Checking in daily to maintain focus #53

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Nearing the end of a “prime” 17 days AF.
My Lady Cardinal rolled over their opponent in Round 1. Yeah!!
My golf group stayed after our round to indulge in some brewery’s promotion at the course. I went home. Not ready yet.
Enjoy your weekends all!


Thank you, I’m going to talk to my bank on Monday!

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Welcome here @Frank3 :raising_hand_woman:
Congratulations for the 2 days :confetti_ball::confetti_ball:

I like your metaphore about the mountain @ChristopherP :star_struck: Hope the storm will be gone by now!

Day 1642 :walking_woman:
Yesterday long day at work and I was very tired so I skipped the evening goldsmith class.
Today? Work. Tonight my kids come home to chill with us. Going to order sushi :yum:

Picture from a walk a few days ago. Nature is always beautiful, even on a boring grey day! :wink:
Have a good sober/clean saturday TS people! :raising_hand_woman:


Have as good a day as you can friends. Sober and clean. Love.

It’s a lot warmer than it has been for months. Still it’s wet. I’m going out anyway, just not sure how and where yet. Will tell you later. It sure as hell won’t involve boozing or drugging. X
@SoberWalker Might be of interest to you. Article on the guy who got killed by a tree branch some days ago :people_hugging:. 12ft |


Thank you Menno. I have read about that in on the news. So sad and it scared me because of my own encounter with a falling tree.
It’s good to see a face behind the news and some information about that man’s life, so thank you!.
He and I have a similarity: an alcohol addiction :pensive:


Day 1595.
It’ll be sunny and warm outside. Spring like. I was planning to go cycling, now I cannot find motivation for it. I will beat myself to it. Feeling depressed, not really. Idk how I feel.


Day :one::two:

back to Day 1…

Underdog… underdog… well that song did not played well…

No worries. There is actually a lot to talk about. First of all after last few attempts that lasted longer than week or two and after being sick and out of regime at the beginning of the year I finally feel like I am back on track. Everything goes WELL.

Except that I drinked. So what happened?

Remember, few days ago I showed my sleeping schedule

I was in 6+ hours overall sleep deficit and talking about, sleeping 5+ hours every day and wondering why I still feeling good and talking about how I’m gonna hit the gym after work :thinking:

Actually same happened when I was sober 3 months years ago / remember / was running half marathon after half marathon and wondering while pushing myself to the limits. I now see that when exhausted / brains / releases cortisol that is stress hormone and that messes up the sleep schedule. I am sure about that or it has a major impact here.

I was happy to starting get back into shape, works great, not skipping workouts all and all, but I guess I need to slow down.

Like marathon running, I love long distances running and you need put strategy in the first place, cut everything in pieces, slow down time to time. It is not a sprint running / I am not competing to anyone / only with myself.

So after posting yesterday fhat I feel exhausted, I tried the only method (that is not working) but I always do, when thing gets hard - I flex my jaw :grimacing: and keep pushing forward - damn you Balboa!!! :boxing_glove::sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile: no I guess Rocky is right, love that movie.

That’s not worked in my situation, as I remember Rocky did not had problems with addictions too… anyway I was feeling so bad I took few beers and fall asleep at about 22:20 something. But the sleep quality was terrible. I woked up like 10 times bit finally managed to get around 10 hours of sleep. Having headache, but feeling rested! No plans for weekend. Will watch movies, maybe drive to Nature. Relax.

[UPDATED] This is probably was expected too. I started drinking more next day and that ended getting terribly wasted… This is clear sign of addiction.

I am back on sobriety track again and I really need to think on how I’m gonna change my schedule a bit. I also need to get for myself good sleep supplements, something like night lamp, ear plugs and so on. Any suggestions?


I’m glad you came back. One day at a time. Someday it will stick.:wink:


hey all checking in day 325 af.
made it through st pattys day at the bar. eventful night. Been on the grind lately, working alot shoveling roofs and serving tables. going to enjoy some spring skiing with my son tomorrow! 2 nights left of work and heading to florida for 10 days to go to opening day of baseball and stay with my mom on the beach. I think the only person who isnt happy with my progress seems to be my wife. very little support and actually seems like nothin has changed woth or without the drink. anyone else dealing with this? any feedback would be appreciated. have a good night yall. odaat!


Day 17

Good morning, feeling good. My heart is full, my body well rested. It’s a beautiful Saturday today and I’m gonna have my coffee, do my journaling, and go for a run. After brunch, maybe I’ll go get a massage or go to a bookstore to build up my library. I splurged on a nice pair of overalls and they fit me perfectly! I’m also gonna pick up a Jacquemus hat from the store today—another splurge to go along with the overalls.

Hope you all are doing great and have a wonderful sober day!


I am worried though. Some people need lots of quit days before they make it stick, others only a few. But at some point our luck will run out. And as long your thinking is like this (that drinking is going to help with anything in your life) you’re not going to make it stick. Take care.


I’ve had problems with insomnia since I was 15. Melatonin does wonders for me. There’s an adjustment period of about 3-4 days and you will have vivid dream but not caused by the melatonin according to (admittedly very limited) studies.

Read about Melatonin Here

But that’s only surface level treatment for the problem. What you need to be able to get better sleep is to address your stress levels and ask yourself why you are putting yourself under so much pressure. What are you trying to prove to yourself? Do you need to prove it? What do you do to relax? And I mean really relax, not putting any strain on your body or your mind?


I tried melatonin and talked about it before. I think will be back to it, because atm don’t see anything better.

Nothing to prove, I, just love what I do. Problem isp we have problems in our country. It is corrupt, people are being sucked alivs here. Working for 12+ hours a day, mostly on weekends too. Nothing really you can change. I can look for other job, but here - at least they pay. I had two jobs before where they did not payed at all. I went to court and did not got my money from the last job at all…

And the salary is ridiculous. No wonder few days ago one co-worker tooked a showel and went to director screaming I will kill you b****

We struggling here.Gotta work hard to survive. Alcoholism and suicide rates here are at top in whole continent! That is a fact.


I see, I come from poverty and my parents are from a country ruined by colonialism.

However, I can’t say that I live that life anymore so I’m not in a position to give any advice or insight because I’m increasingly removed from that reality.

However, I do have to say that I empathize with you and I hope you can find a sustainable escape from your day to day.

Honestly, the only thing I would be able to talk to you about in this case is politics but that’s a private conversation.

Though I do wish that times weren’t so polarizing that talking about power and its effects on the daily lives of people didn’t always descend into a shitshow. I wish instead it promoted solidarity and understanding for our fellow human being.

I wish you good luck out there!


Thank You. Indeed, I almost started to put politics in it and actually I can say here it is all moving into brighter tomorrow. People starting to realise how brain washed they was and that they have power to choose and that they need get rid of corrupt ones. Hapilly to say our city is celebrating because new major of the city has been elected, despite of how much media tried to convince on how bad he is, people see the truth and love him and he is the one trully making big changes. Other cities looks like also follows and start the cleansing process. I hope for brighter tomorrow. Feel free to PM always open to conversation.

Thank You :fist_right::fist_left:


Day 19 AF
Had a struggle Saturday today. It was 37°C here today ( strange for Autumn) and I think I knew at some stage I would be bored stuck indoors for the day and boredom could trigger bad thoughts. I decided to go out in the heat of the day to a local bookstore to get a new book to take my mind off things. My mind wandered a few times throughout the day but mostly about a friend who passed away yesterday and I remained sober for the day.
Pretty interesting book too. Peace and strength to you all.


I’m so sorry to hear Sebastian. That’s tough and I wish you strength. I know that when we are grieving it seems like this feeling will last forever, but it will pass. It’s small consolation but still something to hold on to.

Looks like a great book, would love to hear more about it as you are going through it.

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Congratulations & welcome friend :tada:

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