@asinineouroboros Well done on your 3 weeks of sobriety! Sorry to hear that you are struggling – the beginning is a rollercoaster of emotions and tests on our ability to refrain from the urges. You are stronger than you addiction. I do believe with support and great practices you can overcome this addiction
@karenkw I do hope that you do give yourself the grace and compassion you deserve. Hope you are feeling better now and getting a good nights rest
@cueball8n9 Hell yeah my friend – great job on 200 days! It is a huge number and you should be immensely proud of your accomplishments. Great to hear from you and hope the job is as much fun as it is demanding.
@Mira_D “weird drinks” now i’m curious - what type of drinks do you make - i know i find mine to be weird with squeezed bottle gourd juice or ginger and zucchini with cucumber – interested in your concoctions. LOL. Great to set a health plan for September. I too used the gum to help with quitting smoking along with a hypnosis app. If you haven’t already done so - check out the Grumpy A-holes (quitting cigarettes/ nicotine products) thread - it has some great stories and advice for quitting smoking.
Checking in on Saturday evening
248 days free of alcohol and weed
663 days free of cigarettes
Its been an emotional day for me as i’m having some trouble with my brother. So in order to not dwell on it and spend the day upset i went super busy and did loads of work. Its been an exhausting day for sure and i’ve stopped now so am listening to the scream coming from all over me. Its all good - tomorrow is Sunday and i do hope to rest. My sis is visiting so will hopefully have some good quality time with her tomorrow. A great vegan find today – Pumpkin spice oreos - these were so damn delicious - i know so much processed crap but today i didn’t care - i did indulge in 1 cookie Hoping everyone had a wonderful addiction free day today - sending you beautiful souls so much love