planet, the people around me and myself. If I can manage that I manage to get through my days. I love you Rob and I am so grateful we are a part of each others recovery. Congrats again. :heart:


10 days!

I’m already done with 10k steps daily goal. Got some studying to do, then I’ll cook a nice dinner (cooking is my hobby, I’m looking forward to it).
Feeling kinda positive for the first time in 10 days