Checking in daily to maintain focus #57


Remind me to not schedule a late shift before a morning therapy session again :yawning_face:. Will make it with some more :coffee: but not feeling rested. Well, at least Iā€™m sober. By now itā€™s hard (but good) to remember and remind myself how I felt waking up after a night of boozing. Never again. Couldnā€™t be doing anything Iā€™m doing nowo, like work in a detox and be happy going to therapy. And so much more. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Sober and clean. Love from Sloterplas.
@Mischa84 Crazy stuff right! A good reminder of how addiction works. Have a good day friend.


Day 69. Going to take a covid test today as still feeling groggy.

I will not drink today. I will tho tidy the apartment, go the shop and maybe do some studies whilst listening to something relaxing. Have a good day folks!


Checking in
Day 565
Normally i wouldnt be checking in at this time but we have no overnight nurse for my son so here I am doing the awake overnight shift instead. Its amazing how things have changed. Doing overnights used to be such a trigger for me bcuz it reminded me of the nights id stay awake alllll night using. But tonight i have some beading supplies out and im working on a project :slight_smile:

Keeps me awake and makes the time fly. Hope everyone is doing well amd enjoying their day/evening :butterfly:


Nice to see you at this time Dana. Wishing you a good watch. Itā€™s going to be a pretty dream catcher :people_hugging::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:



I came second overall. Won the individual Kumite discipline but wasnā€™t good enough in other disciplines to take the overall win. Live and learn, now I know what they are looking for in other disciplines I know where I need to improve!

Hope youā€™re doing ok?


Thank you! I hope it turns out :slight_smile: i just got the webbing done on that one and am working on my 2nd one now. How are you doing? Hope you have an amazing day today


Checking in day 5, no walk this morning as my husband is off and did the walking duties so I got to sleep a little longer, definitely needed it, its Friday, Iā€™m not as scared as my first weekend maybe a little more prepared mentally, just trying to get through today, tomorrow Iā€™ll deal with tomorrow, hope everyone has a great day :heart:

@Mischa84 that is a massive achievement :clap: :smiley:
@SadMemeQueen glad the interview went well, hope it works out for you :blush::crossed_fingers:


Checking in for day 3.

We are invited to a wedding tomorrow and I hope to find nice people to talk to. That was rather difficult in this constellation at the last weddingsā€¦

Yesterday was a difficult day per se. I went with my boyfriend to a trial training session at a nearby gym. Both (my partner and the very experienced trainer) couldnā€™t understand how it could be that you canā€™t feel your muscles. (especially with certain exercises and heavy weight). They were visibly overwhelmed and tried a few things. I felt really uncomfortable after a while. Like I was some kind of deficient alien. Iā€™m thinking about scheduling another trial (alone) and stating my training goal ā€œI want to notice something in my musclesā€.


I can TOTALLY RELATE!!! There was something in the past yr and a half about half open, or left behind drinksā€¦its like oh hello there. Like who doesnt love room temp half fizzed out beer?? I so appreciate you sharing this bc it is me so completely! Finding those lottle beers was almost like permission for me to have it.

I also laughed when you saif you never left a beer unfinished. I remember thinking that when I first met my hubby, 12 years ago and heā€™d have parties or a few years later weā€™d have parties in our homeā€¦and it was the first time in my life I was partying (sober) in this kind of crowd, and while cleaning up in the morning Iā€™d pour out quite a few left overs and just realized like wow. THIS is a different thing frpm what Iā€™m used to :joy:


Hey all, checking in on day 1174. I hope everybody has a good one!


Day 230.

So today I feel completely and totally drained. But Iā€™m here. Iā€™m still breathing. And Iā€™m sober.

I also think the way Iā€™m feeling is connected to the monthly torture my body insists on putting me through. It explains the raging and the emotions.

And thatā€™s why Iā€™m grateful to be sober. However shit I feel right now, drinking would make it 10x worse.


Nice one Mischa :clap:
I think thatā€™s the hard part - the unexpected triggers. We can plan for foreseeable triggers, but the sneaky ones are those we donā€™t see coming.
Well done for dealing with it as you have.
Have an ace day xx


Day 39 check in.


Day 326
Yesterday I stayed home from work, and today I went in but was told I should go home. I have some kind of cold or flu. All of this constant running has caught up and I just want to sleep.
Sending you all hugs :people_hugging::heart:


0.34 no DOC of marijuana
44.65 no smoking :no_smoking:
113.57 no alcohol

Yes I did it again, smoked CBD with that little bit of THC. Itā€™ll get me if I keep doing it I know it. Just got to keep trying. Thatā€™s all I can do

44.65 no smoking. Iā€™m back at the nic lozenges. I feel sad when I donā€™t have the lozenges. I wonder if thatā€™s normal?

113.57 no alcohol. Atleast I have that time in there

Letā€™s gave a good day ok
If we woke up this morning then we are truly blessed and who knowsā€¦ today could be the best day of our lives and we might not even notice :slight_smile:

Throw on some music and have a good day
Iā€™m on my way to work in about 1 hour for a 8hour day + 1 hour lunch

Letssss gooo


Feel better asap
Get some rest and enjoy your day off at least.

326 is a great number
Your doing amazing. Your almost at a year!! Wow


Yes I know your right. Drinking will make it 10x worse. Maybe try spending time with loved ones?


I was actually talking about my monthly period. It gets horrible for me a few days before and during. I donā€™t wanna spend time with anyone right now :joy_cat:


I got nothing on that 1 lol

Have a good day today friend


@Amy30 @JazzyS @Just_Laura @Soberbilly

Thanks so much for the support guys i really appreciate it, its a difficult one all round, i think the difficulty is i dont fully trust my exā€¦i dont fully know what to believe with what hes telling me to be honest as hes lied to me in the past about things, last week he rang me out of the blue at 9am on the Friday morning drunk and crying saying he was in the middle of a forest?! Telling me how he had an arguement with his girlfriend the night before etcā€¦then his phone went out of battery so i worried all day then i found out the police had to go find him and took him home ā€¦whatever hes doing hes not stableā€¦ive had to have a talk with him and ive asked for now can he only see our daughter during the day and not over night until he gets a bit better, and he agreed so its just short visits for my daughter for now, weve told her that hes working on a night and that his car is broken (hes lost the keys). I dont want to stop her seeing her dad because she adores him. He has no intention in finding another job and is trying to get benefits for having a mental health condition instead :woman_facepalming: the whole thing is just difficult, all the more reason for me to stay sober though and i willā€¦i just feel a bit drained at the moment