Checking in daily to maintain focus #52

:first_quarter_moon_with_face: Evening Check In :first_quarter_moon_with_face:
Day 358
Overall today was really good. But for some odd reason im really struggling with negative thoughts about myself tonight. Im doing my best to challenge them and not feed into them but its working half-ass lol.

I made homemade burgers for the first time tonight. They werent bad but could have been more flavorful. I have been making more homemade suppers lately as we are getting sick of packaged or frozen foods. Cooking is a new skill for me and Im slowly getting the hang of it. Ive only had 1 real disaster supper lately where basically it was inedible haha

Tomorrow is another somewhat busy day. Not AS busy as today thankfully. Hubby is home tmrw so that will be good. He has a few things to do also on his own. Im looking forward to some self care tonight and a good rest. Have a goodnight everyone!


Congratulations on 1 month!!! So glad to see u hit this milestone :slight_smile:


Im so sorry mark that u have had to resort to this to try and get ur meds :frowning: this is truly horrible that u have to try and go to those lengths to get what u need. Im praying and sending you positive vibes friend that doors start opening up for u and that things look up.


Hi Friends checking in on day 605. Have a great start to the week.


Have as good a day as you all can friends. Sober and clean. Love.

@DryIn785 I’m sorry Mark. Glad you’re sober. Hugs.
@Frank68 Happy to see you Frank. Hope you’re good.
@Butterflymoonwoman Could be a case of the upcoming milestone making you uncomfortable. Just keep going lady, you’re doing fantastic!
New workweek for me. Long day ahead, ending with a work meeting. Hurrah. Some personal stuff to think about too. I’ll be OK. I’ll be sober and clean for sure. X


Thank you for sharing; I to have a childhood memory of abuse. For years I thought it was a figment of imagination, but I’m now convinced I was abused as a toddler. I’m ok with it, but I am aware.


You will get better in time


I had the same devices; 11 months free!


First months are difficult, it will be better Karen!
Despite you can’t feel it: you deffinitely did it!

Congratulations Karen! :tada::tada::tada:


Welcome Sascha! Congrats on your clean time and I too took to exercise to face my pain , too much exercise in my case oops.
Have a good read around and explore :pray::person_in_lotus_position::heart:


#Day 1602 :walking_woman:
Today? Work.

Picture from the colourful clouds on my way to work yesterday :star_struck:
Have a good sober/clean day TS people, we can do another 24 houres! :facepunch::facepunch::facepunch:


Checking in day 570 nic and alcohol
Grateful to change motor oil on m/c after work.
I’m interested to ask coworkers to clarify some of their confusing conversation , lots of negativity and harmful situations talked about.
I’m sensitive and it brings me down.
I have the odd kombucha here and there but not large amounts in one sitting

Hope to catch up on needed sleep soon, so G night signing off.
Stay on the path to find the love and light :sunny::heart::pray::person_in_lotus_position::hugs:


Good morning, this is my day 152. I share with you this thought said in a meeting:

“ When you think they can relapse, consider that what you have advanced with your family and loved ones can also relapse.”.

Or, as Tina Turner said to Mel Gibson during Mad Max III recording: “do not f**k this”.

Best regards, happy twenty four hours!


Day 162, feeling good…mainly because i watched this yesterday and found it super helpful. . Would recommend to anyone struggling with life…

Im going to re watch it today and take notes :memo:


I was sober for 25 days then drunk on Fri, Sat, Sun and Monday just gone. The triggers were clear to me and I didn’t try to protect my sobriety enough. Feel pretty bad about it but trying not to hate myself.

I’m glad to be back here, I’m not going to drink today.

Hope everyone else is well. x


Checking in; anxiety has just decided to wave one over me; I got a feeling that coffee just isn’t for me at the moment and sets me off. I need to get on and study but I know if I start in a state like this then I won’t get anywhere. Gonnna chill and drink lots of water. Funny how sensitive the body gets when getting clean. :fist_right::fist_left: I’ve taken Facebook and YouTube off my main page on my phone now too as it is annoying me and it’s like I’m searching for some fix which I don’t really want at the moment aswell. Peace peace peace please!


Welcome Alex! Nice to see you on TS!

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Yes, madam! One whole sober month for you!:+1:t2:


To cook your own food is a very healthy decision! It is too much of everything in convenient food.:+1:t2:

You will getting better in cooking!

*at cooking?:thinking: Freaking english prepositions!:smile:

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Seriously?! Wowza :bat::bat::bat::bat: