Checking in daily to maintain focus #57

His exposure therapy should not come at the expense of people’s emotional safety. He can get a real therapist for that.

He intentionally looked at a thread that would be triggering. He then got triggered. And to top it off he posted about. Now every woman who posted on the selfie thread might be wondering if he’s posting about her. He’s violated their peace on this forum.


Fair enough actually, you have a point.


Sorry I wasn’t trying to come at you so hard. I stand by what I say but also have no ill-will towards you.


No problem, you made me re-think. I hadn’t considered the perspective of the women posting on that thread and this being their safe space (which is actually really embarrassing as I am normally ‘women first’)


Yeah… this.

Since this morning I’ve been struggling to put into words how I feel about this, but this post pretty much sums it up.

Plenty of women post on the selfie thread and none of the pictures are in any way suggestive (from what I’ve seen). We have a right a right to feel safe on here and not unnecessarily sexualized.

There’s absolutely no reason to post that a certain woman in the selfie thread gave you the ‘feels’ and then pat yourself on the back for ‘humanizing’ them and realizing they are also suffering.

Why are they suffering? Why do women need to suffer in order for some people to see them as human?


These pictures are beautiful Billy :heart:

I just got a new phone yesterday and still trying to figure it out… especially the camera.

You got some lovely captures :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Beautiful Dutch sky


You understand my addiction and my plight. Me using phrasing like ‘humanising’ a person, the millions of us who understand this addiction and have lived with it for decades knows that you no longer see people, you see shapes and body parts. It’s not the person’s fault that posted, it’s my fault how my brain works. I felt triggered and posted about it. If it offended people i apologize. The technique of humanising a person is part of my recovery. To see people as people. Go beyond the shapes/body parts into the real person. It’s not that the person is struggling and because there struggling i feel better, that’s not the case at all. It’s taking the time to get to know people’s journey beyond a picture. It’s not just with sober selfies, but people in general. I’m trying to rewire decades of mental abuse and it’s not easy living in this world. It’s not easy for any of us here, that’s why we are here, for connection. I shared a vulnerable moment and will continue to do so, just dont want to offend people either.

Days PMO free: Day 28
Days with PS5 in the closet to close the day: 36
Days went to bed the same time with my wife: 36


please read my post

1 Like

Your work shouldn’t come at the expense of people’s safety on here. Stay off the selfie thread if you can’t handle it. Period. You said a lot of words to basically take 0 accountability. Your addiction does not excuse your behavior.


Your right. I shouldn’t be on there anyway and i shouldn’t have posted about it. I just talked about oversharing, and i immediately overshared. That’s on me. I would never want to offend anyone.


I read your post.

You haven’t offended me. You made me, as a woman, feel unsafe and uncomfortable.

If you can’t help but sexualize women on this forum, stay away from the selfies. We are all here to heal. Your recovery shouldn’t come at the expense of other people.


Hi :wave: I assume Smokey is a cat? One of my dogs is on a B12 supplement (via injection), but the vet just told us research has shown it’s equally effective via pill, which he will eat in his food. He’s not a fan of the injections. I don’t know if this is helpful but thought I’d mention it. We’re still working with her to get the best brand & dosage, but I will keep you posted if you’d like.


Day 5 no weed
Day 43 no smoking
Day 112 no alcohol

I have to take two 8hour classes to get my license back
I signed up and have them paid for so there is no room for a mistake. I should be all set, driving in 2 months, the latest

A little overwhelmed but I’ll be ok :slight_smile:
My first class is in like 28 days
Plenty of time to prepare myself


Checking in for day 38.


Checking in day 10, haven’t had 10 days in some time. Zero cravings, I’ll take it! Odaat.


@chosen2001 A huge congrats on your 90 days of sobriety. Grateful to see you plugging away and living your best life.
@danam56 I am grateful that you were able to collect and bring home your parents ashes. Think you are doing amazingly well with your boundaries and with responding vs reacting – I have been using this lately as well so thank you for putting the words out there as they have been super helpful. It is really hard not to react but I think I’m getting the hang of it.
@try2change You are here and that means you do want to change and have an addiction free life. The longer we spend in the frame of mind of guilt, shame and regret the longer we are vulnerable to our addiction. Get yourself to a meeting or support group. Figure out how to change up your daily routines / habits and possibly the people around you – avoid triggers best as you can. Seek out medical help if you think that detoxing alone may be an issue. Nothing is impossible – just need to have the right frame of mind and a good support system. We are here for you my friend – you are able to overcome your addiction.

Forget shame – I would be mortified and a bit shocked :rofl: never apologize for mind dumps or whatever – never know how our minds process what it needs to and what could be helpful to you or to others. Yeah – I think you mentioned before and are right about the type A personalities. We do need to be a little more vigilant and respect our energy. I have found that taking time to calm down (ie meditate, yoga, reading helps counteract the go go go schedule we tend to keep). This may help in creating a well rounded day and fingers crossed will keep the fatigue at bay.
@ceeds wow – love the 20 days and all the connections you have made and are engaging with. So important for the recovery journey. Wishing you luck with your aunt – I do hope that you two are able to have a wonderful sober visit together. :pray:

Definitely a cause but I hope the searching and sorting is helping you and will allow you to be free and light hearted moving forward. Wishing you well on your journey – congrats on day 4
@deelzebub grateful for your mom and her check in suggestion. Much love my friend – your bread turned out so well – wanted to grab it right out of the screen – hope you all enjoyed hot out of the oven. Glad to see you staying connected here. We are here for you Delia! Congrats on your 89 days :tada:
@noshame glad you have time to prepare and get your mind into it. Wishing you luck with getting your license back :pray:
@hoss Congrats on double digits – that is awesome! Keep checking in and showing up for yourself! ODAAT

Checking in on Thursday morning
Woke up and got a migraine that i was able to tame after a couple of hours of additional sleep. I am itchy and hurting all over and have little bumps everywhere. I don’t think its a rash. Its now past noon and i’m well caffeinated and hoping to shower and try to walk to the store for a few groceries. it will be a beautiful Thursday! Hoping everyone has a lovely addiction free day! Sending you all much love :heart: :heart:


Day 334

I’m watching a series on YouTube that I really love, its a fun food challenge and those 2 guys who host it are awesome.
Today they had a cocktail before the challenge begins and my addictive mind goes like “oh yes good idea, go get some!”
Dude! I’m still recovering from covid and my addictive mind has nothing else to do as whispering in my ear to now get drunk because I deserved it.
You know what I deserve? Everything except alcohol.
Even now as I am almost one year in it’s still there. And I’m honest, I miss the feeling. But I also know what happens next. I’ll lose control because 1000 are not enough, I’ll get shitass drunk, I’ll lose consciousness, I’ll vomit and feel awful after. I’m an addict, this is how my brain works.
But I won’t give in.
Alcohol is a poison that does nothing good to me. I’ll have an apple tea now and the leftovers from yesterday :yum:
Have a beautiful sober day friends, stay strong :muscle::kissing_heart:
Don’t let the addictive mind win :raised_back_of_hand:


Day 4 almost done its bed time.


Thank you! That is a good option to know and I’ll mention it to the vet. Luckily the critical medicine is oral and we’ve been able to give him that. Please do let me know! We love our furry friends so much! :yellow_heart: