Checking in daily to maintain focus #52

Congrats @Nordique for joining the 1000 club!!


Wow congratulations on quadruple digits!!! Amazing work :star_struck:


Congrats on getting thru that first week! Thats the toughest milestone @rsvf


:joy::joy::joy: love this! Dentists and guns


Checking in sober! Grateful AF (as f*ck in this case :joy:) to wake up sober and plan on being sober today. One day at a time. I feel like my body is still trying to figure out this change I made (18 days so far), alternating between exhaustion and some manic type feelings. Inspired by y’all regardless whether you’re on day 1 or 1,000 :purple_heart:


I’m getting ready to attend my first in person meeting! It’s a CODA meeting. Codependency is one of my biggest problems. I get emotionally attached so easily…


307, checking in :slight_smile:


Very happy check in at Day 20!
I am so proud, thrilled, happy. I feel like its getting easier. Feeling like my indenity is shifting from “alcoholic” to “not a drinker.” I don’t plan on becoming complacent or overly confident. Some days I get so happy… it turns into fear of losing it, but I keep remembering my “why”.

Happy sober weekend everyone!!


:high_brightness: Morning Check In :high_brightness:
Day 391
Goooood morning everyone! Its a brutally cold day here today :cold_face: Lots of snow fell last night.
Didnt sleep well. Had a using dream but thankfully in that dream i smashed my paraphernalia bcuz i didnt want to use. It was pretty vivid. I think the dream happened bcuz of feeling stressed yesterday plus having that craving.
Ive been realizing also that I have been emotionally off and have been having more cravings then usual. So im taking this as a warning sign that i need to do more recovery related work. Nip this in the bud before it gets worse or cravings get more intense.
I prayed this morning while on my way to work. Will work my shift. My client is going home today for a family visit so i will have time to maybe read some recovery literature and spend more time on here. And then go home to spend time with my family :heartpulse:
Hope everyone has an addiction free day


Girl, I can relate! Gees my moods shift from happy to nervous to sad to guilt to hopeful to confident, but on a good note - I always make it back to a calm and grateful mindset thankfully :pray:t3:


Checking in sober.
2nd evening after repeatingly relapsing

Had food, had naps, had meeting (recovery dharma) - thats new and I joyned one yesterday and today.

Managed lot of housework and did meal prepping (chicken broth).
Sold a TV at eBay classifieds.

Will have a Yoga stretch now and
a long distance swim workout as yesterday.
Afterwards just some late-night snack and resting.

Much love :heartpulse:
Thank you all for being here :pray:t2:


Congratulations on 1000 days!!!


Happy Saturday! Have an excellent day!


Check in, day 4 after 5th relapse, and this time it’s gonna stick, I can feel it. It wasn’t even hard to fight off the craving today, I just drank some instant ice tea with extra collagen (like for your hair, nails, skin and stuff) and it was so discustingly fake-sweet-bluberry taste that I had to drink another one lol. I’m happy that I’m going to hit the gym tomorrow instead of being hangover. I would go to the gym today too, but I already drove so much today and the road is icy and slippery that I decided to stay home. And I’m totally proud for winning over this craving today.


Day 371

A day of painting and crying. I gave away some items i had stored, but now there is a crowded mess in my room. Keeping track of my purchases like groceries and clothes. A lot of things Ive committed to not buying more of for 2023, like socks and shoes.

I havent used anything, but I am bargaining with myself. What if I allowed myself 1 joint every six months. I am comfortable never drinking. I have a lot of nice drinks. And never edibles. They and vapes were horrible. But the depression is never ending. If im sober except for 2 joints a year, at least that would be something to look forward to.


Check in: honestly Don’t feel well. My depression has been bad. My hygiene has been awful. I cant seem to do anything lately. Its probably depression that led me to drinking in the place. I have drank on and off since trying to quit in my 30s. Im 61 now. I know some things i should try…but just want to sit and drink coffee and watch it snow here in mn.


109 :muscle: chilling playing cod pain not bad today

Happy sober Saturday everyone have a good weekend


Have you ever done talk therapy or met with a psychiatrist? Theres no shame nowadays. Plus part of rockin sobriety is addressing underlying mental health


I have tried
Talk therapy in the past. Right now im on meds for depression…but am still in a slump. Its only been 32 days since i quit drinking again…so maybe i just need more patience. Prob just takes time.


Thank you @Cjp @Butterflymoonwoman and @Scorpn !!