Checking in daily to maintain focus #57

Checking in day 286


Thank you very much, @Alisa :hugs:
Youā€™re right, I celebrated at Croatia. My boyfriend took me for a nice dinner at very pretty local restaurant a day before and yesterday we celebrated with pizza :blush: We also did lots of walking through the day, as itā€™s one of my favourite things to do.
Perfect life = Sober life


Day 64

Yesterday was the first day i fancied a beer. I didnā€™t, i kept focussed but that small voice was there for most of the afternoon

Today having a lazy day. Need to relax as my tinnitus is driving me up the wall :slight_smile:


Iā€™m with you. I love,love,love everything Pumpkin Spiced. But itā€™s not really a thing in my country so I make my own, and chase down everything I can find online. :blush:


Iā€™m here Iā€™m alive and Iā€™m sober.
Day 14

Husband gets better day by day. He wonā€™t be his normal self in a very long time, or might never be. But as longs as he is still recognizing us, is somewhat mobile and is clear in his mind Iā€™m not complaining. He is here back home,and is getting better.Canā€™t really wish for anything more.

Sun is shining today at least for like three minutes at a time. Which ofc boost my mode, and I might have ordered a fall sweater with dinosaurs from a new site online called Temu. I really hope itā€™ll come.
I do want a handbag that comes in the shape of a fluffy Kirby too, and Sailor Moon earrings. But Iā€™m going to wait and see if the sweater actually arrives before I order something new.

The weekend have been filled with Tex Mex inspired food Tacos and Vegetarian Fajitaā€™s. We played Mexican music in the kitchen and used our best glasses (we always use them during the weekends)

Today will be like every Sunday. Cleaning and fixing to prepare for the week.
Our local mechanic is coming by to fix the car because we need to do the annual check-up this week to be allowed to drive it.

Have spent a lot of time talking to my bestie recently. And a lot of time on here. It feel so good to finally be able to talk about everything freely. I appreciate all of you, deeply.

Thank you for being awesome. :heart:


Iā€™m watching PainKillers as well, love it. I have one more episode to see so tonight we gonna finish it. And then again have to find something to watch and chill when kids are sleeping :slight_smile: Maybe some recommendations?

Second hand shopsā€¦ Absolutely my thing.

What a pity you live so far far away :slight_smile:


Day 2241. How to stop or handle procrastination? Doing nothing and I have to do a lot (study, house, laundry). :roll_eyes:


The laundry is getting me every time. Not so much actually getting it done, but folding and putting it away is another thing. :joy:
Donā€™t have any great advice for you, Iā€™m more of the opposite except for when it comes to folding laundry.


My check in for day 10, still.
Thank you @JazzyS for your words. Youā€™re absolutely right but sometimes itā€™s hard to keep it in front of you.



Just six shifts to go till my holidays yay! Not that I hate my job, I even love most of it, but itā€™s time to get away from it for a bit. Having a quiet Sunday today. Need to go downtown to feed my friendā€™s fishes while sheā€™s away.

While Iā€™m in town I might check out some clothes, when I get there early, before the big crowds arrive. Whatever happens I will not drink or drug as that would serve no purpose whatsoever. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Sober and clean. Love from Amstel river yesterday afternoon.


Glad your husband is home and improving. Love how you bring the different cultures into your home and to your children. ( The Tex-Mex food and Mexican music )
I remember youā€™ve always done that.


39.55 no vapes or ciggs
108.48 no alcohol
.90 no weed

Well yesterday sucked. I smoked weed thinking it would give me a good pick up but it just made me more tired and uncomfortable. I was so tired all day (something that happened at no surprise)

I woke up at 5am and I fell asleep last night at 9pm so I got plenty of sleep for a good day.

Day 108 no alcohol thank god. I canā€™t imagine going to work hung over

Day 39 no smoking :no_smoking:
Iā€™m still on the 2mg lozenges. I canā€™t seem to shake them but Iā€™m going to try and stop them be4 I run out. We will see


Day 6 for me. Attending and sharing in multiple meetings a day, texting with sober friends, good food and exercise, reading, music, and sitting in the yard meditating is such good medicine.


Day 225.

Today Iā€™m feeling a lot better. Itā€™s amazing what a morning walk and not being in pain can do for your mental health.

@RosaCanDo, I actually followed your advice and talked to my husband about everything Iā€™m stressing about, and it really helped just having someone to listen.

@JazzyS thank you for your encouraging words, as always. I still havenā€™t signed up for school. The deadline is a couple of weeks away and I need to mull it over. It would be distance learning, so, in theory, I should be able to do it.

Thereā€™s a whole lot going on right now and Iā€™m trying really hard to keep up with life. The heat isnā€™t helping. Being this close to family isnā€™t exactly helpful either.

But as long as Iā€™m sober, Iā€™ll figure it out. Sober me is cool.


Hey all, checking in on day 1169. I hope everybody has a good one!


Checking in for day 34.


Im so glad to hear this. I can say personally I tend to not want to burden others with my stress and whatever is bothering me, but itā€™s a lot to carry inside sometimes. Always feels better to let it out and let your loved ones in, too.


Morning check in. Off to church with my lovely daughter then breakfast after. Blessed to have family and a small slice of sobriety :pray:t3:
Day 9


I have,and having kids in a family with so many different cultures,how could I not try to show them the world that way. :blush:

People are usually afraid of things thatā€™s unfamiliar and different. If I can change that,even if itā€™s just a little bit, then I think itā€™s a good thing.


4 weeks down and start the fifth week Monday by flying to Mexico.

I am really liking the new team and the work. So I couldnā€™t ask for anything more.

How are you doing @Cjp ?