Checking in daily to maintain focus #54

It’s great to see you :slightly_smiling_face:


As for sponsors… If your not getting what you need move on. A decent sponsor won’t mind and may even be able to suggest a new one. We all just want you to be sober. BUT don’t leave one bc you don’t agree with what they say. If a sponsee agreed with everything I said then they don’t need me. We’re here to show you a new approach to life, one other addicts and alcoholics didn’t know existed.

Edit - They agree by the end though :wink:


My partner is at that concert, Slam Dunk. He’s just sent a photo of the traffic jam to get off the site. Looks like he’ll be there a while!
Crazy that you can hear it, he said The Offspring were amazing. :slightly_smiling_face:


Checking in sober. It’s been a shit day. I really need some relief from this pain. I hope tomorrow is better. I’m miserable.


I am so sorry :disappointed: I don’t want you to suffer Karen. I’m going to say a prayer for you. I’m checking in on day 397 free from weed/opiate addiction.


12:30am on day 20, only hours away from three weeks. Well, tonight. I was asked a few days ago to do a DJ set in a pub beer garden and I really didn’t want to say no. As soon as I arrived I was handed drink tokens to use throughout the night - I went ahead and ordered a pint of cola with ice! I would usually sip away on some jack daniels whilst playing, but thought not anymore and I brought the rest of the tokens home with me. It wasn’t as busy as I’d hoped. However, those that came and went enjoyed themselves. I still got paid and asked to go back again. Just wide awake (sober) and got to be at my real job at 9am.


Thank you for your warm welcome back! I agree with everything you said. I think I could do a girls night one day but it would have to be with people who know me very well and wouldn’t even consider asking me to drink lol I suppose If anyone wants to get to know me better it won’t be over drinks it will be hiking, walking, biking, yoga, exploring… etc. and that’s just where I’m at in life.


Awesome job :muscle::muscle::100::100:


Sponsors are just people, so they can be a mixed bag. My first sponsor was great, very knowledgable and on the ball. I was so lucky that she led me through the steps. I drifted away because of the time difference and also I was feeling pretty good and stable. Earlier this year I tried a sponsor in Japan. She was nice enough, but cancelled a lot. I have also had the experience of being very distressed in an AA meeting, and having people reach out once, which I appreciated and then stop and never check in again.
I think @Butterflymoonwoman has a point. I think the sponsor I just had felt she ‘should’ be a sponsor even though she was busy and still needing to work on herself. Not sure how great of a sponsor I would be, honestly.


@AlexWayhill congrats on 5 months :tada:
@JazzyS thank you :blush: I’m sorry your symptoms flared up :people_hugging: I hope they settle back down ASAP :crossed_fingers:t2:🩵
@icebear I’m sorry about your car :weary:
@nastya_is_fighting happy for you :revolving_hearts:
@Brian1965uk welcome back :blush: congrats on your continued sobriety :tada:

1020 days no alcohol.
485 days no cocaine.

Ate some sugary stuff last night, then slept like a log for 12 hours! Didn’t wake once. My cats eventually managed to wake me at 10am, so I fed them and took my morning meds. Made the phonecall to the pharmacy, they had my prescription but not all the items, I asked if they did have the patches and they said yes :raised_hands:t2: so I drove across to collect them, and put my first one on when I finished my last vape at 9:30pm. (It’s 3am now).

Tomorrow (well, today now, in less than 8 hours!) is also a good day, because I finally get to collect my new glasses :smiley: so I will be able to read more here again, and I can’t wait! They did say my vision would be ‘swimmy’ whilst my eyes adjust to the new prescription, because its a big change, so I’m hoping that process doesn’t take too long.

It’s been bright and sunny outside, but I’ve been freezing cold. I managed to do my morning routine when I got home from the pharmacy, plus I forced myself out for my pond walk, which did warm me up until I got home and became freezing cold again.

I tried but couldn’t motivate myself to go back out for my lake walk, but my feet have appreciated the rest.

Tomorrow (today) will be a good day.

I hope you’re all having wonderful sober weekends. :blush:



@Amy30 YEAH YOU – so excited that you are doing well and hope the weekend is filled with all good things as well
@Butterflymoonwoman glad that you were able to naturally get up on time today and your day turned for the better. Woot woot on brushing that urge — So right love – no time for that nonsense. Hope your evening is going well as well
@JennyH wow – how cool that you are able to enjoy the music in the comfort of your home
@C_8 nice numbers – totally cool that you were able to capture this
@KarenKW I do hope that damn migraine goes away soon for you. I’m sorry you are going through such pain.
@TheWolf Hey man – congrats on your upcoming 3 weeks of sobriety and damn what an amazing job of doing your gig and sticking to your cola! It may be a late night and an early work morning but hey you will not be hungover tomorrow so YEAH
@Clarity You are so very welcome – we are stronger together. So glad you are here.

I so love this – great attitude!

Checking in on Saturday evening…
157 days Alcohol and weed free
572 days cigarette free
Oh my goodness - it’s been a day! the tension at home got to me more than it should have and ive been a bit of a mess emotionally. Cried a lot today then buried my emotions as i needed to get work done and went into a total exhaustion numb mode. I did not want to end the day this way so I’ve turned on comedy (thank you @Dazercat - John Mulaney is hilarious) and have been laughing my ass off – still exhausted and eyes are sore but stomach and mouth in pain from laughing – Laughter really is the best therapy. Just happy with myself that not once did I want any of my DOC’s.


Evening of day 16

Went for a 1hour 30min walk with the miss

Might buy some video games tomorrow or even tonight if the miss is down
We have a PS4 so we can buy games right online

Today was ok for a crazy day
I was offered to go to the store but turnt it down because I was just waking up. We are thinking Monday

Tuesday I call or will get a phone call about work. I’m not too nourvous about working. It’s not hard to wash toilets and sweep floors. Hey I have to start somewhere. I’m more nourvous if I get it or not. If I get it I have no choice but to keep it. I worked for 5months as a full time dish washer which I totally rocked at I think even though the co workers ran me ragged. Then worked at a store part time but I couldn’t keep up with their damand even though I was bustin sweat while working. This time, I’ll be cleaning if I get it. I’ll take that any day because once I get my routine going I’ll be working by myself. Also the full time work benefits will help a lot.
I just can’t wait to work.


Day 70

I had a wonderful lazy day. Deep dish pizza for lunch…leading to a nice nap this afternoon and then gaming until bed time. :slight_smile:



230 substance free
147 no restricting food

It has been a long day, a long week, a long month…
But it’s coming to a close soon. And then it will be JUNE!! :rainbow:

Being sober has become normal to me, and i rarely obsess over a craving these days. Not to say things are perfect and i never have to talk myself down… But i am grateful for how far I’ve come in these almost 8 months :blush:

The best part of this journey is the friends I’ve made here. Y’all are truly amazing! :heart:


Day 2355
Checking in. It’s been a good day today. I did a little work and took a nap. Did a few chores. I consider it a good day when I am comfortable in my own skin and taking care of responsibilities and don’t drink!

we’re a like a family of you’s in different shoes

Wow, I love this. :purple_heart: TYSM for ALL the kind words! They made me very happy. Ppl aren’t normally this nice to me. You took the time to say something so, so kind to me.


Congratulations. What a pretty picture.


1,336 Days of Recovery

I’m emotionally exhausted. I hate life. Thats all.


I am sorry love. Its been a tough week and very draining.
You are doing amazing work on yourself and bring so much positivity to this site - i do hope that the positive vibes you expel to other’s will get you to start loving life again. :heart:


Day 1666.
Didn’t sleep well at all. Thought I could do without valerian but this in combination with some mosquito and the heat I don’t feel rested.
Anyway, it’ll be a nice an sunny day and I’ll probably make a tour in bike somewhere. I could also take a towel and put a big toe in the Mediterranean sea. That’s a good idea :upside_down_face:
Have a good and sober day and night wherever you are.