Checking in daily to maintain focus #55

Checking in sober.

Have a doctors appt this morning and got cleared as being 10 years cancer free! Whoop whoop! That’s such a relief. And allergies aren’t quite as bad today so feel almost human. Still haven’t heard back about the job. Trying to be patient. I really am enjoying the quiet of having my place back to myself. Except for the cats thinking it was time for WWE when I wanted to sleep last night.

Take care of yourselves.


Welcome Pagan. Glad you are here and congratulations on 2 days AF.


Late afternoon check-in. No cravings. No depression. No c-ptsd. No weed. No opiates. No worries! Glad you feel almost human Karen. Sometimes Alobar decides I’m a trampoline when I’m asleep. No WWE though the two square off occasionally. Hope the rest of your day is blessed friend :pray: :heart: :people_hugging:


Tomorrow morning marks 119 days since I fell out of love with alcohol. That’s 17 weeks. I can’t say that I’ve managed 119 days completely sober, but I can say that Ive consumed less alcohol in 17 weeks in total than I would have in any normal week before then. I can also say that the amplitude of my drinking wave has come down massively.

The first time I fell off the wagon after 24 days of fighting the cravings and because I felt I had nothing to lose having spoiled my streak I decided to get wasted. I’ve managed streaks of 3-4 weeks’ sober since then but each time I’ve fallen of, I’ve gotten straight back up. Most recently, 3 weeks ago, I just had one then stopped and that was that.

I’ve been doing a lot of reading on the subject and can really feel the mental change in me. I feel now that alcohol is a poison and I prefer my life mostly without it. Perhaps even entirely. It’s not something I’m having to fight as aggressively, it’s becoming easier.

Perhaps this story isn’t as inspiring as all those on here who have wondeful long sober counts, but for me the change in the way I think and feel about alcohol is the best thing I could ever have hoped to achieve when I joined here. Still taking ODAAT.



TS zooms! Welcome!
Weekly Saturday zoom meetings occur - the above thread will post a link to the meeting 1/2 hour prior to the meeting. The times are listed at the beginning of the thread (depending on your time zone) For me in Michigan USA its at 2 pm.

hope that helps - or i believe @Ravikamor would be able to help out with any other zoom meeting related quesions :slight_smile:


@nastya_is_fighting I am glad that the party ended up going well for you. Congrats on you completing school and here is to new chapter in your life!
@jesile WOW – yeah to day 3 and looks like your body is already adapting to healthy living habits. Don’t worry about the food bit you are keeping active and its best not to attack everything all at once. At the beginning your focus should be on your sobriety. Protect this at all costs. I use blackout curtains which really help when I need to sleep during the day and it’s light out (a life savor for days with migraines).
@catmancam congrats on getting your form and posted it yesterday! Best luck with getting to both your courses tomorrow.
@alycia Glad to hear that your counselling session was so great.
@james83 congrats on your 119 days of reduced alcohol use … you know that you want to be done with this and hopefully you can figure out what causes you to slip every 3-4 weeks and address this situation / feeling. Have you or are you working with a sponsor / therapist? Referring to alcohol as a poison is an excellent step mentally to becoming addiction free – realize you don’t want to harm yourself with slowly poisoning yourself. Keep working on yourself and wishing you the best of luck in kicking this bad habit for good.

Checking in Tuesday evening
188 weed and alcohol free
603 days cigarette free
Been a super productive day - had fun moving around and i did have to push through the exhaustion which i shouldn’t have done (hindsight and all) — soooo tired now. I do hope that i get some sleep tonight. Today makes 3 weeks gluten free - i can’t believe how time is flying by. Have a wonderful night / day my friends – sending you much love :heart:


Have as good a day as you all can friends. Sober and clean. Love.

Cool and rainy outside, I caught up on some sleep. Happy about that. Ready for another day at the office. Going to meet some colleagues who are also in recovery later today. Maybe find some inspiration how to bring some more of that into my work. Looking forward to it. X


Day four. One day at a time for me from now on. No false promises, no over confidence. One day each day


Checking in on day 263. Still working on changing my mindset towards alcohol. Step by step.

Sobriety has gotten even more important for me because my girlfriend and I are expecting our first daughter in november!
I’m super exited and a little nervous :sweat_smile:.
I know sobriety will help me out on this new journey. I’m no help to no one drunk or hungover…


“What is an ocean but a multitude of drops?” So many one day at a time-s.


Checking in day 0

Both my body and my soul can’t stand this anymore… :black_heart:

Take care :v:t2:


I don’t know you, and you don’t know me, but I need to tell you how proud I am of you! You’re doing absolutely fucking amazing. 9 months of sobriety from alchohol, fighting your mental health issues and winning and getting ready to attend the school you fought so hard to get in!

You, my friend, are killing it. If you can do all of this at this age , just think of all the wonderful things you’ll do in your future. :heart:


Hey, congratulations, that’s exciting news :sparkling_heart:


Day five hundred and seventy odd. whatever it is I honestly don’t care

Having Asperger’s syndrome makes socialising or communicating (even on line) uncomfortable. Solitude is where I am happiest so for that reason I’m out!

Not gonna bother saying what’s wrong because nobody really cares. I posted when I needed support and got nothing so I removed the post. Now I’m removing myself.


I am sorry you didn’t get the support you were hoping for. It’s sometimes such a busy place here that it can get ‘lost’ unseen quickly. This doesn’t mean the community doesn’t care. We are here for each other.

Congratulations on your days of sobriety. We will be here if you ever change your mind. :sunflower:


Day :one::nine: :white_circle: :yellow_circle: :yellow_circle: :candle: :yellow_circle: :white_circle: :white_circle:

Reminds a bit of my attitude…


Sugar / Sweets :icecream::icecream::icecream: :no_entry_sign: Day 9
Allowed slips /per week used 1/3 :red_circle: :white_circle: :white_circle:


Awesome work Olivia! Huge congrats!


Day 226.

It’s a rainy day but another day sober. :slightly_smiling_face:


Spannend! Gefeliciteerd!


52 whole days. Very busy with work, doing lots of overtime. Feeling good though