Checking in daily to maintain focus #52

Checking in
Day 381
Been on am advocating rampage about an upcoming appt for my son. Its a sleep study where i have to bring my son and all his equipment to the hospital for him to be hooked up to wires to analyze his sleep. Thats fine bcuz its needed. But what is irritating me is that they wont allow my sons nurse that night to come there to take care of his medical needs so that i can sleep. This means… that i will be awake all that day, all night, and then all day the next day. Plus they dont want any electronic devices in the room so how the hell am i supposed to stay awake when im sitting in a dark room staring at the walls? I told them that this is bordering on a safety issue. Not only bcuz the risk is high of me falling asleep that night (therefore potentially not being awake to suction or change my sons water pots etc) but then also decreases my ability to function and watch my son the following day after his study. Im mad and worried and so many things. Trying my best to stay present and pray about it. Its hard tho lol ive sent off emails again to people. If they cant help me then im asking to go higher up on the chain of command. To find someone that has the power to make changes. This isnt right. Sorry for the vent everyone but hubbys asleep and i literally am stewing about this right now.


That’s sounds really difficult :people_hugging: I’m guessing that your husband will be working maybe is it’s ok to ask him to take a day off and you take it in turns, I understand that it’s not as straight forward with your son’s medical needs :hugs:
I’m sure you have already thought of everything. If that is an option if they really won’t allow his carer, which I can’t see what reason they would have that would be good enough, it means you arent carrying so much pressure on yourself x
I hope you managed to sort it out, I’m thinking of you and you are an amazing mum :gem::pray:


I thought of my husband coming along but they only allow 1 person in the study room with the child and once ur in no one can leave until the study is over. Meaning that my husband and i couldnt switch off. Its just such a horrible set up. Like i just dont get it. This might be one of those appts that i just have to push thru. But ill try to keep advocating to see what i can get help with :slight_smile: already have sent off like 3 emails tonight haha


Your doing great to push for what will help and what already works for you, and then impact that night will have for the week after.
You are strong :two_hearts::muscle:
Hopefully they can accommodate what works for you all as a family. If not you are amazing and all you can do is try :hugs: hopefully when they read you emails and understand that you literally can’t sleep and have to be alert they will consider it.


That does sound like a difficult situation. I am always amazed at how you manage to get through those long nights and days, but you do as painful and as difficult as they are. I 100% agree that it is bullshit, and not allowing his nurse to watch him seems ridiculous. Keep fighting for the best for your boy, you are his voice. I have done my fair share of fighting for my kiddo with hospitals and Drs when she was younger, nothing ever seemed to run smoothly. I support you mumma. :heart:


Midnight check in. Very long day at work. At the gym for a bit now, than to bed. Hope you all had a great day


Gym at midnight after a long day at work? Thats dedication my friend, rest easy when you get home. :zzz: :sleeping: :zzz:


TY. Will do my best. :wink:


Great job! Ive been doing some big book reading too. I made it to bed sober again. The daily finish line😀


337 days check in.

Sleep is still messing me about. Keen for the approaching long weekend. Hope you are all travelling well today, big hugs :people_hugging:



Day 1


this is insane. never thought I’d make it. was about to head to bed and just noticed.


Yayyyyy :+1:
I was thinking about your upcoming milestone and when I just seen your name I looked straight away to see if I missed it !! So glad I didn’t !!

:sparkler: You are an amazing young lady, you have come through strength to strength, you have put in so much effort and really stood tall through the tough moments and really embraced the good, you are doing amazing at work and I am so proud of you Megan :fireworks:



Your here ready to get back on your journey, although your back to day 1, that matters still, it matters that you are here :people_hugging:
My last relapse… Lasted 2 years. I’m glad that you are still here trying hard :muscle:


I must think…it was a long time ago when I did that one. I shall look back for you if I can (and I thought that was a feature on the app). I will let you know! But I thought it was good :grin:


checking in Day 518
I have not been able to sleep for the past 3 days, I’m tired but just can not fall asleep, decided to get out of bed at 4am and just try to keep busy all day and see if tonight I get a few hours. But I remind myself I can manage this, Iv got through harder times.
Already washed and blow dry Polly my little dog, brushed the cats for ages they love it, just waiting for 8am so I can hoover, then I’ll go to the shops and start cooking dinner as it will take all day- keep me busy.
Try not to nap during the day.

Have a lovely morning/evening/night whichever applied for you :slightly_smiling_face:
Thank you so for being here, I look forward to seeing how you are all doing everyday :star:


#Day 1626 :walking_woman:
Went to Amsterdam yesterday to meet a very stressed cat who needed a new home.
She was lovely, so yes we had a “click” and took her home.
It was sad thought. Such nice owners who had to let go their beloved cat.
It was theirs for 11 years and then came the baby and everything changed.
They live on a very small 2 room appartment. This couldn’t work despide their efforts.
They let go because they love her so much :heavy_heart_exclamation:

She now finds a “hiding” spot in our closet.
Hope she finds her way here soon :pray:

I was late in my bed en so this morning I felt like having a hangover. It was soooo weird! But also a reminder of how much better my life is today.

Have a pleasent day ore night TS friends :raising_hand_woman:


Hell yeah, well done :heartpulse: this is such a wonderful accomplishment.


Have as good a day as you all can friends. Sober and clean. Love.

@SadMemeQueen Huge congrats Megan! That’s a really huge milestone you’ve reached Lady!
@SoberWalker Happy for you both. She’ll come around I’m sure.
@Twizzlers Sorry for the lack of sleep. Hope tonight 'll be better.
Switching from early to late shifts today meaning I could sleep in. Which I did. There’s a situation at work which is not ideal but I’ll manage. Not much I can do about it -except talk about it which I am doing- , and it will solve itself soon enough. Have a good one all X.


What happened?