Checking in daily to maintain focus #53

Dude, f*ck your doctor. That is the last thing your doctor should say. It’s condescending, rude and cruel.he should be ashamed of himself.


Hey April. Stella started a meditation thread.
A few of us are in the middle of a 10 day mantra challenge. If you got any other good ones or want to check it out here we are.



Ah nice il check it ! :hugs:


Fall 100 times, get up 101.


So true at the beginning, life was shit, days were long, everything was boring, nobody really cares what I do anyway, everyone is a twat, work sucks and TBH we only live once so why not enjoy it???
Trouble is we stopped enjoying it or else we wouldn’t end up in a place like this trying to stop. Life and people are shit bc that’s the aura with give out, when we think negative and act negative we get it back 3 fold or 10 fold when we really get into the whole self pity thing. Everything is boring bc we don’t know what else to do with ourselves. Yep why bother?

It was hard but this is my life now… I wake up wondering what I can fill in the day bc TBH it’s not long enough anymore, I think what can I do for the people around me to make their days better, I go out more, work still sucks but nowhere near as much. I don’t want to die, I now have long term goals as long as I stick to 1 short term goal… All we can’t do is pick up, use, drink, watch porn, over eat, self harm just 1 day at a time.


@ted1 welcome back :blush: congrats on 3 days :tada:
@Dmcg1987 welcome back :blush: congrats on 2 days :tada:
@Rockstar24777 Thanks Rob :blush: I’m so proud of you too :blue_heart:
@Billy85 congrats on 50 days :tada:
@Jonachav123 congrats on the new apartment :tada:
@Keeponkeepingon welcome back :blush: congrats on day 1 :tada:
@Teresa.13 well done for taking care of you, feel better soon :blue_heart:

959 days no alcohol.
424 days no cocaine.
46 days no vape.
5 days no binge-eating.

Woke up depressed. Did everything I usually do anyway, despite the voice trying to make everything feel impossible. Had to have a nap in the afternoon, woke up thinking I’d missed a whole day again, and I was still very tired, so the afternoon walk was the hardest, but I did it anyway. Maybe tomorrow will be better, I know this will pass, especially with glimmers of Spring showing through the dark clouds of doom.



125 :muscle: chilling watching bleach on episode 210

Pain been bad so missed a few days

Happy sober Tuesday everyone have a good day


Checking in again this evening, just had a big salad and rotisserie chicken I picked up this morning, hit the spot. I make my coffee the night before & set it so it’s done when I wake up; I think that’s one of my favorite things about being free of alcohol is how delicious my coffee smells and tastes, I love to sip it in bed and ease into my day. Hope everyone has a good evening.


Day 35. Very low energy today and back pain for the third day in a row. Grateful and happy to be sober and be able to connect with sober folks. New reading material!


Checking in on day 654. I’m way behind here. Hope you are all doing well; I am grateful for all of you.

@CATMANCAM I hope tomorrow is brighter!


Day 19½
Wow, it is so easy to get behind on this thread. I had about 80 unread posts since my last visit. I really need to check in more often.

Having a pretty good night; I love the way the earth smells right after it rains (there’s a word for that fragrance: “petrichor”. Good to know, right? :face_with_monocle: The air also “smells cold”. Funny how the sense of smell can bring about emotions. Anyway, heard from my friend in prison, Theresa. Going to see her this Saturday so I’m happy about that. Otherwise, been a boring day. Had my appointment with Brian; he’s a great guy but he’s hard to have a deep serious conversation with. Now that I have Medicaid, priority one is finding a therapist.
Staying busy mostly with Internet but avoiding social media per se (except here of course). Binge watched season 1 of The Boys. If you’ve never heard of it, it answers the question “what would happen if superheroes were assholes?” Currently binging Reacher. And of course, I had to catch the season 2 premier of Yellowjackets. Awesome!
That’s it in a nutshell. Have a great sober evening/morning. :v:


49 days af…made doctor appt. Things are ok. Health challenges…yes…but im still above ground.:grinning: blood pressure is too darn high. I walked today…gonna get my dog out with me tomorrow


The boys is a great watch some very funny episodes in most of the seasons I can’t wait for season 4


Have as good a day as you all can friends. Sober and clean. Love.

Thanks for being here all. For yourselves, for each other, and for me. We’re in it together. One day at a time.


First check-in ever, very exciting!

Day 31 AF
Spent the day keeping up with my 4 yr old. Had my IOP group tonight. I just effing love those people. :heart::heart: Even though my thoughts are tough, I’m grateful for sobriety.


Checking in with 27 days AF.
Yes, I am proud of that number. Gotta pass through it to get past it, right?
But looking back, March has dragged like no other month. I saw a thread started recently about a 100 day “club”. I thought, that would put me just about exactly at my mom’s 95th birthday celebration dinner. Kinda cool! But, then it overwhelmed me. I couldn’t see that far ahead without thinking, no way in hell! I just gotta keep that ODAAT mentality. Kinda sucks not yet having hope enough to plan ahead. But hey! Tonight, I’m good.
Take care all!


This is one of my all time favourite soul calming moments! That smell is everything :heart:


Checking in happily sober :heart:

Had a lovely being a tourist in my own city.

Its amazing the things you notice when your sober.

I even stumbled across a random cockatoo in the city which is not so common. Maybe he was from my old lil buddy group of floofs and went for a day out in the city himself lol :rofl:

Took some nice pics. It was a clear blue sky warm day out :sun_with_face:

Even stopped by five guys! Yummm :heart:


Keep it going! You got this.


Stay strong catmomma. 35 days is great!