Checking in daily to maintain focus #59

1 no marijuana
148 no alcohol
79 no vapes or cigs

12:43 in the morning at the moment
Today is my wife’s birthday

I got her some boots that I already gave her :slight_smile:

I think staying sober and getting some shopping done will be worth it. Maybe buy some sweets for her and kinda just do what she’d like to do
Coincidentally I had yesterday and today off of work so that’s pretty cool and I’m really enjoying my days off. I guess I got the rest I needed

Works going ok
I go in at 1 in the afternoon on my next workday so that’s even more good rest to sleep in. At the moment I’m pretty excited to go back and work my butt off to earn that money

The wife is good
We are looking for a new place to hopefully be in by the New Year or maybe like a couple weeks after. We need to find a place close to my work which is stressing us out a little. I want to move where she doesn’t want to because of the history behind the town so it’s hard to figure out where else to go because I still don’t have transportation

I have my second defensive driving class on the 11th then I can get my permit but then I need to wait 6 months to get my license.

I made 2 big mistakes
The 1st was working while on SSI because I had to pay back what they gave me while I worked
The second was waiting so long to take the defensive driving class
Other then that I’m doing pretty well

That’s life



Man was it hard to get moving today. Got up and made breakfast. Fell right back asleep on the couch, but I always have a 5 minute bus alarm on. Alarm goes off and I fell right back asleep, thanking God I made it snooze instead of turning it off so we were just in time. Was scheduled a bit later today so I layed back down for 40 minutes of deep, vivid dreaming, and then finally got in the shower. For such a beautiful day, work was slow. I felt so exhausted I even took a nap after my daughter got home (while she had her after school alone time). Then I was fine.

Went to the laundry mat and shopping. After dinner I got into a cleaning mood out of no where (not asking any questions) and it made me feel better. But now it’s late and I’m still a little wired. And have to work the AM again tomorrow.

I met one of my new neighbors, a girl/woman (idk what I am :upside_down_face:), my age and her adorable American bully. It’s hard to read someone on first impressions. Her dog was well trained, which is a good sign. Hopefully no surprise issues arise.

I’d been hearing rustling out back the past couple nights. I noticed a tent was up in the corner of the public park right behind my fence. It’s not uncommon to see them around my city, set back in secluded areas. Little too close for comfort but no issues so far. The city mows once a week so it shouldn’t last long.

Anyhoo. I should probably wind down in hopes of waking easier. Thank you all for your shares. It’s comforting to read through here, feel what you’re going thru, and see such support all around :heart: We’re doing the damn thing! ODAAT!


Hey everyone. Hope you’re all well, I’ve continued to get some good grades my human service 108 teacher really commended me and said she liked my writing style, I scored a 95 percent on opinion of addiction. I’m really struggling to utilize my resources and tutors. I don’t talk to anyone at school, I have not made any friends, so I just feel a little over whelmed and I’m still upset at myself for missing school, it’s like it’s to good to be true, I’m proud I see I’m doing good, but for some reason I feel down. I don’t feel like I’m learning or retaining anything, so idk I need to stop fussing, many people would be very happy to be in my shoes right now. I guess it’s hard to see how nice things are. It feels nice to get it out, I have a lot of work to do. And I miss my girls so much ughhh much love



Checking in.
If someone needs a reminder:
You are all important
You are worth it
You matter!



End of Day 16:

Good day today.


Day 103. Going into work today rather than working from home . I can go into a physical offixe once a week now which is good

103 and today i am not drinking


Checking in day 18.
Have a good one!


Enjoy the physical office. I get a lot out of going in 2 days a week. Today is a home day though so enjoying a lazy coffee in bed :grin:

Not sure I ever mentioned this, but you were always 10 days ahead of me (before I slipped). I find your numbers really inspiring and motivating because of that. I can’t wait until I am in the triple figures.


Checking in, Day 21. I like these couple of days, 20 yesterday and 3 weeks today :partying_face:

Feeling a lot more healthy and generally less brain fog today. Am hopeful that means I can do a full day at work and be productive. This week is really dragging!

Plans after that are the gym. I am eating terribly at the moment so may try and cook in my down times during the day. We all need a health boost. All I have been wanting to eat since the cold is sugary cereal and crisps!

Have a good day everyone, thank you for being here


Day 213

Oh no! More training courses to do, more death by PowerPoint :yawning_face::skull::triumph:
Including that, my life is overall boring. I like boring. Maybe I have time to go all out today and have a bath instead of a shower. That’ll be the excitement of my day :blush:

@Amy30 Back to the future the musical is absolutely amazing!

@Deelzebub I gave up on hello fresh. Always something missing in the boxes (usually a meat item or a whole meal), not getting through to customer service, getting credit or vouchers for missing items that were not redeemable, not getting through to customer service again… frustrating cycle

@calgary5577 No shame! Glad you’re back and huge congratulations for doing your taxes! It’s a massive thing for me too

@Cp25 Hope you feel better soon. I’ve just recovered from my third covid. I prescribe you an epic binge watching session on a streaming service of your choice! (I opted for “home improvement” on disney plus)



Awesome, good work. Those small wins roll into collective self esteem. Proud of you.


Good luck Jenny, I work from home every day every week…my colleagues are less annoying at home :crazy_face:.

I wouldn’t worry too much about the eating at the mo, give it a breather, maybe you need these things and you body is telling you. It’s more important to get to the gym for mental health and not drink also for the same and you are smashing both.


Checking in from Scotland on day 340.

My football (soccer) team lost an absolute heartbreaker in the dying seconds last night, and I’ve had a sh*tty sleep - but starting my new job on Monday so I have that to look forward to.

Only one thing for it today - a hellacious gym session to clear the head and then home to lie on my recliner with a big mug of homemade soup with some crusty bread.

Have a great Thursday everyone.



My long weekend started, which will be interrupted by group therapy tomorrow. Besides that I’ll think of some good stuff to do besides the chores that also are waiting for me here. Whatever I do it’ll be sober and clean. Because using doesn’t help with anything at all. It doesn’t make the bad times better or the good times more enjoyable. Quite the contrary. Never again. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Love.

Pic is from a Live Oak in the Texas Hill Country a week or two ago. Amazing how it can still prosper and bear fruit after a brutal and lengthy drought.


Yes, I’ve decided to give up on HelloFresh as it’s very difficult to get through to customer service as you say. I got them to send me a refund and then I’ll close my account.


Day 20!
I like the numbers that end in zero :smile_cat:


On Day 1110 and spent the night in hospital a couple of weeks ago and looks like I’ll be back in tonight. Even after 3 years of sobriety the damage done to your body from decades of abuse may come back to bite you in the arse. We made our choices, we pay the consequences. No point wallowing in self pity or expecting undivided help and attention, like everything else that has happened in recovery we take it one day at a time and do the best we can in any situation.
1110 days and still recovering.


I think i got my answer. I talked to a couple of people that worked at this company. The thing that stood out to me was one of the guys really felt regret for going there. Now granted he went for the Big Pay increase, but money dont buy happiness! He didn’t like the day to day work. That’s what i worried about too. I’ve been recruited heavily by this company, but i care about the day to day stuff. I have a certain level of freedom where i currently am, i’m just not willing to give that up just so i can have more money. Thanks for asking Jazzy! How are you?


Day 63.

Just checking in.


Recovery, discovery… it’s a life long journey Paul. Glad to be on the road and share part of it with you. Be well friend.