Checking in daily to maintain focus #54

@JennyH they’re a nightmare aren’t they!
@Twizzlers thank you :blush: 🩵
@Noshame congrats on the job offer :tada:
@GenG good luck at the doctors :crossed_fingers:t2::four_leaf_clover:
@Rockstar24777 sending love :people_hugging:🩵

1019 days no alcohol.
484 days no cocaine.

I woke early, did my morning routine, showered, then drove to my hometown to get my shot and collect meds, except the prescription for my nicotine products hadn’t been received by the pharmacy. :weary: Called my GP surgery and they said it hadn’t been signed off by a doctor, but that they would send it again today. So I’m going to call the pharmacy first thing tomorrow to see if they received it and whether the products are in stock. I really hope I can collect them tomorrow. :crossed_fingers:t2:

Then I went to my dad’s wife’s shop, to help my eldest step-brother complete his form, he used text-to-speech and we got through it much faster than I was expecting, so that was a bonus.

I came home, the fatigue was already present but I pushed myself to do my morning walk, then came home and fell asleep for 2 hours.

I didn’t binge last night, for the first time in quite a while, so that’s something, I’m going to avoid starting a new show for the time being.

I’m hoping for an early night, so that I can call the pharmacy first thing and drive to collect my meds before they close at midday.

I hope you all have wonderful sober weekends.:blush:



1,335 Days of Recovery

Trying to get better at taking my medication. It’s so easy to forget. :pensive: I spoke to my counselor at the Methadone clinic today & there is a new group starting next month. I actually put this idea in the suggestion box, so IDK if that’s why this new group is starting or not, but I’m happy about it. It’s a support group for people who are detoxing from Methadone. I’m doing a very slow taper. I decrease my dose by 2 MG each month. I’m currently on 103 MG. My highest dose was 180 MG. Proud of myself. I haven’t felt any discomfort so far.


@marc @Planipennia Thanks guys and gals. I visit Stedelijk Museum less than the Van Gogh Museum. Maybe once every 18 months on average. What’s great about it is that every time I go it is absolutely unrecognizable from my previous visit. Like magic. They have a huge collection.

And great temporary exhibitions too. Loved the big Keith Haring piece that was the goal of my visit, but also really loved the overview of General Idea, the three-man collective out of Toronto I never heard of. Funny, smart, innovative, beautiful and sad in the end as two of the three artists died of AIDS in the nineties. As did Keith Haring.

And, as said, another great reworking of the permanent collection. Need to be back there sooner next time. The artwork is Keith Haring’s, but not the big one as it has nudity and sex and stuff :hot_face: . It was an anti apartheid statement.


I joined the Nelson-Adkins here in KC. I am commuting myself to post pics of the exhibits I see. Living here for 20years, it’s time I start exploring my city. I have the freedom now that I’m not chained to alcohol.


Day 12 emotional day at the psychiatrist, brother came ovet for dinner and walk, off to bed now sober tomorrow is another day


28 days AF. Got the rest of the stuff for my annual physical done (it’s been wayyyy overdue) so that’s a relief because I really am phobic about doctors. Wasn’t able to get other stuff done that I wanted but that’s ok cuz I ain’t drinking. Looking forward to meeting up with my sponsor at a meeting tomorrow. Did 3 meditations today to work through some anger and resentment. Now it’s a long weekend and boy do I need it so I’m grateful for that.

@Cjp I’m so sorry to hear that experience with your fellow AAers. I can definitely relate somewhat - there have been times before and after meetings where nobody talked to me and I felt very left out. Other times somebody would just strike up a convo with me and I was so grateful. I know this isn’t the same as not being invited to an event, but maybe next time will be different. And if it’s not, maybe try to find another meeting? AA can definitely be cliquey but if we’re all working the program then I think we can always find a bond, almost stronger than with people we’ve known on the outside because addicts get each other. Also, you never know when someone new might walk into a meeting and look to you for help and connection. You know your value, your worth, and the right folks will respond to your vibration. I’d hang out with you for sure :yellow_heart:


Day 19. I am looking forward to the bank holiday weekend alcohol free. Another busy one planned and again the weather is onside :sunny: I feel so much better already, but I’ve been here many times before. This time I’m staying honest to myself. If I could drink moderately, one would think I would have cracked it in the last 18 years. There are no daunting feelings this time (yet) and I’m embracing a clear mind. I truly hope everyone can find some peace this weekend.


Really does not sound too good in my mind, with active users constantly triggering you. I hope you can try finding another spot that suits better, and for the moment try to spend as much time as possible away from the place with your kids. Stay strong!

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Feel hugged and know that we all think of you :people_hugging:


108 days sober. Had a job interview today…… it went well.


5 months completed and hopefully many more to come. Busy week completed and it was really exhausting, but now a long weekend lies ahead of us. Have a good, strong and sober weekend, friends :hugs:



Sending strength :purple_heart:. I’m sure it never gets easier. Thinking of you today.


Aw I can’t imagine. Thinking of you, big hug :heartpulse:


:people_hugging: I’m sorry your struggling so hard lately. Living with pain is truly awful and I really hope your pain medication gives you some relief :heartpulse:


Checking in day 423.
Well I made it through the week and I’m still sober. I’ve taken a week or so off of the gym, swapping for a long walk. Trying to find the time to recharge outside, fresh air, less pressure on myself to perform and progress x amount of days in the gym. I feel like the pressure I put on myself really stresses me out. I’m just trying to slow things down here, focus on that basic self care again.
Big hugs to you all, let’s keep sober this weekend :sparkles:


Checking in. Day 231


@icebear nice office!!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
@Juli1 I am so sorry that you are struggling today. Glad that you are staying sober and hopefully the urges didn’t last long. You are kicking ass – keep it up :muscle:
@SadMemeQueen glad you are starting to feel better and are able to sleep!
@Scorpn damn girl yeah you are sleepy – that’s a long shift at one job! I do hope you get some rest
@Butterflymoonwoman yeah to an amazing day baking with you son – enjoy the fruits of your labor :yum:
@Marc3 Congrats – glad it all worked out!
@CATMANCAM Sorry your prescription was not ready – hopefully tomorrow. Congrats on a binge free evening last night. Possibly a good thought on not starting any new shows that may trigger you for a while. Hope you get a good nights rest
@TheWolf Congrats on your 19 days – I am so happy for you and it’s great to see you thriving.
@AlexWayhill congrats on your 5 months!!! Way to go! :partying_face:

Checking in on Friday evening
156 days Alcohol and weed free
571 days Cigarette free
Good lord - I did manage to get what I had set out to do today done but I did need a 1.5 hour nap this afternoon. The pain and other symptoms are a bit more severe today but i am dealing with a bit more stress these days so i do know that stress along with the hotter weather make things worse so I am meditating and doing my breathing exercises and will be in a deep slumber hopefully within an hour…
Yeah to Friday - hope everyone had a great sober day today!!! sending much love :heart:


Evening of day 15
I decided to make my daily check in during the evening so I can explain my daily activities to the point better

Called the people who offered me a job
I need to contact them on Tuesday
I’m still on edge thinking I won’t get it for some reason that could pop up

Went for lots of walks with the wifey. Once to the park. Sat on the swings and talked for a while. She told me some personal things. I’m glad I can connect with her likewise feels good that she trusts me.

Woke up early to go to the pharmacy.

We took care of everything we needed to take care of today

I officially moved out of my old place

My wife’s family said I can stay as long as I continue to move forward

SSI might shut me off because I’m married and had a past work history. I thinks it’s kind of like a merical how it worked out. Everything happened last minute and fell into place well

All I want is for this job to come through. Pleasssse lord let me get this job


Sending good vibes your way! @Noshame