Checking in daily to maintain focus #54

Today is rest day. Tomorrow group therapy day which is 60 km away. Might bike there and back depending on the weather and how I feel. No real plans for the weekend yet. Supposed to get warm.


Day 352, going on weekend pass this weekend to see my girls and possibly go camping. Next Tuesday I will start the process of getting my bottom teeth fixed, pretty excited. Got some new tires for my rc truck it looks pretty badass if I do say so myself they grip the dirt so good. My rc truck is fast does about 50 mph lol I love it. Need to hit the gym my back and knee are feeling a bit better. Yeah much love everyone.



Mike, help me understand. . . That remote control truck in picture can go 50 miles per hour?

Also, buddy, I know you are dealing with a hard decision. Based on how you work with your higher power and amazing progress so far, I just want you to know that I feel confident if you continue doing that, things will work out.


Do we have a technical thread about the forum status? The forum is really laggy and I want to know if it’s only on my end.


Thank you I certainly am just trying to follow my heart on this. It’s very challenging but you’re right am confident I will do great no matter what. And yes this truck does 50 miles per hour, it can go faster if I put a different battery in it.


Here’s the most recent one.


I love your plan Dana. I got your back. Checking in LIBERATED. I may be arrested by the “brain police” for feeling so good. Let’s do this shit!

I ain’t happy, I’m feeling glad
I got sunshine in a bag
I’m useless but not for long
The future is coming on


Thank you Menno!

That’s really helpfull feedback.:ok_hand:t2:


Hey all, checking in on day 1,068. I hope everybody has a good one!


Lovely pic of the canal Mno. Biking there and back will be brave but if it turns out to be a nice day, so worth it

Checking in Day 11


7 days sober
1 full week

Just had a quick job interview. He took my name and number and asked if I was available night. I said I was available all day every day. I hope I get it but I’ll be filling out job applications until I hear back


That’s beautiful.


Checking in day 256! Haven’t checked in for a bit and want to get back to it.

Had some car and work stress recently, but all resolved. Starting to feel a bit of an upswing with my mood, and been getting out to enjoy some fun things with friends. Long work day ahead but off tomorrow.

Wishing everyone a wonderful sober Thursday :sparkles:


This is truth. I learned this the hard way with my relapse. I thought I could intellectualize/rationalize my way out of drinking cravings and boy was I wrong.

Congrats on 100 days, wow that is huge!!! Big hugs :people_hugging:


Thank you so much @Catmama23 !


@GenG - hang in there with the PAWS stuff, you’re doing awesome and I love seeing those day numbers rack up! :100:

@SoberWalker - I read your post last night have have been mantra-ing it since, thinking about my own boundaries and what I can vs can’t control. Boundaries are a complex thing for me… I’ve taken something from a meditation, where I ask myself “does this action align with my true yes or true no?” This helps me not lose myself when I feel like I’m having to surrender to so much. I also learned that resentments form when we act against what is our true yes or true no. Even self pity is a form of inward-facing resentment.

Take for example the coworker I love to hate. Why do I resent them? Is it really their behavior (like I think) or because I allow their behavior to impact how I feel about my work, my day, myself? Because I violate my own boundaries trying to keep them happy? I can’t control what they say or do, only what I say or do.

Speaking of, @Misokatsu this is the mediation I used for that from Insight Timer! There’s a lot more out there I’m excited to explore too. I’ll include the anger one as well!


CueBall…nice work my friend on the 100 days. Keep it up odaat. Thank you for all your supportive posts. Hope your pain is subsiding too


Checking in
Day 459
Today i woke up feeling mentally “heavy” and fatigued. I definitly didnt feel myself. I wasnt going to do anything honestly. Didnt feel like praying or exercising. Didnt feel like doing a single thing oyher than having a nap. I was in such a funk for no apparent reason. I got my son on the bus for school and then my husband called and he helped me pull out of it by encouraging me to pray and exercise. So thats what i did. I didnt really want to but boy did i ever need it! Had a good prayer session and then went and did a leg workout and some cardio. I showered, got dressed, and chose to put on some makeup to feel good and then went out for a walk (its not as smokey today) to grab a smoothie for lunch. I feel like 100x better. Im actually really proud of myself right now. I could have easily stayed in my funk and gave into not doing a thing to help myself, but i chose not to. And i did the opposite of what i wanted to do. And it freakin helped! I doubted initally that it would. But it really, really did. I feel sooo much better. Im hoping everyone is having a decent day also :butterfly:


@CueBall8n9 CONGRATS ON 100 days – amazing work!


@icebear do talk to your doctor if the symptoms persist. I do hope the withdrawal gets easier :pray:
@DryIn785 I’m glad you had a blessed day yesterday – hope today is as great! Glad you got your meds, inhalers and nicotine patches. Do hope you start feeling awesome overall :pray:
@maxwell do set smaller goals so that you don’t set yourself up for failure. We have to be kind to ourselves especially during the early days. You ae making progress and that is awesome — regardless of anything you are another day sober my friend and that alone is HUGE! :muscle:
@Markjackson Glad you did get out for a walk – I do hope the fresh air helped. I do hope that the symptoms you are experiencing do become less persistent and get easier.
@Dmcg1987 best of luck with your interview! :crossed_fingers:
@Mno I’m sorry that the group therapy is not working. Is it possible to join a different group? Take deep breathes my friend. I do find you to have a very positive outlook on the whole sobriety journey and I do hope the positivity you shed our way gets you through your own anxious moments. We are here if you need to talk it out!
@Noshame – fingers crossed my friend -Hope you do hear back soon enough :crossed_fingers:
@Butterflymoonwoman woman I am in awe lady – great job on not letting the funk define your day and set in. You are a warrior — so happy to hear how your day turned out to be so amazing and hell yeah – should be super proud of yourself

Checking in Thursday afternoon
148 days Weed and Alcohol free
563 days cigarette free
This whole lad in the system had me really feening - I knew I needed this community but didn’t realize how much I needed all of you to keep me in check and sober! So glad to have this site up and running again. I have been doing a lot of meditating and praying which is soothing but also so exhausting at times – such an emotional rollercoaster – super healing. I am sober and slowly working to get my work done. Wishing you all a wonderful sober day my friends :people_hugging: :heart: