Checking in daily to maintain focus #53

Holy shit im in a webinar about ChatGPT and its a powerful tool. AI will take over the world sooner than expected. Imma play on the free version later and ask it how can i combat alcoholism…more to come


AI freaks me out, I don’t know why. We invented an AI that is able to think for us. I don’t like that.


My initial assessment is you still need critical thinking because the info chatgpt spews out can be wrong. Crazy twilight zone stuff


I am truly grateful to be sober and found this community some years back now. On and off. I learnt a lot.
I am grateful for all the support I had during these past weeks from many people on here. Also my family. You cannot chose your family and there were and are times I wished I could chose them. But I am sure they think the same :crazy_face:

Anyhow. I finished my 3rd workweek here and have a new colleague in my office. She is only staying 6 weeks but we are coming along really well. I have now my desk with a view on the Mediterranean sea which I would like to admire more but I really have to work. Well, work is getting better. I changed my rhythm, had to and for the moment it is okay. I am okay. I will talk to my boss here next week what her plans are and for how long I shall stay.
I have a hike planned for tomorrow. It might be the same path up and down but I think I’ll do it. Weather will be nice I think.
Have a good and sober Friday.

@Juli1 congratulations on your 9 days. And hope you get better soon. Is this a new version or are we still around Omicron? I completely forgot about Rona.

Edit: you know you are spammed with recruiters writing you on LinkedIn. So I answered one today that once I’ll be back, I’d like to talk to her. Because why not. Just checking. Doesn’t hurt and now that I gain some extra knowledge in GMP which is maybe good to have.



Downloaded the ChatGPT app and asked “how can i personally overcome alcoholism?” This was the response in under 30 seconds…

Overcoming alcoholism can be a difficult process, but there are steps you can take to achieve and maintain sobriety:

  1. Acknowledge your problem: Admitting you have a problem with alcohol is the first step toward recovery.

  2. Seek support: Reach out to friends, family, or a professional counselor for support. You can also attend support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous.

  3. Make a plan: Develop a plan for sobriety, including setting goals and identifying triggers that may lead to relapse. You may also want to consider treatment options, such as inpatient or outpatient rehabilitation.

  4. Avoid triggers: Avoid situations and people that may lead to relapse or trigger alcohol cravings.

  5. Practice stress management: Find healthy ways to manage stress, such as exercise, meditation, or hobbies.

  6. Take care of your physical and mental health: Maintain a healthy diet, get enough sleep, and attend to any mental health issues that may be contributing to your alcohol use.

Remember, the road to recovery is a journey, and it may not be easy. But with time, effort, and support, you can overcome alcoholism and reclaim your life.
This message has been generated by Nova - download it for free:


Thank you @Butterflymoonwoman there is so much wisdom in your words. I am a sponge right now trying to soak up everything that people further along in their journey can share with me. The patience thing really struck a chord, I want to know who I am and what I like and change jobs and be healthier and be more present and master meditation and have less social anxiety and connect with a sponsor and cook more and read more quit lit and make more money and yadda yadda yadda the list goes on, and I want it all NOW! And you’re right it’s easier to address these things than these things plus the drinking. I hope I never have to have another first day. I unnerve myself sometimes because the first time I tried to get sober I lasted six months. I tell myself it’s different this time because I was only going to meetings then and not taking the holistic approach I am now.

Your words give me hope.


“Arcturus” is the latest shit :rofl:
I don’t know what it was, it was like hell but my body is fighting day by day and I had 2 nights with deep sleep. Will need more time and will take it.

Glad to read your latest post about how life is going in France… I knew you will aclimate.
Nice to read about your new morning routine too… :woman_in_lotus_position:t2:

I am planning a restart too.
Including lot of softness and resting.
Missed that in the past… As you already reminded me.

Big hug :hugs::mask:


Day 8 no marijuana
Day 168 no alcohol

I feel great today
I slept in mad late
I needed it

My wifey wakes me up everyday at 10am for meds for the past week
It’s helping my med levels even out

Have a wonderful day everyone


This describes me. I’m a very ambitious person from a professional standpoint. I’ve had to train myself to push off. I’m seeing how much of this is a journey, and what you need and experience along that path comes to pass with each step forward. I have no idea what’s to come for me, but my impatience has turned into peace and excitement for all the possibilities. Recovery is different than not drinking. Reconnecting with my spiritual being will be part of my day to day always.


Day 104. Bad back and shoulder pain. Made it hard to focus at work. I’ll have to finish up this weekend. I just can’t get comfortable.


@Mno sorry about your dental issues, but glad you can afford the treatment.
@GenG congrats on your new PB :tada:
@SoberWalker glad the conversation went well. Hope you enjoyed the cinema and managed to sleep after :grimacing: congrats on 50 days :tada:
@Noshame congrats on your week without Marijuana :tada:
@SobrietyForMe congrats on your week :tada:
@Fury Ouch! Sorry about your injuries, hope you heal well 🩵
@Jaythe1 welcome :blush: congrats on your days so far :tada:
@Binx welcome :blush: congrats on your days so far :tada:
@Sabrina80 congrats on double digits free from social media :tada: I hope you felt better after resting 🩵


@Hesmyportion I use the Calm app for meditations. But I hear a lot of people here recommending Insight Timer. Meditation really helps me manage my mental health, so it’s definitely worth trying 🩵
@Bones_80 sorry you’re in pain still :people_hugging: but congrats on 150 days :tada:
@Jeannie0915 welcome :blush:
@Liz22 congrats on 60 days :tada:
@Catmama23 I am still struggling with my identity, but I get a lot of peace from my restlessness from meditations and walks outside, and spending time here. There are other things I’d like to start doing again but I still haven’t managed to start them, things like journaling and colouring for example. With my addict voice, for some of my addictions, over time I’ve become able to roll my eyes at it, but early on I used to tell it ‘NO’ out loud, sometimes even in the mirror. I’m still struggling with the binge-eating demon, I haven’t tamed that one yet, but I know I will eventually.
@Dolse71 congrats on 31 months :tada:
@KarenKW I hope your pain settles down :people_hugging:🩵

984 days no alcohol.
449 days no cocaine.
71 days no vape.
1 day no binge-eating.

I missed my check-in yesterday due to binge-eating, including a lot of sugary stuff, that lead to me falling asleep. I have been tired all day as a side effect, but didn’t want to miss another day, so I’m checking in now.

I haven’t binged today. I received my grocery delivery. I ordered a bunch of low-sugar ready meals, so that I have something to turn to when I am struggling with just shakes, or craving something savoury, instead of buying and eating crisps (chips) and risking buying all the stuff I shouldn’t be eating as well.

This evening I have been out for a meal with my auntie, uncle, and 2 of their friends, for my Auntie’s birthday, which is tomorrow. It was a nice meal and pleasant company. I did not join them when they went over the road to get a McFlurry each from McDonald’s, I walked home instead.

I have finished both of the series I’ve been watching, and I have decided to ban myself from watching TV in bed since I can’t seem to do so without eating crisps (chips). I will be doing more reading or listening to audiobooks instead. If I want to watch TV, I have to sit in my chair in the lounge, and watch TV on my actual TV, as I don’t eat crisps (chips) when I do that.



21 Days/3 Weeks!

WhooHoo! I’m doing it! :grin: :partying_face:
Day by day… :+1:


You ARE doing it @GenG !! Proud of you. Keep fighting the good fight and filling your sober toolbox


Ya you are :hugs:


@Cjp and @Dazercat Thanks so much guys! :grin::pray::heart:

I really doubt I’d be here without all the support. I’m very grateful. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Huge congratulations on 3 weeks!!!


Congratulations friend on 2 years and 7 months of sobriety! Always amazed by ur progress :slight_smile:


Cheers, still freaks me out too :sweat_smile:we’re doing OK between us aren’t we :+1: