Checking in daily to maintain focus #52

Day 10. Slept poorly. Took a nap and feel better now. Just unwinding with some true crime shows :wink:


Way to go Gen!

That first 10 is a bitch. I’m glad I never have to do that again.
Great job


haircut finished!




Omg what a day! Started out with a couple meetings online. Then i was going to clean but decided to get out into nature. I took a long walk and it felt so good! FINALLY I said my final goodbye to my ex. It feels so good to let go! Now i get to hang out with my son for the rest of the night❤


day 161 AF

Another Monday just checking in.

Attended a cool street art exhibition yesterday with my wife, our city museum is getting renovated for the next 7 years so to raise funds they decided to let a whole heap of artist hit up the walls it was amazing, some local and international artists it was amazing.


Thank you so much @Dazercat. I can’t tell you how much this means to me… :yellow_heart::yellow_heart::yellow_heart:


Way to go!!! Welcome to the double digits!! :sparkles:


Love the color and cut on you!!! Great choice :sparkles:


Day 358

Havent posted in a while. Havent had much to say. Still sober. I know a lot of big milestones have been reached and am happy for everyone reaching them. For any relapses too, who am i to judge. I definitely have had those thoughts.

My goal for february was to reach a new baseline of clean in my room and to read more books. I think I did make the first goal and abjectly failed at the 2nd. Internet doom spiral. Yesterday I was on tiktok for hours. For what!

Booked some appointments like a haircut a month out so I have something to look forward to. Did some nice things for people.

Ive been pretty good about making myself tidy. But I dont want to today. Have to make myself do it before going to bed. Ugh.

Edit: cleaned and was able to continue for 20min!! It was enough for a whole clear floor. :heart_eyes: maybe if i get up early enough ill be able to do 15 more.

Thanks for reading.


Checking in at the end of 625. Went out for dinner and then for ice cream with the fam. It was a fun time.

I am getting nervous again about a big business trip this coming Friday. I feel complacent again, and I am really worried about what could happen. I need to have a plan in place. The last time I went on a similar trip in 2018 I had a huge relapse after my first real try at sobriety.

I’ve been putting off thinking about it but now it’s suddenly almost here. Dammit.


Great job @GenG! 10 days seemed impossible to me for a long time.


Wow 358 days!!:star_struck:


How is the scary level? Is is more scary than Wednesday or later Harry Potter’s? Thinking of taking my daughter when it finally comes to Japan in June.


@icebear So you know the pitfall! It won’t get you this time :purple_heart:

@SadMemeQueen Lovely colour!

@CATMANCAM No shame, friend. :purple_heart: Just keep trying.

@KarenKW Sending strength :purple_heart:

@Rebabeeba I so regret the gigs I don’t remember :sob:

@Butterflymoonwoman What sad news. You are definitely valuing your own life now. :blush:


139 days substance free
56 days
102 not restricting food

Been in a funk really. And I’ve missed 100+ check-ins again. :pensive:
I try to keep up but feel overwhelmed trying to read everything. I will go back and read up.
Today I’ve started a truly gluten free diet. As gluten causes a lot of trouble in my digestive system.

I did think i wanted to start my not smoking timer today as well. But i was stressed and overwhelmed at work and someone gave me one. So i will try again tomorrow.

Miss y’all. Sending hugs to y’all :heart:


Cute!! Have a nice week this week!


I feel you on feeling off recently but I’m glad to see you here @Scorpn one thing at a time ay :wink: we’re all in this together. @icebear I feel you on that complacency and being on work trip somewhat. I leave town every Monday and come home on weekends right now. Been like this for a few months now my last drunk was on my first work trip was face floor in the bathroom the first night. I still continued drinking 1 or 2 the rest of the week and just felt like why am I doing this wasn’t even working anymore. Everyday the guys I’m with get loaded in front of me while I enjoy my soda and food to eat. I’m blessed my desire to be clean is stronger than wanting to be loaded some days are harder than others but I know drinking or using will not satisfy whatever I am trying to accomplish it’s never satisfying long term or enough. I hope you find the strength to stay strong you’re definitely not alone man.


Day 5 of 365


Day 498 AF

Behind on this thread.

Hope everyone is doing well.

I’ve been busy with the fam and the kiddos. Haven’t done much. Went out for a walk today. Catching up on Better Call Saul. The kid is back to school tomorrow. Gonna drop em off and then do laundry.

Proud of eveyone here. Stay strong, gang. ODAAT.


Day 14 AF Feeling some low tones today .
I miss my jogging on weekends, will do today :+1:
You guys picked me up with kind posts I read just now incl mental health thread :person_raising_hand::confetti_ball:
Sober feels good, can I get an amen?
Good night all :eye::person_in_lotus_position::pray::heart::hugs::person_raising_hand: