Checking in daily to maintain focus #57

Hello Ya’ll,

Sigh. Im feeling okay today. Been just wayching things unfold instead of the outcome. Its a good thing to do I find; sure nice to have a goal, but sometimes Id be so focused getting somewhere or how far to go that the whole journey is not only missed but is turned into something to be frustrated at and rushed through, vs experienced.

Just helped hubby move drywall to the basement. He needs a work space, so I had the suggestions of us finishing the back room - which its already strapped and he just finished tuxking the insulation in - into a workshop, for now. At first he wasnt too keen on it, worried about fumes and dust in thw house but we’re going to seal it up and get a vent fan through the window. Its a for now thing, a step…and I can feel his excitement building again which makes me so happy. Hes creating his website and I just love to see this unfolding…but anyway careying the drywall AWKWARDLY down our basement steps, and I was thinking about how 2 years ago when we moved in we planned to finish that badement room ASAP. Nope, npt what happened…but look…here it is happening now, and for a torally different purpose but like wow thats life.

Had a meeting with child services today and I really appreciatwd it. The worker was amazing, she is incharge of placements and she was reassuring and compassionate (something we did not experience at all for the 1st yr of dealing with them). We know we are moving towards a decision, and we are just asking child services to help us make one in an informed manner…and thats what this woman brought to the table. She said something very kind at the end, and while I know that doesnt necessarily matrer for the process of placing my nephew it DOES make a difference to us when people do not say tjings like that or are insensitive. I tried to allow myself to be emotional during this meeting, which I have generally been trying to do but I am not good at being emotional in feont of people. I generally jusy do not; and it isnt unhealthy i dont thinj, its just my privacy and that side of me is for those I trust with that. I like crying alone :sweat_smile: but today I just allowed myself to cry, and by the end both the supervisor and the worker were both in tears. Again, not aomething that needs to happen or is going to change anything, but its like thank you for understanding what a nughtmare this is for us and how hard we have been fighting.

As far as thoughts of drinking, I think I had a little thought…like romanticizing or something when reading a book where the woman was drinking wine. The funny thing is I do not like wine, and she was admittedly drinking bc she was stressed out of her mind and depressed. LIKE WOULD NOT BE ROMANTIC TO A NORMIE WOULD IT LOL :sweat_smile: anyway just a thought. I am watching my smoking, and gah. Also trying to be a bit gentle on myself, which doesnt mean im just being like “this is fine” but it has been an insanely difficult yr and a half and im doing okay, ive done big things, im working hard on myself and im taking them baby steps. Ebb and flow. I cannot wait for this one to go though, bc I do not want this shit anymore.

Going to get kittens for the kids tomorrow!!! We initially qanted to get one for our daughter for her birthday, but then we needed to wait till we woupd be home so they wouldnt be alone. Then I got to talking to people and apparently (just learning!) They like to be with their litter mate or in twos…soooooo here we go :slight_smile: We had an old rescue cat before, who came with my husband and she had a lot of just poor treatment in her life. I loved her, but she had a hard time when the kids came along and started really acting up (she would pee on everything, and meow like crazy). She also did not like kids, even though our daughter was not rough with her, she was just too old and wanted that peace and quiet. It was super hard, but before we moved my best friend offered to take her (she was working from home, loved my cat and had a little dog who out cat ACTUALLT got along with). And while the incessant meowing didnt stop :sweat_smile:, she DID stop peeing everywhere. I rekember this lady trying to tell me my cat had a medical problem and thats why she did that, and I was like nooooo tjis is a BEHAVIOUR she is UPSET. Anyway, my daughter LOVED this cat soml much even though she wanted NOTHING to do with her so…here we go…xo.


day 547 of no self harm

I have a job interview in about 2 hours!! it’s for a teacher’s aide position at an elementary school.

hopefully I get it but I also won’t be super upset if I don’t. if I don’t get it I’ll just wait until my health is better or at least I have some diagnosis or wtf is wrong


Great attitude Megan - sending good luck vibes your way.
Hope you have a wonderful day :heartpulse:


thank you :heart:


Hey Dana
How are you doing today? Hopefully not stressing over the 1st day of school and getting some quality “me” time in.
Thinking about you- have a great day my friend


Good luck :crossed_fingers::smiley:


Day 99. I think what I love is I’m still waking up everyday excited to go and learn. I’ll be honest I didn’t think I was going to be. But I am and the teachers are seriously the best, my reading advancement teacher is cool and uses mindfulness exercises before class to get us in a good place. It’s a little annoying because these two kids do nothing but laugh the whole time and think it’s just a joke. My English 101 class is good. My next assignment looks to be a letter to my future self. The syllabuses are a little confusing. And she had us take a test which asked qs about conjunctions and adverbs and all that stuff and I have zero clue what any of them mean. But I’m going to study, go get a tutor and make this shit happen. Sorry I always talk about school right now, it’s just really making me think and I like that. Much love, got a nice long weekend and that will be fun. Got some studying to do. Much love


Day 68. Good day at work and another Italian lesson,.my brain still remembers bit…which is reassuring , so i will use my wine money on something more useful and continue to learn


Checking in. I went out with work colleagues this evening. I had an alcohol-free beer and I am freaking out about it a bit. I usually don’t touch alcohol free beers, but I felt the need to fit in, and now I feel like a failure. I don’t know why. Like I jeopardized my sobriety to fit in. I’m not craving anything, but just feels a bit shit.


You are not a failure. Probably best for you to not get another one in the future. It was triggering to you and it made you feel bad. I’m sorry you feel crummy about it again you are not a failure
Editing to add not so much triggering as far as wanting to drink but triggering in making you feel bad.
You don’t need something that looks like a drink to fit in. You’re your own wonderful non-alcohol drinking self keep that in focus.


Grrr 2 weeks ago my ex (the father of my daughter) told me he quit his job due to his mental health …he now tells me hes getting rid his car as he cant afford it so since then im £140 down a month as he cant pay toward her and now i also get to do all of the driving my daughter around so she can see her dad, good job im in a decent place in my head these days…but doesnt stop me feeling frustrated


Day 508
Glad day almost over and now ready to rest
All I can do is wish for a better tomorrow, sober.


Maybe let him know you’ll give him a certain amount of time for his health but he still needs to help out.


Im biding my time, its difficult to know how to handle it…hes been diagnosed bi polar which obviously must be difficult for him and although i do have sympathy for his plight im feeling the pressure that everything is on me with regards to our daughter, i will facilitate her seeing him for her sake because she loves him but for now as hes had 2 ‘episodes’ recently weve agreed on him not having her overnight for while only short daytime visits where i take her then collect her later, sorry this is just a bit of a brain dump that i feel i need to write out


I probably should’ve shut my trap, lol
I’m coming at it from a mother’s perspective. (If I were your mother) I know you’ll know what to do. :kissing_heart:


The opening of your trap is most welcome :pray:


I love reading about your school stuff, keep on getting after it!


Yea, me too :sparkling_heart:


Congratulations on your entry into the 700 club :wink:


Sorry for jumping in uninvited, but why did he quit his job? He could have gotten signed off by the doctor and most employers would have had to keep paying him for ages…

Anyway, that’s neither here nor there. You’re doing really well considering how difficult a situation you’re in. I’m just in awe of your strenght here.