Checking in daily to maintain focus #57

@Ballroomdaze Sorry about your ankle. Want to say congrats on your 5 days of sobriety. Recovery will go smoother while sober. Wishing you luck with the surgery.
@happydays Great job on your numbers – congrats on tackling smoking! ODAAT – you can beat this addiction too.
@mischa84 great job on pouring it down the sink. I think I too would have had the second of urge (never waste alcohol was my motto and what a stupid fucking motto that was). Grateful for the reminder that unexpected triggers can occur at any time and we just have to be on guard. You should be super proud of yourself!
@timetochange I hope you are covid negative and start feeling well again soon.
@butterflymoonwoman OOH – I love it – what a great way to keep yourself occupied and awake. Can’t wait to see the finished dream catcher. I do hope you get some time to rest today

That’s right – just take it ODAAT and each day gets a bit easier. Have a wonderful sober weekend my friend. Congrats on your 5 days!
@flourishingperson1 Great job on day 3! Don’t let anyone make you feel odd – you are perfect the way you are. I think its smart to do the sessions on your own. Should have a safe space for yourself while training.
@scorpn Awe love I do hope you get some rest and feel better soon. Hopefully your kids can help in taking care of you when they get home from school.
@starlight14 I’m grateful that you can have an open conversation with your ex. Grateful that you have nixed the over night stays for your daughter – at least till he is able to show some stability. I am sorry that you are going through all of this now but do know we are here if you need to vent. I do hope it will get easier and better for all of you. Just keep doing what you are doing and take it ODAAT! So proud of you and how your are maintaining your sobriety and setting an awesome example for your daughter. Hope you do get some “me” time Kelly to rest and unwind.

Checking in on Friday morning
It’s a glorious day - sun is shining and i feel pretty good. I have PT in a few hours so i’m looking forward to that. Will work on month end accounting stuff later and try to get some fresh air as the weather is my friend today. Hoping everyone has a wonderful addiction free day - sending you all much love :heart: :heart:


Day 986, TW medicine use craving

Wasted from the week at the treatment centre. The circumstances there, but also my emotions that pop-up and quitting my ptss medication has an effect on my body. Thyroid values are reasonable. Starting medication for my ADHD is postponed till after the weekend. Really found it disappointing, I had them a year ago and worked fine but somehow a psychiatrist pulled me of them because they suppose to make me unstable and push me into my trauma’s. At he put me on risperidon and basically send me home leaving me in owe. In the diagnostic centre they think it was something else. According to them the ADHD was properly diagnosed in a centre at the time. I’m bit craving for them at the moment, my head spins with all the impressions of last weeks. So to be honest I cant’t wait to get the medication to support me to cope with things better.



Thanks Jazz, my daughter goes back to school next week so i will get some time then to think things through…i think because ive just had my milestone im feeling a strong urge to do some proper work on myself and my sobriety i just find it difficult to do that when my little one is around so next week im going to make a start…our dear friend @Soberbilly has given me some great recommendations to get me started with learning the buddist approach to recovery which im super excited to get my teeth into. Hope you well Jazz, i appreciate u :heart:


Sol 7

2 :black_medium_small_square: :black_medium_small_square: :white_medium_small_square:


Woooopppp day 100. Feels good to hit that triple digits again. Had a pretty good day yesterday went to all ways to recovery meeting and overdose awareness, it was really nice they had hot dogs and hamburgers and it was just fun. I slept a good portion of this morning which felt nice. Ill probably go hit some weights and possibly go see some of the guys from the half way house, then later do a little reading. Much love everyone


I woke up to this today. I also woke up to a surprise period which has actually improved my mood as I feel I can now explain how I’ve been feeling the past few days to myself. I’ve been keeping extremely well rested today. I did have to go out to the shops but I made it quick and promised myself a pot of tea when I got back home. I also spoke with a couple of friends, all of us are going through something or other at the moment. Maybe we’re all feeling the pull of the moon, who knows.
Wishing everyone an addiction free day!


YOU ROCK MIKE - congrats on your 100 days!



Well done on your 90 days / 3 months of sobriety Delia! So happy that today was a good day for you. Keep up the amazing work
giphy (1)


@rob11 i’m sorry my friend - sounds super rough emotionally and physically - i do hope that you are able to get the proper meds soon and start feeling better.

@Starlight14 You don’t need to rush into anything love - the day to day of staying sober is still relatively new. Grateful that you are going to take steps for bettering your health. Be gentle with yourself. Billy is such a gem - grateful that he is guiding you with the Buddhist approach. Sure you will find much peace with this. Much love Kelly. I am having a fairly great Friday here in MI :slight_smile:
@lorelai 4 years of sobriety coming up is awesome my friend. Sorry you are not feeling your normal pep self - anything you want to talk about? Hope the rest helps.


Evening checkin
Shitfree zone

Had some decluttering / reorganizing that was helpful for my brain too. Last day in my 8 years toxic job yesterday… Has to sink in slowly.
I am absolutly save, as I am still under contract and payd until end of the year. Solid situation for a new start. It feels very new! Felt pressure getting on notebook and phone this morning and get back fast from my morning walk. As I noticed, I took a longer round in this beautiful fresh air. This will be part of my new morning routine.


Wow, that’s fantastic. Well done. All that hard work paid off!! Doing good over here thanks :sparkling_heart:


Sending healing vibes for you and your girls
Blanket time with a movie marathon is perfect remedy for healing :slightly_smiling_face:

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Glad your having a great Friday u so deserve to :blush: yeah i guess i could go easier on myself… im off to pick Sofia up from her dads and be the big bad wolf because she will want to stay there :woman_facepalming:


This is exactly how my life was the past few years! I got to a point I couldn’t let her see him at all, it had gotten so bad. He was always a blackout drunk, like me, but he was a good father and wouldn’t do that around her. Once crack entered the equation, everything turned upside-down. Quit work, dropped 70 lbs, and became homeless. Jail, and the following court ordered treatment, is what finally saved him.

It is so hard to watch the person you had a child with, and the daddy your daughter adores, decline in such ways. Always wondering ‘what’s going to happen next?’

You’re lucky to have good communication with him. That’s very important for your daughters sake. You’ll get through this. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself. It’s a lot to think about all at once, but just focus on each day instead of the ‘what ifs’ the future might bring.


Day 25 sober check in, Hope everyone has a good weekend!


Thank you for all the time you put in to reply to people. Really thoughtful and appreciated


Thank you Laura this is great advice, ive got to remember to go easy on myself and that i dont have to have all the answers all at once…i will just try to keep doing the next right thing as we muddle through, my daughters safety and wellbeing are the most important thing in any of this and i will protect that. Im sorry to hear about your ex and all youve been through, its so tough but youve come out the other side sober…youve alot to be proud of :heart:


Thank you and it’s my pleasure.

How are you feeling? Did you take the COVID test?


Checking in
Day 565
I am pretty exhausted right now. I should have slept when i sent my son off to school. He only has a half day today but still. I shouldnt have drank a shit load of coffee then do chores and work on my dreamcatcher lol I did manage to get laundry done and vacuum. I have one of my dreamcatchers done (it just needs the right charm for the centre which Im waiting for off of amazon)

And i got the webbing done for the 2nd one im doing as a gift for someone. But now thats it noon and my son is coming home in like 20 min, im soooo tired. I really shouldve relaxed when i could. Ah well. It will be sooo nice to have him home. We will take it easy for the rest of the day. Hope everyone is doing well today :butterfly:


schools in my area close Fridays and Monday is Labor Day so may have to wait till Tuesday to get a call about my interview