Checking in daily to maintain focus #59

@DresdenLaPage do you think there will be live music venues in Nashville?

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Ah love ā€“ big hugs to you and grateful for your resilience. We all love you and support you and want the best for you. Much love Mike :people_hugging:

college is still a viable option and you can have a better life Mike. You have to attack sobriety with a First Things First attitude and work on getting yourself to meetings and connecting with your sponsor. As always you know your sober family here has your back!


Congratulations on your 90 days Anne


@looking4support Good news on your car service. I am so sorry my friend. I do hope that they are able to make your brother comfortable and ease his pain. I do hope you are able to make the trip out to see spend time with him. :people_hugging: I canā€™t imagine what you are going through. I am grateful you will be surrounded by family and have a good support system.

Great job on working on self care and leaving all the negative energy in the pool. Do hope you have a wonderful laid back weekend.
@jennyh grateful that you were able to balance today. Hopefully your weekend is also well balanced. :hugs:
@happyfeet Way to go Anne ā€“ 90 days in the bag :muscle: You are kicking addictions ass!
@trustybird OMG that must have been an intense moment. Grateful that your dad is ok.
@just_laura I do hope you start feeling better after a good nights sleep. Group costumes themes are not my thing. I am sorry that this is putting a sour taste ā€“ Halloween is meant to be fun. Ears and a tail and possibly use a scarf to make a pouch and a small stuffed animal if you have one at home. Wish you luck with it ā€“ I do hope you have fun with it.
@hoofhearted and @dresdenlapage My sis was just in Nashville this summer (had 3 separate trips over the summer) and loved all the live music venues. Iā€™m sure you two will have plenty of music to enjoy!

Checking in on Friday evening
it was a rough day but i did manage to make it a productive day. grateful that i did have energy to dye my hair (some things bring the happy feeling). its late and i am hoping to sleep soon - sweet dreams my sober friends :sleeping:
sending so much love :heart: :heart:


Day 86

Just checking in, sober and pushing forward.


I am one year, two weeks, and for days sober. And as of two hours ago itā€™s my 33rd birthday.
Last night (guess about 6pm) while I was at work (Iā€™m almost certain) an ovarian cyst ruptured (felt like other times it happened) and I was in so much pain I had to lay down on the ground. I couldnā€™t get up or hardly talk. My coworkers took me to the hospital and my store manager called another manager to close the store down. I spent 2 hours in the hospital waiting room and was told the wait was 6 hours and they were even turning ambulances away, so I left and went home. I still feel rough. But better than I wasā€¦
Anyway this is fitting for my birthday.

But silver lining is, I got tomorrow (today now) off work. Soā€¦ something good?
Also, I am sober! I have no intentions of going back to my doc, but I am still surprised that I have made it this far.
Love yā€™all :heart::people_hugging:


Happy birthday :sunflower: :blush:

Ah, I hope you get better soon.


I found myself at a party tonight and am proud to say that I did not consume a single drop of alcohol! In fact, I actually found that I had a more enjoyable time and made connections that I will actually remember when I wake up. Iā€™m just 4 days in, but Iā€™m already finding so much joy and pride in this journey :smiley:


Checking in on 363.

Up early this Saturday morning - Heading to 2 fitness classes at my local gym from 10am to 12pm to get the weekend off to a good start. Then going to watch a local football (soccer) team before my team on the TV later this afternoon.

I have tickets for a musical tonight (Dirty Dancing) but my wifeā€™s not feeling too good so we may have to postpone.


Almost at the Aquadrome where we go for long walks. Feeling much more positive and alice. Hoping to see my kingfisher friend, itā€™s been a whileā€¦

Have a good one all, strength to all. :heart::heavy_heart_exclamation:


Just hit Day 40:

Late night/early morning check-in. Something is still off, still tired, i can feel myself withdrawing from normal life. Just want to wall off from people for the weekend.

Going to get some sleep and see what tomorrow brings. I am looking forward to college football tomorrow. Utah, my alma mater, plays Oregon, big game. ESPNā€™s College Game Day is doing their show from here so should be fun seeing Utah get some love, hope they get win as well.

Anyway, thatā€™s something to look forward to. Plus it allows me to stay locked away in my home for the day.

Still sober, going to bed.


@Scorpn Happy Birthday :birthday: and congrats on your sober days! Youā€™ve gone through so much and youā€™re such a strong inspiration. Iā€™m sorry to hear you couldnā€™t get medical help, that sounds infuriating. Hope you feel better soon :heart:

@JazzyS Iā€™m so sorry youā€™ve been feeling unwell, but well done for staying productive. It canā€™t have been easy. And yeah! Dr. House and news articles about Brittany Murphy dying in her 30s from mould scared the living crap out of me. Iā€™ve ordered a dehumidifier, that should hopefully help the situation.

@mx_elle thank you for saying that! It means a lot :heart:

Day 287.

Another weekend, another family get together. Seriously! Why? Donā€™t these people have Netflix or anything better to do with their time? Iā€™ve only just recovered from the last family gathering and I got work to do. I always pull long working hours at the weekends, itā€™s my thing.

And yeah, I could technically skip it. But I donā€™t have the mental energy to deal with the fall-out.

On the bright side, free foodā€¦ I guess.


It takes practice to get used to say no when a no is what we mean. But itā€™s getting easier once itā€™s done and to my own surprise many people take it way better than I expect.



Working weekend. Not sure how I feel about it. Will see how it goes when I get there. At least Iā€™m not dreading it. Iā€™m sober and clean for sure.

The little city tour through town yesterday was a good idea. Oude Kerk has a new stunning exhibition showcasing Meredith Monkā€™s diverse qualities and work as an artist. Iā€™m happy I can still be moved by art. Saw about half, than it was enough for one go. Iā€™ll be back. The pic is one of the installments.

In other news I got a disturbing message form my group therapist, cancelling next Fridayā€™s group meeting and announcing 30 minutes 1-on-1 sessions instead ā€˜to evaluateā€™. Since I wasnā€™t there the last meeting Iā€™ve no idea whatā€™s going on. And I already have a meeting with her next Wednesday. Well. Will see. I donā€™t feel that much for traveling 90 minutes both ways four times in 3 days for a total of 90 minutes of talking. Might ask for one on zoom.

Anyway. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Sober and clean. One day at a time. Love from Oude Kerk.

@Tragicfarinelli Seeing a kingfisherā€™s always a highlight of any outside activity :heart: :bird: :heart:

@Amy30 Iā€™m with Franzi. These occasions might be good opportunities to practice saying no.


Edit - except sugar, I love sugar :joy:


57 days AF

My mind is in trouble cause the swim guy texted me after 6 weeks. Havenā€™t seen for 8. As long as I am sober. Know he is no good for me.


Keep it simple. Hold on to that thought. Just like drinking. X

PS. Block his number maybe?


@Juli1 congrats on your days and yes ā€¦ to what @Mno said. Youā€™re lovely. Thereā€™s nicer guys out there.

@Mno beautiful exhibit. Thanks for sharing, have a good work day.
:purple_heart::people_hugging::black_cat::purple_heart: sounds like the other will sort itself out one way or the other.

@Juli1 something to go through your head today about swim guy.


Happy birthday! So glad youā€™re feeling better but sorry that things went so badly. Please try to get looked at, maybe urgent care? Itā€™s wonderful you have the day off to rest and recover and maybe get medical attention.


Happy Birthday my sweet friend! Wishing you the best year with many dreams coming true! So happy for you with the good things in your life and how you continue to do your best w the not so good. Wishing you good health happiness and contentment. Thirty four bday hugs! Happy Thirty Third! :purple_heart::people_hugging::purple_heart::people_hugging::purple_heart:
