Checking in daily to maintain focus #54

Great work @Catmama23



HELL YES! You are crushing it!




Checking in sober

Relaxing my eyes with “Euphrasia” eyedrops after this post, as they are still very irritated by yesterday’s free diving lessons.

I made some personal steps, about what is realy going on and what it needs. Found some path in the jungle. :green_heart::black_heart::green_heart:



Checking in
Day 457
Today my son was home from school to have his MRI done. I managed to wake up at 5am to workout which was good. So that was out of the way. Left at 7am for his appt only to find insane amounts of smoke in our area. This pic is from my balcony:

Its sooo bad that u cant even see the sun. Plus with the crazy intense wind thats also present right now, its just swirling the smoke around. Its sooo obviously difficult to breathe and actually giving me a headache. But we are home now and staying inside. My poor husband tho is working outside in this. I personally dont think its safe but they havent shut down the worksite yet. I hope that the people are safe from wherever these fires are coming from. Its really intense :frowning: Anyway, plans for the day are Lego with my son and relax.
Hope everyone is having an addiction free day


Congratulations Billy :boom::boom::boom: Triple digits :boom::boom::boom:


Oh my goodness love

  • glad you were able to start the day with a workout
  • that firelooks intese from all that smoke
  • i do hope they shut down the worksite and send your hubby home-
    -have a fun sober day playing with your son- legos were my favorite
  • hope you get results from mri quickly

The following will help cleanse hubbys lungs if hes been working in the smoke…Cleanse your lungs


Checking in Day 28. To all a great sober and sober day!


Hello just saying hi on day three. So far so good. I am trying to get my health back on track. I am fasting and doing some walks in the evenings. I dont have much to share today other then i hit day 3, actually day three with 18 hours as i type this.


Congrats! What an awesome number!!!


I am a huge stand up comedy fan! I suck at remembering names usually, but there are some very funny women out there! I am in awe of women in comedy and am so grateful for their humor, in particular. Some funny guys, too, of course. When I’m feeling down a good stand up always helps my mood!


next time you see a really good skit – do share before forgetting – i’m the same way about not remembering most names but this one just helped me so much that it’s imbedded in my mind :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


A big favorite of mine is Black Lady Sketch Show! I watch it on HBO Max.


haven’t heard of it but will try to watch next time i’m at my sisters :slight_smile:


Hi friends! It’s a beautiful day here. Just had my first bulky trash pick up in preparation of moving soon and I’m so grateful my city will do that for $10 USD per load. I prefer not to throw away anything but somethings just can’t be reused or donated anywhere. I had a large rotting wooden bench and some old dog beds, old pillows and so on. Just got some boxes and I can start packing up some items. Mostly I am focused on organizing and choosing items to donate. After some discussion with my husband we decided to buy a new bed for our new house. I’m not sure I would buy from an online company again, as this mattress we have now is only a couple years old and already feels worn out. Not the best investment I’ve made. Every day gets a little bit closer to what we need to do in advance of moving into our new house! We celebrated our 16th anniversary on Sunday and it was fun to talk about where we have come from and where we are today. We are in a good place right now in our relationship and I’m happy to take this next step. This is the first anniversary where I didn’t feel pressured by him to share a bottle of wine or anything. I stayed sober for our last anniversary but it felt like it took work to do so. Not so this year. All in all things are feeling pretty solid in my life right now even though it’s a bit chaotic! I am reassured by that. It means I’ve made progress in being able to handle stress and the uncertainties with such a big life change. Doing the damn thing! Things! :laughing:

Much love to you, my amigx. :heartpulse:


Day 410

Doing good, back from a hiatus brought on mostly from getting a new phone and been meaning to get back on here for a while now. I’m still sober, doing okay, and taking my meds. I’ll be here regularly again now that i have done the thing lol


Welcome back! Good to see you!


Afternoon of day 10. Really struggling to make myself work. I feel stuck. The more my mood suffers, the more I crave drinking. I’m waiting for the pharmacy to fill a prescription- something new we are adding that should help my mood. I hope. I’m also going to go for testing for things like ADHD. I read something about executive dysfunction and I could totally relate. Meanwhile I feel lazy and useless. Thinking about a short nap and then finish up work. So tired of everything.


Very glad to see you Marianna! And a pretty number to check back in with too! :star_struck: :kissing_heart: :people_hugging: :heart:


Feeling very lonely and useless. I messaged to one person yesterday about that I love them and I would honestly be again with them, but they just ignored my message.
I’m trying to talk with people around me but they all seem to… Not give a single shit about me trying.