Checking in daily to maintain focus #58

Healing vibes your way …all will go well with surgery and recovery.

No need to apologize. We are here for you.


Thank you Jasmine. He gave me antibiotics so I should feel better soon, I have bronchitis.

And tomorrow lowering my antidepressants dosage from 30 to 20mg. I hope it will go smoothly.


Checking in 10 days AF! :dancer:t4::dancer:t4::dancer:t4:

@JazzyS good morning, Jasmine! :heart: Hope you start feeling better.
@Mischa84 bronchitis is not fun… glad you got some antibiotics. Feel better soon!!! Hope your med adjustment goes well for you!
@Starlight14 Good morning, Kelly! :heart: why is self care so hard?! So frustrating, I hope you find little slices throughout the day to take care of you! Small steps friend. Feel better, we’re here!

Mia, I love this!!! You are the universe, so go forth and be badass! :muscle:t3:

@Nordique 1178!!!Keep fucking going!
@Sabrina80 Hope your birthday gets better and you shake the post-Covid ick! Then cake… all the cake!!!
Have an awesome sober day, TS friends!! :heart:


Merci beaucoup Quin, im good thank u, my little treasure is at school bless her so i had a nice breaky now ive some fave music on sitting in the sun…ive even been dancing :blush:


Sometimes you just got to dance it out!! And soak up some sun! Glad you found some you time while your little beauty is at school!


Hey lady, thank u for checking in on me. Overall my night was decent. He slept well and didnt toss or turn or fuss too much. I was able to take it easy but boy my body is not liking me this morning. I feel almost sick from being so tired. But i got somw coffee going now. How are you doing tho? I read about physio and how u were in sooo much pain. Im praying that ur feeling better today and able to enjoy ur day :heartpulse:


Congratulations Quin on double digits!!! Amazing work!!!


:grin::blush: Let’s go!
Super proud of you for 10 days AF. Let’s all celebrate ourselves today, no matter how big or small. :heart:


Thank you @Butterflymoonwoman and @Mia2!!!
Dana, glad it was too rough a night for you! Keeping my fingers crossed you can get a nurse in tonight to help so you can get some much needed rest! :heart: your son is lucky to have you!!


I like it when I talk with my h but actually I talk with his mom :sweat_smile: Like few minutes ago on the phone, when he was asking me which antibiotics I got and how strong. Dude, we both know you know shit about medications, should I just txt it straight to your mother? :sweat_smile:


:sunny: Morning Check In :sunny:
Day 569
Morning TS! How is everyone today?
My night doing the awake overnight shift with my son was decent as far as nights go. Grateful for that :slight_smile: I am sooo tired tho, to the point where i almost feel sick. But ill take it easy today. I do have some running around to do and then ill try to rest a bit before my son gets home from school. Im treating myself to a Pumpkin Spice latte from Starbucks today, thats for sure lol
Just going to do my morning routine now and then get him ready for the bus. Have a great day everyone! :butterfly:


Morning checkin from the airport on my way back to Mexico. Day 210 AF.


I have been wondering about this for the past days and now you’ve put it into words. After years of abusing my brain ofc its not going to suddenly jump into a healthy state… even if I might have alleviated the main problem. It must surely take time for it to recover, you’re so right. Very good that you wrote this and I read it😂


Wonderful. :people_hugging:
This is just it. :blush:


Very proud of you, bravo!:clap:


Saw one as I left my house. Hope, change, love…I’ll take it!


@Curtis-81 not vaping on my first roadtrip was a mind game. Even if im a month into the quit. Those firsts are taxing. It was tough. I chewed on straws. Its weird how something feels off when im not vaping in chemicals. Fuck that i wanna save money and years on my life.


Hi Dana enjoy that weird sounding ,to my taste buds,coffee. You’ve earned it. I have to say wtf? Whomever started the new check-in thread,I thank you. I never see posts that are minutes old. Lol,I am usually ruunin’ down the road tryin to loosen my load,tip of my cap to Jackson Browne. Seriously I feel brand new. Happy to see many of my peeps here. Hope y’all had a nice Labor Day. I had a splendid day. Sneakin up on 500!

Namaste :pray: God guru and Self are One


Day 104, good morning everyone. I didn’t sleep even a little bit and today i have class from 11 all the way to 845 tonight. It’s going to be a long day. Idk why I couldn’t sleep, i really just feel off and idk how to explain it. But last night I couldn’t shut my mind off, and it was super hot in my room, and i was just thinking about so much. I miss my girls and i broke down crying because i just don’t feel like I’m doing enough for them. Im not there with them and it kills me, like i know what I’m doing is for them and in the end they will understand i hope. But still it hurts and just makes me feel like shit sometimes. I don’t feel like I’m fit in many areas, I’m being impulsive with woman again and slacking on the gym and the days that i have gone to the gym i hated it bc i just felt so week…. I think its safe to say I’m in relapse mode and in order to get spiritually fit again i need to fix this and work on it. This is all shit that i was really concerned about happening, getting overwhelmed and starting to act out on it. I don’t feel any urges to use tho, but i do believe i am just not in a good head space. Being tired really isn’t helping it at all. I know only i can change this behavior. But I’m here and i wanted to be honest about it. Idk guys much love, i hope today goes smooth and I get through everything not being a complete emotional roller coaster. Much love


The energy of this post is amazing :joy:


I think that’s a good move @Starlight14 . Self-care,self-love and self-forgiveness have been crucial for my ongoing sobriety. Good for you.