Checking in daily to maintain focus #54

Thanks Jazzy, and I hear you about being anxious around too many people in a an enclsed space… I get that too.

Checking in on day 8, reminding myself to take this one day at a time


4y 11m 6d

Today I took my Dad to meet some ostrich

They were both menacing and majestic

Ostriches don’t drink and neither do I :cactus:


Jose --So sweet to put it that way - I do feel like I’m starting over from an infant state and this really hit home.

Also - thanks for the reminder that its okay to smile when possible but also cry when needed. I tend to hold back on the crying. Have a great sober day my friend!


Hey Teef - Thank you for your post and congrats on making today your day 1!!! This community and especially the check in’s will be a great asset to you in your sobriety journey. You may also want to do the following (not in any order):
a. attend a meeting (local or on line – “EVERYTHING AA” has 24 hour a day meetings available.)
b. possibly find a sponsor from one of your meetings
c. find activities to do that will keep you occupied when urges arise.
d. be prepared for withdrawal symptoms
e. have go to drinks like la croiz or kombucha or flavored water — readily accessible to you. Throw out your alcohol if this is not possible then place out of sight. ie. you should not be seeing a beer every time you open the fridge.
f. be kind to yourself!!! You will beat this disease - it will not be easy - you will have to work for it - we are all here for you when you need
Hope to see you around.


@Jwfletcher4792 congrats on your team’s achievements, :tada: good luck for the Championships! :crossed_fingers:t2::four_leaf_clover:
@XXIX sending strength 🩵
@SobrietyForMe @Tito23 congrats both on your month :tada: :tada:
@Teefmeister welcome :blush: congrats on day 1 :tada:

1008 days no alcohol.
473 days no cocaine.
95 days no vape.

Was awake til the early hours again, and woke early too. Did my morning routine, and my morning walk, it was hard to make myself do the walk because I was so tired, but I felt like I couldn’t relax until I’d done it. I did my usual, plus some extra, meditations, spent some time reading here, then did my afternoon walk early because I was planning an early night, as I need to be at the opticians for my eye tests at 9am. They want to do an extra OCT scan, which can detect issues 4 years in advance, and I’m very anxious what that will show because I already know I have Diabetic Retinopathy, and I have very blurry vision a lot of the time, and my eyes also keep looking sideways and the only way to get them to look forwards is by covering the other eye. Atleast I’ll know whatever shows up, maybe they can do something to help.



Helloo :heart::heart: I think i will join you in your thread, interested to hear how it has been for you!


@Juli1 so happy to see you doing so well! Have you started the life guard position?
@Tito23 Congrats on surpassing your 30 days my friend! What an incredible mother’s day gift you and your brother presented to your mom yesterday! You are doing great and will continue to do so – keep up the effort and hard work.
@CueBall8n9 Man – the mind is definitely a mystery. Don’t know where your subconscious goes or come up with the thoughts that fill your addict brain. I am so happy to hear that you were able to shun away both thoughts. The cinnamon coffee cake sounds delicious – glad you enjoyed and hope you had a restful nap.
@Catmancam I do hope you get a decent nights rest tonight or maybe incorporate naps in your day if early mornings persist? Wishing you the best of luck with your OCT Scan tomorrow. Try not to get yourself worked up prior – Like you said, hopefully if they even find anything they can do something to help. My grandmother had the same issue of a “wandering” eye and with age it would get stuck in a spot. I do think she was able to get it to be better but my memory is a bit hazy – will ask my dad about what she did – it may help

Checking in Monday late afternoon
145 Weed and Alcohol free
560 Days Cigarette free
Drank two glasses of kombucha today as I really needed something with a kick and knew I wasn’t about to crack open a cold one. I am doing well enough right now - About to make a list of how to attack tomorrow as I have many irons burning - want to prioritize so that I don’t get overwhelmed. I so used to be one to say why put it off to tomorrow if you can do it today but then my whole day would be filled with work from wake up to sleep and the next day would fill up with more. Realizing that I do come first and my mental / physical health comes first and “work” can wait. Hope you are having a beautiful sober Monday - I know I am! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Hello I’m new here with the hope that today will be the start of my sobriety. I’ve tried many times and fell off the wagon multiple times… I’m doing this alone and have come here to read everyone else’s stories.


Day 9. Feeling exhausted and depressed. That’s triggering cravings, but I won’t drink today. I’m still upset with myself at having to reset my timer 9 days ago after getting over 100 days. But some days it all seems like too much work and I want to give up. I have struggled with this depression for so long. I do see my psychiatrist tomorrow and it may be time to adjust my meds. I know drinking will only make it worse. I was hoping it would get better being sober but it hasn’t. I’m just tired.


Hey Rosy - welcome to the community!! Wish you well in your sobriety journey - do know that you can not do this alone. We all need help and support and need to put in a lot of work. This community has been my life savor -Read around and engage when you feel comfortable.
Many threads to read through and i find that whatever I’m feeling, someone else is / has felt that and many responses to that particular emotion / feeling here. A healthy reminder that we are not alone.
Would you be willing to try a meeting - possibly be around people in real life that are also in the same boat as you.
Wishing you luck on your journey and hope to see you around.


Welcome Rosy.
Great day for a day 1.
This is a great place for support. I could never do it on my own. Have a good read around. Join in when your comfortable.


Hope the rest of ur day has been better and free of drinking thoughts. Way to go on getting thru those earlier.


Welcome Rosy!! Glad ur here with us :slight_smile:


Checking in
Day 456
Loving this number sequence today. It blows my freakin mind that i have this time in recovery. Its not alot in the grand scheme of things but it means alot to me!! I swore to myself so many times in my past, that i would ALWAYS be using something to cope. My track record for 22 years had proven that to me but guess what?.. it was wrong. I am completely clean and sober and handling my trauma and emotions without drugs and alcohol.
Today i had a busy day ahead of me BUT i made time for my morning routine first thing (before i even left my place). And boy did i need that connection to my HP. And then i went about my day. Got my preworkout and some healthy groceries. Came back to workout. Have eaten well all day. Did have 1 using thought tho but worked thru it. Now just waiting for hubby to get home. Feeling good! Feeling grateful! And feeling free! Hugs to u all my TS fam!



day 239

Seen a few posts lately about cravings.

Been the same way i think because with working in a trade its so deeply rooted to drink after work as a pay off for the day or weeks work.

I did try a non alcoholic beer the other day which may have set it off, but doing well knowing my choice to go back to it will mean big losses in my life

My wife and i have been discussing traveling abroad again looking at Thailand this time, will be weird not having a few beers but im sure ill survive.

We didnt do walking street in Vietnam due to my drinking and the potential danger that could have got me into.

This time im lookong forward to being sober and doing some people watching on Bangla road and enjoying the atmosphere till weve had enough, should be interesting.

Much love sober whanau, may peace be with you today.


Karen - i’m sorry you are feeling this depression and fatigue today. I do hope that your psychiatrist can help you with new dosage.
I know resetting the timer sucks but do not let that upset you now - you are doing great and you know you got over 100 days so you can do this again!!! You’ve got the strength to beat this disease!
sending you strength my friend - i do hope you feel better soon!


Thanks @JazzyS!


Hi @Rosy1 welcome to TS!

It’s been a day. Decided to make so phone calls and set appointments I need. Can’t have my tooth pulled until the 31st :grimacing: but I’ll get my inhalers refilled Wednesday. Made an appointment to see my friend in prison this Saturday. An Aetna rep called back after business hours to answer some questions about various services. Apparently it’s possible I can start going to the gym again, and further my education. Of course, I had my coffee date with Brian which was fun.
But then I found out Neighbor Joe is messing with my mail. He’s avoiding me for whatever reason, but he still picks up my mail when he gets his. He’s been putting it in a plastic bag on my doorknob. So I’ve had my mail stolen for the last week. If he’s avoiding me, why the f**k is he messing with my mail at all?
So anyway, mostly a good day, but I’m Hungry, Angry, and Lonely so I’m gonna do a burrito now. Good sober evening, friends! :v:


Good evening everyone, checking in on day 633. Works been going great, been meeting a lot of new and different people which is important for me to get outside of my bubble. Attempted going to school full time and working a job full time but that did not end well. But have some news that may be changing my job in the future so school may be coming back into play. Hope everyone is doing well and stay safe.