Checking in daily to maintain focus #53

Awww beautiful Switzerland :heart_eyes: Have a good time :blush:


Day 7 clean and sober still not feeling 100percent but need to push through meeting a friend for some lunch today so looking forward to that hope everyone is well :pray:t2:


Thank You! And by the way, I later added to that post, it is highly recommended to eat it with hot potatoes! Boiled or baked, does not really matter, but it is the must. Also we always peal cocumber. Basically you just mix all together and put few hot potatoes on the other plate. I like to put a little of potatoe on spoon and then mix it with soup :smiling_face: hot and cold, it is something special :star_struck:


Morning check in. 5am here. Been up since 4 and went to sleep at 1am……

Can’t sleeep. Did goto sleep but had a using dream that was so real and in it I fought people, lied, and messed up everything. I awoke super depressed and mad at myself.

It was a dream but so hard to shake the emotions tied to it….


Good morning!

Day 32 here and at the gym working on these arms and chest. My close friend is going back to Australia for a few months so we are going day dancing to wish him safe trip! Gotta look and feel my best to impress the people who need to be impressed :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Happy sober Sunday


It’s exciting isn’t it waiting to see what grows :potted_plant:

I have planted different types of tomatoes, cucumbers, courgette/zucchini, chamomile, chillies and peppers :grinning:

I am so excited to grow them this year is my 2nd try out. Last year was good too.


Yes, it is! It gives me the spring vibe :seedling:
There was a plant tread somewhere I was thinking of :thinking: Going to look for that now.


Hey all, checking in on day 1,022. I hope everybody has a good one!


Good morning :butterfly: so far it’s been a week and also the hardest week of my entire life but I’ve just been doing what I can to get through it, told myself I’d go on a walk today to get myself outside so that will be nice. hope everyone is having a serendipitous weekend :sunflower:


Congrats on the week! A huge milestone down, keep it up :+1:


@CueBall8n9 i hate using dreams too :frowning: they always start my day out in a funk. I hope ur day improves. Thankfully it was just a dream.
@bambifett congratulations kayla on ur 1 week!! It does get easier :slight_smile:
@Dmcg1987 congratulations on ur 1 week :star_struck:
@SoberWalker thats a nice jacket! Looks like its in really good condition for being 2nd hand.
@Markjackson way to go on snapping out of that thinking. Not always easy to do. But ur right, addiction/alcoholism will try to find any crack in the door to let itself in and it comes up in some very interesting ways. Good for u tho on noticing it and doing something about it :slight_smile:


Weekly check in
Day 413
This week has been okay. Some ups n downs. Earlier this week I had some fleeting using thoughts and today I swore I could smell my DOC on the train to work. Veeeery strange. Had to look around to see if someone was using but no one was. Thats the first time I’ve experienced this smell since getting clean this time around. Had 1 using dream that was very disturbing. Thankfully it was only a dream. Ive also had some fleeting thoughts of sex trade work. Just seeing things that remind me of my past. I dont let the thoughts consume me but I do have to usually pull myself out of that thinking when it comes up.

I have not been doing well with my eating/exercising this past week. I still feel that acceptance over my health but i am finding it flucuates alot. Ill go from wanting to control the situation to an extreme to acceptance/self love. So still working on that. Will keep doing my best to just live a healthy lifestyle and try not to be soo consumed by thoughts of food or with beating myself up if I dont workout.

I have been using the journal function of this app this entire week and im really enjoying it. Its helped me to see patterns when it comes to using thoughts or mood etc. Plus it helps me to review my week to see what i can improve on.

Ths week: I have already completed my To Do list for the week. I dont have much going on with regards to appts for my son (hes still on spring break) but do have some running around to do. The usual grocery shop along with other errands. My goals are to really make an effort to get up at 530M for the gym every day this week as well as meditation 3x this week. Prayer daily. And i want to attend the Bible zoom group this week also.

Not much else going on. Thanks for letting me do my weekly check in. Hope everyone has an addiction free day!


Checking in 11months +1 day

Super excited to go on a girls trip to sedona and the grand canyon in 3.5 weeks. Imma take a sunrise hike at the grand canyon on my 1 year sobriety birthday. Super excited i just booked my 7th skydive adventure for that week too!

Wooohooo living life sober. No longer just surviving!


That’s awesome! I was just looking up Sedona this morning, definitely a place I want to go for sure! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Day 1,024 clean and sober. Feeling bleh, lost, unmotivated and exhausted. This is the usual though, whatever lol. Have an amazing day today, love you guys :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Little update. I made it to Italy, Ovada, nice small town. Booked a B&B but it’s a long story which led me to crying in front of this wonderful lady who only speaks Italian and I only speak some words of Spanish. Anyway, I am grateful I found this wonderful place. I am done.
I’ll put some pics here.

When the car only makes pieep piiiieeeep.

And my room with a huge bath tub in the sleeping room. She suggested to use it and relax. I might do this.


Place looks lovely. There’s a way to switch the piep piep off. Google the model and beep off or something like that. And there’s a host of talking translation apps these days. Well, looks like it already worked out. Enjoy your bath and a good rest friend. Hugs.


Day :six:

So the day started pretty well, had a call with my girlfriends ex. He was sober today and we succeed to have an polite talk. We talked about his son. I said that I am happy the kid is reconnecting with his father, and that boy needs to be with father. He thanked me for the call. That sorted a bit of things out.
Went back to my home at other city, need to prepare for work week. Lately started to use city busses, kind of after working as a driver all day long want to sit back from the drivers seat :sweat_smile: Thats nice, slows down time a little bit :+1:


Later did good old running workout. Really flushing those toxins out. Reinstalling running routines to my life, that was always been one of my favorite hobbies many many many years spend on running tracks, it is probably in my blood. Running saved me from 4 years of constant panic attacks and depression caused by that. Although I need to say that all glory goes to God! Higher Power! Source! Something that our brains are incapable to calculate. It is the real way and saviour. By connecting to our roots, we can overcome all the darkness.


That’s Fränzi, my inner child symbol. Got her during therapy in 2017. :see_no_evil: She never complains when I swear. She is so patient. And of course so cute.


329, checking in.