Checking in daily to maintain focus #57

Can I offer a small little something. Fingers crossed is leaving it to chance. If your hoping this is your time and not committing to your time you will get caught out eventually. Thinking that cold beer would go down nice will break through at some stage. Thinking that ice cold beer will steal your weekend is the approach I take.
People in glass houses and all that. I’ve ignored many phone calls from family when I was in one so I’m not speaking as an expert, just offering a little tip that I use when temptation creeps in.


Day 73. . Definitely not drinking. Back at work tomorrow , three busy day’s then i am on annual leave for two weeks ! I cannot wait…but first I need to get better


That was a short one. I’m on my way to the Dr and then back home, I’m feeling so sick :nauseated_face:
The assistant on the phone said that its possibly such a post Covid thing. Awesome. What a birthday is this :sob::broken_heart: And the worst: I couldn’t even have one bite of my sweets or the cake :sob::broken_heart: Sigh…


Happy birthday!! Although it sounds like a less than happy one so far. Really hope you recover quickly and can eat some cake soon.


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