Checking in daily to maintain focus #53

This is wonderful, well done Karen!! You’re doing great :heartpulse:


Congrats on 2 months!! @CueBall8n9


@Andi20 great work getting through day 5!
@KarenKW Congratulations on your 90 days Karen!!
@CueBall8n9 Congratulations on your 60 day!!
@Seb Congratulations on your 40 days!!

There’s so many of you awesome people achieving awesomeness, I can’t mention you all :sweat_smile: But I’m reading and I see you! 3 days… 38 days… 1400 days and every number in between. Today is what counts and today we are sober :raised_hands:

@Mno sorry your sleep was shitty last night, sounds like therapy affected you quite deeply, I hope tonight will be more restful for you x


Day 84.

Last night was tough, mentally. Couldn’t sleep until about 5 am and my anxiety was insanely high. Now I just feel drained and have a headache. Fun.

But my husband said something interesting. Apparently when he woke up this morning he was very impressed to see a distinct lack of wine bottles in the living room. There’s a 24/7 shop within a 3 minute walk from us and he was half expecting I’d go there considering the state I was in. But I didn’t. It didn’t even cross my mind to drink all these emotions away.

Yeah, life ain’t peaches and cream. And I may have one or two skeletons in my closet. But I’m determined not to add any more. This is it. This is when I’m getting my shit together and living the life I want for myself.


Thank you @Becsta I’m feeling really good about this.


Still sober. ODAAT.

Have been down at my parents for a couple of nights with my youngest. Was intended as a mini break but I’ve come home feeling very exhausted. Dad has Alzeihemers and is declining quite obviously. He slept alot, was frustrated and grumpy alot, snapped regularly at my mum… mum loved our company, and offloaded alot of her own resentments and frustrations and sadness to me. I love being able to be there for her, for them both, but it’s very emotional and I struggle also with seeing the dad I know and grew up with slowly fading away. Bastard of a disease!

My break away did however mean a great walk along the beach, despite getting caught in a massive downpour of rain and I also got to catch up with my bestest friend which was amazing therapy for my soul. Life has been very up and down lately!

Easter Saturday night here and my youngest, the only one of mine who is still an Easter Bunny believer is so super excited! He left this out tonight with a carrot which is super cute. Choc eggs are hidden around the house and our cat keeps finding them and swipes them off the shelves and across the floor :joy::joy::joy: i don’t think any will be where i left them by morning :sweat_smile:


That’s a distinct win! Bookmark this post so you can come back to it when you have another rough time. It’s always a boost for me to revisit my wins and especially when other people recognize them.


That’s a brilliant suggestion, I had no idea you can bookmark individual posts! Thank you!


Checking in on Day 419
Enjoy your saturday everyone!


Day 970

Suffering from restless legs recently. Sounds so innocuous, but not being able to sleep is so annoying. Possible causes apparently could be lack of dopamine, anemia or kidney disease, which I am three for three, so that is great. I will see how it goes, and maybe check with a doctor.


That’s fantastic to hear! And how good are those hangover-free morning wakeups!? I never, EVER get tired of that feeling :blush:
As long as we pledge each morning, to do whatever it takes to put a sober head down on our pillow that night, another hangover free wake up is guaranteed👌 ODAAT!


Restless legs suck! I get them when I’ve been running :roll_eyes: Magnesium oil rubbed onto my legs gives instant relief and also stops me getting them at night. Might be worth a try…


Yes!! I love it. I also was a drinker that eats and eats lol they ordered pizza last night and I declined that too.
I do sleep more but I’m sure that will go away.


Yes, your body has alot of healing and adjusting to do now that alcohol is gone! and recovery can be so mentally and emotionally draining, esp in the beginning. Give yourself all the rest you need, balanced with lots of fresh air… I found that everything felt, looked and even smelt different sober!


@KarenKW 90 days! Wow! Congrats on freedom from alcohol. 90 was a big milestone for me.


Day 2. Woke up feeling like crap, but not from alcohol! Slept with the window open and all the pollen is giving me a massive headache. Ok irony/universe/higher power, I see what you did there…:stuck_out_tongue:

Oh, sorry, thanks everyone for the support yesterday!!


Day 6!! Feels good just cleaning the house today. Feels good to get up and accomplish some things. Going to focus on that all day and Keep myself busy.


Day 2100 today.


Checking in - Day 3

“I am here for you” is the lie of my addiction.

Well, it is here for me - to steal, kill and destroy me.

Trying to see clearly and stay busy and thankful.

I love you all so much. :heart_hands: I am glad I am not alone.


Day :one::two:

Was very very busy day. Now chill…

:no_smoking: Day 2 no smoking cigarettes