Checking in daily to maintain focus #53

#Day 1645 :walking_woman:
It’s pouring rain here :pensive:
Have to walk before work, I’m lazy these days…
Weight myself and have two more extra kilo I do not need ore want.
So today? Walk in the rain, work.
Note to self:
Do not eat crap! :flushed:
But the good news is I’m sober still.
If you focus on the good the good gets better they say :grin:
Bye for now! :raising_hand_woman:


Checking in on day 164.
Not much to report.



Hey! :wave: I was kinda wondering what ever happened to you!


Finally got prescribed a non-addictive pain medicine for my sciatica but it’s not really doing anything. Woke up twice already and had to stretch in a hot shower and yoga mat, drink tons water, stretch some more and now I’m laying on this heating pad specifically made for back pain which seems to be helping. Just checking in to say listening to my body was more pragmatic, albeit way more painful in the short run, than just trying to switch off the signals. I have more insight into how this injury is working because of a really bad night like tonight, which isn’t over, than if I just zonked out like Ginger in Casino. Did not relapse but it easily could have gone that way if I don’t think of everyone here I keep cheering on. I don’t want to be a fraud so I really want to put in the grind that I know is demanded of everyone else is more or less going through. So hang in there guys I’m right beside you. We do this everyday, no days off!


@DryIn785 hi mark ! Hope your well :hugs:


Day 1 :upside_down_face: I have been better about drinking less recently, but I want to actually stop. “Occasionally” always turns into every day. Just downloaded this app and i appreciate all of you being here and im so proud of you guys.

Its currently the end of the night and im feeling a bit depressed, but i know i can handle it. Its just looming. Normal life responsibilities on top of the fact my bf passed away a year and a half ago, its just everything is… bleh. I wish i could pause my thoughts or emotions sometimes. But im grateful for where im currently at in my life and for the things that have been going well for me. Im going to sleep soon, tomorrow is a new day.


Welcome to the community :raising_hand_woman:


Welcome! It’s a good decision to stay sober and escape the circle :+1:t3:!


Thank you so much :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::muscle:t2:

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Thank you my friend :hugs:
I will keep you up-to-date.
It pushed me out of my comfort zone (new people, new environment, social interacting) and now it’s already so much fun and I feel strong. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


354…have had the best few days bike riding and beach hopping with my daughter. Watetfall exploring, friends catch ups. So much joy overflowing!


Amazing work Dana.

I am so proud of you, Always knew you could do it and it’s great to see you smashing it.


Day 479

Feeling low today, physically and mentally, have a few things I MUST sort out and I’m going to force myself to go to the gym.

Most of the family have a stupid flu bug and they’ve finally passed it on I think, or it might be that I was so busy with everything yesterday renovating the girls rooms while they were out to get them all nice and new for when they got home that all I ate all day was a granola bar and had 1 cup of tea. But I got them done. 14 hours it took but it was 14 hours well spent to see their faces.

Have a good one!


Day 85. Very happy that I’ve reached this. The last 2 weeks I’ve been very close to relapsing as I had a lot of stress between work and personal. I’m proud of myself for getting past triggers that would have normally set me back. Getting there slowly


Day twenty,

Second day of my fast. Yesterday’s fast wasn’t bad at all. I even had enough energy to do a regular workout at the gym. I had trouble eating enough food though because I had one meal and I was so full. Had to resort to protein shakes to get all of the nutrients and macros I need. Grumpier than usual :confused:

Have a good day


Welcome to the app. So sorry to hear about your bf. Dealing with grief is very hard, but can only be done sober. Hope to hear more about you and your sober journey.


Day 1.012 clean and sober, love you guys :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Welcome :blush: keep checking in with us and reading posts. There’s heaps of good information on here that will help you in your early sobriety :heartpulse:


This sounds perfect! I’m very close in sober dates to you, 356 days here :heartpulse:


Hey all, checking in on day 1,010. I hope everybody has a good one!