Checking in daily to maintain focus #52

Next week interview 3 :four_leaf_clover::rainbow::cherry_blossom::blossom::hibiscus::muscle:


Checking in day 566. Job interview did not go as planned. This was my third interview and they had been very excited up until today. I was lacking the proper degree but had all other requirements. Disappointed a little, and cancelled my surgery on my mouth because they said I’d have another interview tomorrow and they cancelled that today. But everything happens for a reason I guess. Hope everyone is doing well and stay safe.


Aha, a will keep my fingers crossed for you :crossed_fingers:


Day 15 of 365
Youtube Free Day 5 of 365


1000!! :tada: Congratulations, Rob! You are really an inspiration. Glad you’re here, man.


107 :muscle: chilling watching the rookie

Happy sober Thursday everyone


This made me chuckle. I have a similar guy in my office that laughs and sighs very audibly to himself and it bugs me, way more than it should.
I was chuckling at your irrational anger at the meditation that was supposed to be making you feel more calm too :sweat_smile:
You are doing bloody awesome approaching your 2 month mark. I remember being pretty lethargic and teary at this point. Keep on keepin on!



Good morning friends- 345 day check in :sun_with_face:
Happy Friday!
I’ve decided I’m WFH today. I was supposed to go into the office but I have online training to do, and letters to write and I really could use just getting it all done at home without the 2.5 hrs travel today.
So I’m going to head to the gym this morning and then get stuck into work at home.
I’m still playing Stardew Valley and tending to my stupid little virtual farm. I don’t know what it is about that game that soothes my anxious brain but it’s been a nice distraction haha.
Maybe it’s my inner child telling me to run away and become a farmer :sweat_smile:


Day 61. Actually caught up at work. Heading out to dinner with a friend shortly. It’ll be good for me to get out of the house. Still just so tired all the time. The insomnia is still bad. I have to limit my caffeine intake because of my anxiety. I see my primary care doc next week for an annual checkup with blood work. Time to check my thyroid and everything else. I hope things check out okay.


I’m glad my irational anger brought a smile to your face. :smiling_face: And thank you! You made me feel less crazy. It’s nice knowing I’m not the only getting bugged by other people’s sounds.

And it’s really nice knowing that feeling off in early sobriety is normal. I mean, I’m not glad you also struggled with your emotions and energy levels. But it’s nice not being the only sober person I read about who’s not happily out of bed at 6 and running marathons by the 2 month mark.

But then again, I hate running and I highly doubt I’ll be anywhere near a marathon even after 5 years of staying sober.


Catmancam, you went with your instincts concerning your therapy. Feel good about it.


Hahaha thank you and I loved that video!!! :rofl::rofl::rofl::sunglasses::metal:t2:


Thank you @icebear :sunglasses::metal:t2:


I’m glad I could ease your mind that you aren’t alone. I remember being like come on, I’m sleeping right, exercising and not drinking, WHERE IS MY REWARD? Why am I still miserable!?
It levels out. I still have those times even close to a year, but that’s being human isn’t it? Ups and downs, it’s not all roses.
Also still not running haha. Good luck with the zen times :sweat_smile:


Good for you making the right decision for you! We do not have to continue with services (or an individual) that is not a good fit for us.
I hope you feel empowered by taking action to resolve the situation.


So proud of you. :purple_heart: You have stayed sober through the toughest of times, I respect you so much.


Thank you very very much @Misokatsu :blush::sunglasses::metal:t2:


I have officially reach 31 days clean from narcotics​:smiling_face::purple_heart:


@Planipennia Congratulations on the new job!
@CATMANCAM It’s terrible when a therapist does more harm than good. I hope you can find someone that will help.
@SelfLove_42 I’m about to quit YouTube. I thought it harmless compared to other social media (since I only watch camping videos and retro computing). It’s starting to occupy too much of my time, among other reasons.

I’d love to live off grid; that’s my goal when I get my shiz together. :smirk:

I do too! :pray:

Day 3?
Pretty good day. Saw my job advisor today. We decided to hold off on the job search until we found out how employment would affect my SSI. Signed the necessary paperwork to finalize my claim; an authorization for my payee. So my landlord is squared away; that’s the most important thing. My back pay is a lot less than I thought it would be, but that’s okay. The medical insurance is what I need most.
In spite of all the good news, I still feel bummed out. Maybe I just don’t like change. I don’t know. Have a good sober night, all. :v:


Youtube for me is like an alcoholic going to his favorite tavern cause the food is great. Eventually he gives in. While youtube might be OK for some people, with my addiction… social media is just too much for me. Better safe than sorry.