Checking in daily to maintain focus #54

Lol I called at 2 and they said to call back at 3

I’m totally on edge

I hope I get a chance


Checking in about to roll over to Day 9. Feeling really good and positive. I am liking how calm I feel. I have a presentation at work tomorrow in front of the whole staff meeting. It isn’t a tough presentation but I still want to do well and this isn’t something I normally have to do. I have had a bath and am looking forward to an early night. Lots going on at the moment but right now I have created a moment of peace.

Some amazing milestones and numbers on here. Everyone is so inspiring.


Wtf- ok- dont lose hope



Hey everyone! Just checking in cause was feeling bummed out because I didn’t get a funding residency I was counting on. Spent the day eating my heart out. I already got this funding three years ago and it’s going to my friend who is at an earlier stage in her career and her collective needs the funding more than I do.

I just really wanted it, again. LOL :joy:

I will literally be just fine though so let me take the rest of this night to feel bad for myself and continue my self care tomorrow.


Yeah the walk helped a lot. Now I’m going to do yoga. I must not succomb!!!:muscle::pray:


Hell yes!!! Congratulations on your 1 full year of sobriety!!! So proud of you :smiley:


I LOVE your post! Its so beautifully written. Thank you for being here and sharing ur wisdom. Huge congratulations on 600 whole days! Thats alot of one days at a time :slight_smile: hugs friend!


Wow so much seems to have happened for u :frowning: that all sounds so mentally and emotionally exhausting and im sorry that u had to go thru all that. I am very proud of u for fighting the urges. Even with the binge eating, u didnt go for the sugary foods and thats a win in my books. And the 5 back to back meditations… way to go on that! Thats determination right there to fight off those demons!! It may not feel like it right now but i say that u won against all those thoughts. It tried hard to make u cave but u didnt. Im glad u posted and i hope ur day today is better :slight_smile:


@RosaCanDo Huge congrats :sparkler::fireworks::sparkler::fireworks: so proud of you :hugs:

@Rebabeeba Congratulations on your year :confetti_ball:

So many congrats I can’t write them all but I’m proud of all of us :pray:

My mind is racing with thoughts atm, so doing more reading then writing but I am here with you all and you all with me too :muscle:


Im really, REALLY hoping for good news :pray:


Jonathan. What you write is a recipe for disaster. Honestly. CHANGE YOUR MINDSET. Sorry no sorry for the caps. It is you at the wheel. You’re in control. If you will drink it will be your choice. Nobody is forcing you. So if this is your mindset and you don’t want to drink you shouldn’t go.

I’m not better than you. Not at all. But I decided before going to my first sober festival NOT TO DRINK. Under no circumstance. I was sober for a bit more than a year. I had a couple of hard moments but my decision was made and I stuck to my guns. If it would have become too hard I would have left but that wasn’t needed. Mindset my friend. You can do this but change your mind first

Good to see you. Congrats on 227 days. Keep going. ODAAT and all that


@Wakikki Sending love and support :people_hugging: :heart:– I do hope it gets better glad you are maintaining your sobriety
@Alice13 So happy to hear that and yeah to yoga – will calm your muscles and hopefully your mind. Be proud of yourself – One more urge conquered. :muscle:
@Rebabeeba A huge congrats on your 1 year of sobriety!!! Well done :tada: :partying_face:
@Jonachav123 Wow 227 days of sobriety. I can totally understand being anxious about facing an event that you’ve only done while under the influence. Go into it head strong! Can you take your own beverages with you? Is it possible to call ahead to see what na options might be available (check with the vendors that are hired for event)? If nothing else – you can get powdered packets for flavoring water and you know water will always be available – so you’ll have a drink in hand??? Just some ideas I’m sure there is a thread here about navigating social events and staying sober. Wishing you the bests of luck! Remember you can’t do this in moderation – there is no just 1 drink.
@Noshame I’m hoping that it’s time to take out the dancing shoes… :high_heel:

Just a quick check in – I’m beat and it’s only 4 pm — my head is spinning (not exactly sure why) I am honestly to beat to do anything that would harm my sobriety – so YEAH …too early to sleep and too late to take a nap plus I still have to complete 2 more saliva samples for my test. I’m going into zombie mode :woman_zombie:and hopefully that will help :rofl:


Look at you! Huuuuuge congrats Rebabeebaa!!! :clap::tada::piñata::fireworks::confetti_ball::balloon:


Woo hoo! Big congrats to you!!!


Awe u sound exhausted :weary: hope u get some really decent rest tonight :people_hugging:


Got off of work a little early and stopped at Wendy’s for a baked apotato. I went inside since they had a line in the drive thru.

The workers were working hard and quickly, but people were being impatient and rude. One lady said she had been waiting for over a half an hour. But the people who ordered before her said it had only been 10 minutes for their orders. :roll_eyes:

Not sure but the poor attitude of the woman was really uncalled for and was making everyone in there angry, or frustrated. I just smiled and asked for a potato and told them I see how hard they’re working and not to listen to the negativity.

And then i actually listened to my own advice. I am working hard. So i shouldn’t listen to anyone’s negativity (my own mostly)
I’m at 225 days sober. Haven’t restricted eating in over a month and haven’t self harmed since new years. Not smoking has been a struggle and i have reset the timer a few times :weary: but I’ve gotta just keep going and not give up. Or talk down to myself.

If nobody told y’all today, I see how hard you’re working! Don’t listen to anyone’s negativity! You’re doing great! :people_hugging::heart:


Thanks love - trying to relax --Yes super exhausted and don’t know why. Will try not to analyze to much and rather just go with the flow…


If you find yourself slipping, leave the festival. The risk of losing your progress isn’t worth the reward. Until you’re confident enough that your monkey is in a coma, I’d suggest you skip out.


Second check in today. My counter now reads
day 228


Checking in on day 1228 (new account).

It’s been a while since I’ve shared an update, but I’m proud to say that my sobriety is still going strong. Interesting things have happened in the past 6 months, both good and bad, but I’m currently heading in a good direction. I’m proud to say that I’ve finally found a career by pursing my CDL, and am currently training to become a school bus driver. I’m not accustomed to children or teens in any way, but this is a good start for not only It’s location, but the type of vehicle being driven. After a few seasons I may go into Charter or something similar. I’ve struggled with sugar for months but have finally managed to get it under control, and I’ve been pretty committed to taking at least a 5 mile walk each day. Still a work in progress, but progress none the less.

It’s always nice to be back and I hope all is well with everyone!