Checking in daily to maintain focus #54

Have you taken a long weekend or a vacation? I’m sick of being at home and am looking forward to all of my little excursions and activities coming up.


Ive tried both. Not fun with someone who drinks even if they are social drinker. I have to keep playing that tape through. New in soberity having a relationship is hard. It takes so much work and i still needed so much work on myself. Maybe just have some real good sober friends for some time. I rushed into stuff and caused myself more pain when i still needed so much more healing from all the damage using created . Im 24 yrs sober now


@JazzyS. I hope you are having a great day😃 you are so kind and helpful. I appreciate you.


Good evening Mark. You are too sweet to say so.
Doing well - thank you for asking. Just very awake and trying to get some sleep :blush:

I do hope you are having a good sober evening.


1654 days of not having wine.
I am still thinking that after a sleepless night like this: ah, at least I remember what happened last night and I am only tired.
It’s during calm moments i get to compare to myself 5 years ago. How I handled problems and stressful situations? It was a reliable scheme I sticked to for far too long. I couldn’t surprise myself. Now, it happens that I feel like, AHH, look Franzi, I didn’t explode. I just breathe and I am still alive.
I am more than grateful that for now I am safe.
I wish everyone a good day or bonne nuit :upside_down_face:


Early check in on day 140, 20 weeks without alcohol. If you’d have asked me half a year ago, I would have said, it’s impossible to stay sober for so long.

Have a good and sober day, friends. Sending my best hopes and wishes to all those currently struggling, you can do this, one day at a time :muscle:t3::hugs:


Laid in bed today. I need to do more…
Need to get moving again. Im sober…but depressed. I live alone…so get lonely. Dr thinks its best to wait on any new meds. Upcoming stress test. Will be good to get that over with. Still in bed. Must be here for a reason.


Sorry about your depression Mark. Every few months I would get hit, out of the blue, with depression. Some days I couldn’t do anything but feed my pets and walk the dogs. I spent a lot of time on my deck or on my couch on this app or Twitter. As long as I got to bed sober it was a successful day. I don’t get those days much anymore. Now I look back and I think it was pretty hard work just not picking up. It’s emotionally draining and affected my physical well being all around.
Hang in the friend. And keep checking in when your up to it.


Thank you @Dazercat. Much appreciated!


Have as good a day as you all can friends. Sober and clean. Love.

Training day today, how to deal with detox patients with personality disorders. I have some experience as I’ve been diagnosed with a couple myself. Will see. Take care of yourself all, PD, depression, or not. Using is never the solution. Reach out to each other. We’re in this together X


Hey all checking in Tuesday morning. Had an up and down couple of days, but I think that fog I was in cleared up a little bit. Starting to feel more myself again. Had a very early gym workout and now gonna start the work day. Meeting tomorrow night at 6, looking forward to it. Have a great day guys.
@Butterflymoonwoman Dana, you are kicking addiction’s ass.:muscle: Keep doing what you’re doing. :v::fire:


I ended up joining a social group that promote health, so no drinking, smoking or drug use. I met a guy on my first outing and he is 13 years sober and a health nut. We had a date, it was nice. But even if he and I dont work out, it made me see I want someone sober. I need it for me, for my daughters, for my relationships. Im sold on sobriety, praise god :raised_hands:


Day 350. So my second counselor (I have two) recommended a place called m.hab…this place has a pretty bad rep with lots of drugs being around. It’s a old college dorm so it’s a single bed unit with just a fridge and microwave, you share a shower with a guy next door. And you use the kitchen with everyone downstairs. I’m kinda saying like fuck that I’m not doing that bc just no I want my girls to be able to stay weekends and be with them. It’s all the way on the other side of town so it’s gonna be hard to get to college…busses here do not to to the college I’ve already looked into it. Anyways so that’s my choice or move back to Tupper. Idk doesn’t sound like much better choice either, no job, same old shit, no gyms. I want to say yes at the same time bc my girls need me man, they have we have missed out on such precious times that I am supposed to be teaching them. Addie’s still not off training wheels, which isn’t a big deal but if I was home we could get her off them. My mom is limited on what she can and will do. So yeah man I feel fucking lost. I gotta leave this up to my higher power and follow my heart but ATM I can’t decipher which is my heart and which is my mind. Much love fam


Sometimes all we need to do is rest. As @Dazercat mentioned, at the beginning of sobriety it is totally normal to feel tired as your body is healing. They say our cells go to work repairing all the damage we inflicted during our slumber.

I am sorry that you are feeling depressed. That can be taxing on your motivation. When i was in a bit of depression, i started watching /listening to comedy non stop. I found Sarah Millican to be an absolute sad mood buster. Sarah Millican she has many YouTube videos to watch.

I do hope your other medical tests you recently had went well. Best of luck with the upcoming stress test.
Wishing you a beautiful sober day!


I don’t really know what your hometown situation is. But I’m not sure the other place sounds like it would be condusive to your recovery. Unless you think you can keep yourself absolutely clear of the bullshit going on there. I’m sure your girls do miss you and vice versa. I’m sure whatever choice you make will workout for you as long as you stay the path of recovery. Hoping the best for you. :v:


Thanks man. This place is supposed to be a recovery place, like across from it is a recovery center where they have meetings. But the building it’s self is known for having about half and half 50 percent sober 50 percent still actively using. But idk it just still does not seem ideal. And my home town situation is just I have lots of cravings and is just kind of triggering it’s a very small town so everybody knows everybody. Will see what happens thanks for your response man I appreciate it very much.


That’s a tough one. I really don’t have any advice. I do know that you are stronger now, so in a place with users around, back in Tupper, you can be true to yourself and make it work.


Love Sarah Millican! The mixture of her innocent appearance, her accent and then the often quite crude jokes is just killer!


Day 74 and still going. It doesn’t even feel odd anymore. Going on dates soon and have no thought of budging or slipping. Hope all well with everyone ODAAT :muscle:


2 mo, 2 days. I’ve had so many great things happen and more than a few lousy. Interesting how I used to think drinking was the bridge between the good and the bad because it blurred the lines until nothing looked bad (except for the next day). These days it’s all on me to reconcile all the things to figure the best path forward. It’s exhausting, but I am becoming proud of the thought and labor I put into decisions. Before, the thought and labor was so exhausting and yielded nothing immediately satisfying, that I wanted to numb, to quiet my overthinking, to make it easier to relate to other people and just move on. Now I’m seeing all that thought and labor is very much me, and it’s fine. It just requires a little more patience and space for overthinking and emotions, but the wave always passes, and then I am decisive, witty, caring, and kind of awesome. I wish I’d figured this stuff out earlier. Maybe I wasn’t ready. Maybe I’m a slow learner. Maybe this is another wave of overthinking. The only definite is that I am sober today. Because of that, I know I will sort the rest out with some tears, laughs, and flair.