Checking in daily to maintain focus #52

9 days. Made it through the first weekend thanks to this app and online meetings.


Congratulations on 9 days :purple_heart::fire:


Checking in with 328 days.
Heading into the office, it’s going to be a busy day I think. Have a wonderful day everyone :heartpulse:


I can relate to this one. I pretty much got through my first 100 days with soft drinks and milkshakes. It helped haha :laughing:


Today is hard. I’m dog sitting, which
normally I love. But today I’m super anxious. That’s all I can say :dog2:


Stick with it, you’re doing great. One day at a time.
I read this back to myself and it sounds like a haphazard cliche. Sorry about that.
Find yourself and identify what makes you happy. Focus on you and building the best version of you. Surround yourself with people who truly enjoy your company and who genuinely care about your success. Make sure to repay that sentiment. I’m rambling, take care of yourself.
Give the dogs something from the fridge that they’re not supposed to have.


Day #13 Sober and so thankful for this community and the support & encouragement of everyone!


Checking in
Day 372
Today has been hard. Just a hard day overall. Started my day off with a mild argument with hubby over dishes (me not finishing the cutlery yesterday as i ran out of time). Things just snowballed from there. My son is still sick and i have extreme fatigue. So everything takes a boat load of effort for me to do. I found myself crying from just pure exhaustion. And instead of my husband showing any compassion whatsoever to the fact that ive been pushing myself for 2 days to try and get things done, i get told that im lazy and that im always tired. That hurt honestly. I was feeling rough yesterday and went out n did a huge grocery shop so we had food choices, gave my son a bath, did half the dishes and made supper, did 3 loads of laundry and made the bed with fresh sheets, and then did 2 more loads of laundry today (my son kept getting sick on our towels), and did more dishes and took care of our son all day with his illness. Either im just too sensitive of a person and took that “lazy” comment to heart, or maybe I truly am not as active and energetic as i think i am. My mental health does effect my energy levels sometimes. I didnt feel supported at all today honestly. And normally he is quite supportive of me, so today was off for both of us i think. I think im just over emotional today. Im hoping for some good rest tonight and some self care. Again, i didnt have much time to read on here and catch up but know that u all are in my thoughts :slight_smile: hope everyone had a great day


Big hugs. You’ve done soooooooo much. :heart::heart::heart:. It’s probably stressful for both of you wondering if your son is going to aspirate. Without causing further upset, what did he do? You don’t have to answer but sounds like you did it all. Hopefully your son is soon well and everything will get back to more normal. You. Do. So. Much. Every. Day! Try to eat well and get good rest, Dana, it’s a hard time for you right now.


Day 1 part two for me. Managed to make it 7 days last time then my birthday/super bowl/etc but recommitting starting today.

I’ve been drinking at least six drinks almost daily for four years, which began with my wife getting sick and bed bound for over six months as a way to deal with stress and pressure. and got even worse after my dad died almost two years ago (alcohol related). I refuse to allow myself to go down the same path to an early grace that my dad did and need to do better for myself, my kids, and my wife.

Today is a new day and I’m feeling optimistic!


Checking in day 326 AF
Hope you all have a great day :blush:


Almost on day 3 of no weed
Day 108 no alcohol

Never underestimate the power of a nap :sleeping:

I slept most of the day today

I need a ID to get my job but it’s not looking like I’ll get it in time.
I did everything I could and got a appointment to get it March 4th

After that
Back to job looking


So my husband cleaned the entire fish tank which really needed to be done. Thats sort of his thing to do anyway bcuz he enjoys it (usually). He did make us breakfast (which resulted in him getting upset bcuz he didnt have the right utensils as they werent washed from the night before… thats how the argument happened). But my husband is very traditional in the sense that i do the majority of the housework and i give our son his bath and put him to bed (my husband has never given our son a bath since he was born). During the weekends when i work not much gets done as he feels like its his days to relax. And i do understand that. He works like 50-60 hours a week. So i get it. But i guess i feel like im not living up to what i need to be for our home. And then add on my mental health and my fatigue at times, it makes it hard. Most days its fairly easy for me to get things done. I love being productive. But lately it seems like im constantly pushing myself to even get the simpliest thing done and then i get called “lazy”. It really takes alot of strength in my opinion when any of us get up and do tasks that are hard for us some days.


I’ve had lots of day 1s
No shame in coming back

It’s not easy


And thank you for the reminder that this too shall pass. Things do always return to normal. This will pass. Thank u for ur very kind response. I needed some gentleness and kindness right now. Hugs my friend


You are a hard worker

I totally can look up to you


Awe thats very kind of u to say that! I appreciate that alot :hugs:


So Ive decided to start checking in daily. I’m 10 days Clean from meth. And I’m ready to try again. I’m not gonna let a relapse keep me down. If anything it has pushed me to do even harder. I love this site. It is so amazing and it’s my 2nd day on it. Love all you guys. We got this.


Congratulations on 10 days. Stick with it, it’s worth it. You’re worth it. Welcome to TS.


I feel good and I feel determined things I have to do starting now is expressing that I’m a addict and I need help. So me and my dog will take more walks we have a family subscription at YMCA I think it’s time that I use it. Day one and plenty more to come and it’s like the people on this in my phone that call me should I say other addicts I’m not telling them that I’m trying to get sober what I do is lie to them and lie about why I can’t pick them up on why I can’t give them a ride I have to break that and just be real with people and tell them I’m trying to get clean and I can’t talk to you more no more you never know they might want to jump on the bag wagon and get clean also in the future