Checking in daily to maintain focus #53

Checking in on whopping day one. Doing okay and excited to heal.


Checking in on Day 407


Thank you kevin!! Im so glad ur feeling like ur in a good place :slight_smile: thats sooo wonderful to hear


Sorry Minatasha!

  • You are loved
  • You belong

That helped me a lot this weekend.
Big hug!
Please believe in yourself :hugs:


Checking in day 204! Had a really great weekend and spent time outside in the nice weather. Work all day today and on call tonight. Having some heightened anxiety- probably just related to it being Monday. Letting it pass soon hopefully.

Hope everyone has a marvelous sober Monday! :sparkles:


Day 177
I did it! I went to work and back home on a bike :blush: My legs hurt haha, it was something like 20 km - ish. I didnā€™t follow the maps exactly because in every second street was a construction site. In the morning this took me almost 50 minutes because I had to take a lot of sideways and breaks to check the map. Back 35 minutes.
The bike is really heavy, Iā€™m not able to lift it up. The heaviest Iā€™ve ever had. But it will do its job. Iā€™m tired but happy.
Although the day wasnā€™t the best (one coworker quit) Iā€™m in a good mood. Moving the body really does something good with the brain.
Now Iā€™ll order food and snuggle up in my favourite blanket on the couch :heart_eyes:
Again no cravings but didnā€™t sleep enough. Must change that. Having a good and long sleep (8 hours) is very important.
Have a beautiful sober day friends, stay strong :muscle::kissing_heart:


Day 1 - 48 hours sober

Was in a bad mood during day.
Now itā€™s getting better and I feel some hope.
I thought about bringing my yoga mat to the office tomorrow and ask my boss to have 10 minutes sometimes inbetween work (we have a whole empty floorā€¦ And the company I am working for is awarded for health management)
Health Management, so why not! :fist:t2::woman_in_lotus_position:t2:)

Will have my lifeguard training now and something warm to eat afterwards.

Need to pass through these days at work, although I am not realy okay.

Will make an appointment at my doctor anyway. Need some special advices about training and eating. Still in trouble with that, as I am always very hungry, but that canā€™t be a reason for doing less sport. As this is realy Fundamental to me.

Just some thoughts and insightsā€¦ :innocent::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Much love :two_hearts:

You are loved
You belong


Checking in, staying AF today odaat, feeling very content to be free of that poison. All it ever did for me is to heighten my stress & anxiety. Maybe there was the relief I was seeking for 1/2 an hour or so, and that is not worth it to me. Grateful to be here, alive & kicking, and staying the course. Grateful for all of you.


Day 351 AF
Went to the doc and got my first sick leave in 5 years, enough of not putting myself first.
I have been dragging myself enough when not at a 100% plenty of times in the past, and itā€™s not worth it.
I guess Iā€™m tired of getting to Fridays too exhausted to enjoy anything, and this time I had to deal with a nasty cold in the weekend that seems has chosen to stay a bit longerā€¦
Iā€™ve been feeling so tired for such a long time.


Day 6 ending. A peaceful day although the great amount of work


@Juli1 Courage and thanks for being so well accountable in day 1


16 degrees cloudy and rainy :maple_leaf::leaves::fallen_leaf:

Checking in clean and sober.

I stopped counting along time ago. I found that focusing daily on the amount of days, made me constantly aware of memories id rather forget. But that changes sometimes. Sometimes i will look at my counter in the morning and be positive about seeing it. But out of sight out of mind in general works in keeping me in line. But my sober toolbox has many ways i keep myself inline. Time truly does fill your sober toolbox right up :grin:

Last night i went for a wandeer around the city after dinner. It was raining and oh so beautiful. I honestly forget how beautiful our city is at night time all lit up. Im truly blessed to live in a place this beautiful. Grateful :heart:

I have a new phone that apparently has a pretty cool camera in it, well it has 5 lenses on it so that has to do some cool right lol?!? Im not interested in techy things or phone tech etc, if it works it works fine, but last night taking these photos in the rain, i was blown away with how the came out. @Seb seb i see why you like photography now! Its very satisfying!

The sky was almost like a night where batman would shine his symbol in the clouds lol it was very cool out.


Still moving


Iā€™ve missed your awesome pics! Glad you are back!


@Amy30 Co-working spaces would be a fantastic idea! Even if you donā€™t interact. Libraries could work but not if on conference calls all day.


I love libraries!!

1 Like

Thats amazing!! Thats a super power going that long with no days off?!

Nice one ! :partying_face::clap:


Here a a quick guided meditation i like to enjoy, for anyone that needs a mintue to just chill and breathā€¦ the hosts voice is very soothing and calming :heart:


Checking in day 2 (for the billionth time)

I went to my primary care doctor today for bloodwork. I have been dragging my feet on it. I actually made the appointment to see if he would give me a prescription for the pill that makes you sick if you drink - but decided (before I went) that I am going to try to do this to practice being strong. I admitted to him my alcoholism. It was embarrassing. Shameful. He was clear that I ā€œneed to not drink for my kidsā€ā€¦ :face_with_peeking_eye::weary::weary::weary:. It was good to feel the weight of his disappointment though I am a little tired of disappointing everyone.

I hope this is my last day 2 check-in.

I love you all so much :heart_hands:


Day 79. Dealing with back and neck pain thatā€™s triggering daily migraines. Itā€™s getting really hard to deal with. I have an appt with a chiropractor Wednesday morning. Iā€™m hoping that helps. Iā€™m just back to bare survival mode. But not going to drink.