Checking in daily to maintain focus #52

Have as good a day as you all can friends. Sober and clean. Love.

I just woke up with the sun peeking through the curtains. What a difference seeing a bit of blue sky makes! Felt like running out and walk to work and my late shift. But that’s a bit over the top. Will make sure to catch some :sun_with_face: before I work though. Congrats on double digits DJ. Enjoy your weekend.
@onthewagon31 Great to see you Nate!
@SoberWalker Enjoy Zutphen! Must be a pretty little town.
@Scorpn Five months! Yay! Congrats! Hugs! Love!
@Seb Glad you sober friend, for yourself first but also for us or we would miss your beautiful nature shots.
@FeelingBetter Double digits Jean! Big congrats lady. Just keep going and nothing will stop you.
@JonB Enjoy your sober weekend at home and thanks for being here!
@Butterflymoonwoman I’d say having break is taking time for yourself. And you time is what it is. Your time. We used to do that by using. No we don’t use we have the space to do us time with better nicer healthier things. Catch a movie, read a book, have a walk, look out of the window… Whatever you fancy friend. Hugs.


Day 942

Things have been going a little better with the husband lately. I think I am finally getting better at protecting boundaries calmly, and he has reacted well (at times) and that in turn has made me a little less defensive. Baby steps, the relationship has been deteriorating for years, it won’t be fixed in a week, probably will never be totally fixed, but maybe getting some set patterns weakened.
Has been a bit of stress with the kids, but again need to practise keeping boundaries calmly. Work starts up again next month, so will have to see how things go with extra stress on top of that.


Hey all, checking in on day 1,000 :heart: :muscle:

I hope everybody has a good one!


Congratulations on 1k!! :partying_face:


Well done, congratulations :tada:

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Checking in on day 638. I went to the beach today and got a little sunburnt. Tomorrow I am going to a wildlife park hopefully. Wishing you all serenity today.


@Hoss and @icebear thank you guys!!


Happy 1,000 days bro!!! HELL YEAH!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Day 1,002 clean and sober today. Up since 2am, haven’t been sleeping well lately. I hope everyone has an awesome day, love you guys! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Fantastic Nordique!! Keep at it, showing us the way!! :+1::+1:


Checking in sober.
I was thinking about recovery tools. I do this from time to time. Most of the time it’s too abstract for me. Like something to overcome an urge. So short lived.
What I experienced just now in the last hours, what somehowade me realise: this IS the most important ‘tool’ for me. It is talking about what is stuck in my head. When I feel offended by someone or something. Say it out and probably I’ll get it corrected. Ask how someone meant it because I received it like this or that. I can reframe it. And there won’t be anger, sadness, self-pity and other feelings which I used to cure with drinking. And really most of the times talking about it is so simple and makes such a huge difference.


This is a good technique I try to remember this when my mind is going to a bad place. It usually helps me to relax some.


Day 7 for me and I couldn’t be happier about my choice to stop drinking and stay stopped. Going to my online Tempest meetings every day, practicing taking up space and using my voice by speaking at most of them. I agree with @anon74766472 that talking about what is coming up for me is a huge help; I always get practical and positive feedback from the coach/facilitator and others on the call. Nobody is farting rainbows :rainbow: they’re all very real. I couldn’t get myself to speak in the past, I couldn’t get real, couldn’t show myself but that has changed now. Been journaling and watching inspirational YouTube videos by some badass sober people like Jamie Lee Curtis, Ben Affleck, Nikki Sixx and Alice Cooper. Going for runs, had a nice one this morning with my dogs :dog2:. Looking forward to a nice quiet day. Very grateful for all of you :heartpulse:


I wish i was where you’re at! It’s cold and ugly here. Soak up all that wonderful sunshine and send some my way! Have a great day!


The past two days have been a struggle for me but with this app and online meetings I made it through without drinking/using. Feeling very grateful to be on day 7.


Free from weed! It’s been a rough 5 days and still having some withdrawals, but I’m feeling much better. I couldn’t have done it without all of you and my meetings! Thank you everyone! I also have to thank myself for sticking with it


Day 56.

I may have figured out part of the reason I feel so shit. I’ve been ignoring a tooth ache for a few good weeks and these past couple of days it’s gotten so bad, I can’t sleep properly and the paracetamols (aka tylenol for those of you across the pond) and ibuprofens stopped working. So today I’m doing the responsible adult thing and going to an emergency dentist that managed to fit me in.

Yesterday I celebrated 55 days of sobriety by going to a shooting range. It was a nice wholesome sober activity. Actuality, one of the few activities I can think off where alchohol is absolutely forbidden lol. And I was proud of my husband for sticking to coffees all day. It was only my second time actually holding real guns, but the instructors were really good and helpful and made it all feel very safe. I mean, it was still freaky. And I’m a terrible shot.

So yeah, dentists and guns. That’s today’s update :rofl:


Hi Hoss, great post, great to read you’re doing well :sparkling_heart:


@Nowenbrace and @Rockstar24777 Thank you
guys so much!!

I have a super busy day today and don’t have much time to be on here so I hope i don’t forget anyone but much love to all you guys :heart:


Day 32 AF! It is Saturday morning and cold here. I slept long and hard during the night and am groggy this morning.

Hope Everyone has a great day today!